Author Topic: Decency - is this foreign to the MA?  (Read 462 times)

Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« on: December 29, 2001, 10:25:00 AM »
Today I was flying over 25 in La7 when I spot a P38 and P51 at same altitude.  Anyway, considering I'm in a superior plane I decide to engage starting with P38.  So we go into loop fight, but everytime I get on his 6, my framerate drops to 2fps.

I decide to disingage and head for home telling the P38 following me of my problem.  He ignores this and continues the chase along with P51.

I land n get new plane thinking that perhaps its a bug with my plane, go up and it happens again, P38 HO's me, I pull trigger and hold it down cause my screens jerking like crazy and kill the 38, dying myself soon after.

I mention to this guy <empty> he may have a problem with his plane and then get abused for the following 15 minutes.  Anyway this guys eventually starts using the F word and I terminate conversation.

Whats up with this bug, supposed to be squad logo but happens with cvs and other objects too sometimes.

And whats up with this guys attitude?


Offline AKDejaVu

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »
I mention to this guy <empty> he may have a problem with his plane and then get abused for the following 15 minutes.

That is what is wrong.  Unless you can come up with a really good reason why his plane (wich is drawn on YOUR fe) is causing YOUR framerate to drop.  HTC said they fixed the squad logo thing, and they told you what file to delete... on YOUR fe.

You do understand that you could have made it sound as if your low FPS were someone else's fault?


Offline popeye

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2001, 12:12:00 PM »
"So we go into loop fight, but everytime I get on his 6, my framerate drops to 2fps."

I've seen this too.  Check your "Host Queue".  When I see the "stutter", my host queue is spiking to the max.  Relogging has fixed it (twice).  I don't think it has anything to do with the other guy's plane.  I asked other friendlies who were also on his tail, and they saw no problem.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Wilbus

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2001, 12:56:00 PM »
Doesn't matter if you made it sound as if it was his fault, he should be quite polite anyway. When the communty grows like it has lately, it is impossible to keep the small percentage of anoying <insert very bad word> away. Noticed it lately too.

Then again, with that little percentage we do get it we get a huge number of very nice and polite people and this is what keeps AH good.

Btw, the squad logo thing should be fixed.
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2001, 01:09:00 PM »
Its easy to sit back and criticize the maturity level in the MA when someone presents something like this.

The truth is, we really don't know what happened... with a few minor exceptions:

Someone had an FPS problem that they couldn't figure out, so they got on channel 1 and said it may be someone else's fault.

After that... we run into "he said... she said..." as to what response was polite, rude, drug on.. whatever.

It could very easily have been avoided in the first place.  It isn't always everone else that's being rude.


Offline JaCkNiFe

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2001, 03:23:00 PM »
LoL well go into the TA and watch the guys Vulch other guys and then u see them cuss each other out and stuff.... all i do is tell one of them they suck.. tell them to cme to me and i kill them.... (there all n00bs) so i can kill them  :) but.... what is sad about the AH people is some are like 40!!! and they act like 13 year old hardarse some times.....  only way i piss these people off is when i yell on world chat... THAT CHUTE OVER (any base) IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! i kill them and then they whine and cry about it.... (i only do this when im bored) and IF i do i kill some one and they say something that isnt a whine but about what i did i respect that and i dont do it agian to them....

Offline Fatty

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2001, 05:04:00 PM »
You mean someone got tired of hearing yet another excuse in the MA?  Unbelievable.

Offline SOB

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2001, 05:09:00 PM »
I was AFK.
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline StSanta

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2001, 07:58:00 PM »
The problem is a wrongly sized nose art thingy methinks. Simply remove it and it should be fixed. If you dunno which noseart it is, just delete them all  :)

Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2001, 04:53:00 PM »
I wasn't warping and conx was fine.  Simply everytime his plane or his squaddies plane was less then 500D, my fps dropped to 2.

Now I told them this as they were chasing but they ignored it.  I killed one HO.  I was accused of ramming, and then these two dweebs got on my case for the next 15 mins.

Kinda hard to ram when you only getting 2fps.

If its a noseart problem then how does the cv cause this as well.  I don't think cv's have noseart.


Offline lazs1

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2001, 08:25:00 AM »
gee pye... you called the guy a cheater and he took offense and reamed ya... I think the solution for you is to find more passive people to berate.

Offline Sox62

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2001, 09:24:00 AM »
Originally posted by Pyemia:
[QB]I wasn't warping and conx was fine.  Simply everytime his plane or his squaddies plane was less then 500D, my fps dropped to 2.

Now I told them this as they were chasing but they ignored it.  

 You weren't warping,but he and his squaddies,all of whom are likely on different connects are?
 And speaking only for myself,I rarely check my text buffer while I'm in a fight.

Offline mtrail

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2001, 04:04:00 PM »
The other view point:

After the ramming/HO mutual destruction...]
Pyemia tells me the squad needs to change our nose art...(We shouldn't have any, Hitech had annouced everytime I logged on for a week or so that the ZULUSIX file needed to be deleted)...I replied, "You didn't like the flamming cannons?"...He then called both myself and my wingy cheaters and that we knew we were causing the problem.  I mentioned the annoucement and that he should delete the ZULUSIX file.  This was backed up by many in the MA at the time.  Next time we cross paths, he again claims to have a frame rate problem with us in the area...this is about 40-minutes since the last time and well after we/everyone told him the fix.  After breaking off to engage another bogey I find this sucker clamped to my six.  The fight and where I broke off was near his base, so if he truly had a problem landing was an option.  During this time he didn't have any trouble shooting me down, even with his "2-fps" rate.

After being called a cheater, which I have never done and will never do in any game.  (If it was really my life or his, of course I'd cheat...maybe with money involved...but a game...what's the point?)...I did point out the fact that he was calling me a cheater because he was too stupid to read the pop-up message...I also called him a liar after breaking off due to his "problem" the second time...I notice he didn't tell me he was continuing the fight after he obviously changed his mind...but whatever it takes to get a kill I guess.  I mentioned I would no longer honor any request to disengage...from anyone.  Then I squelched him.  Not sure when I started using the "F" word...
In the TOS of AW you could get ejected and banned for a cheat call as well as profanity.

Personnally I'd rather be cussed at than called a cheat.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2001, 06:10:00 PM »
Amazing Empty... Why do I find your story so much easier to believe?


Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2001, 11:28:00 PM »

Originally posted by AKDejaVu :

Amazing Empty... Why do I find your story so much easier to believe?

AKDejaVu, sometimes well thought out lies are easier to believe then simple plain truth.  One cannot embellish the truth.

I will not cross swords with you Empty, simply because I have no respect for people who fail truth.  If any have reason to call me a liar, state those reasons or hold your tongue.

I find it interesting that Empty mentioned the flaming cannons and thats why I called him a cheat.  When I questioned him about why he continued the chase, he stated "it could've been any P38 chasing an La7".  This tells me he saw my original message but refused to break off.  Taking advantage of someone experiencing technical problems with a game imo is Cheating.

As far as the popup message, never seen it.  The only popup message I see appears everytime I log into the MA and concerns a scenario I participated in (V2 rocket bases with P47's vs 109's).
