Author Topic: Unable to connect w new XP 2000+  (Read 169 times)

Offline ZXMAW

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Unable to connect w new XP 2000+
« on: October 12, 2002, 01:36:59 PM »
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 Unable to connect w my new XP 2000+
I'm gonna need some help to get back into AH. I had a 350 amd and bought a new e machine and can not log into the HT site. If and when I do get past the connection and cick on the main it takes only seconds to lose UDP and then i'm booted off the internet all together. Sound familiar to anyone and what would the cure be?

AMD 2000+
512 ddr
XP home

Firewall prob?
XP security issue of some type?
What do you think


Did a search but no help on my prob.....that I found yet

 I should also mention that downloading anything from the HT site takes forever with many gaps of nothing happening for 10 to 25 secs or so then it resumes for 30 secs and repeats until done.

 Back again, suppose i should use the edit button.. Anyway

What good will a ping program do for me and where can i get one for free off the internet? Sure I can find one but how will that help?


I can log on offline w NP btw it's my online connect that does not hold up if and when it finally does go through and as I've said get booted off the internet all together once UDP is lost

I use MSN to connect to the internet at 53.2 almost always

In MOH I get a slight lag but not to many problems so it must have something to do with HT.

Marine Air Wing

Last edited by ZXMAW on 10-12-2002 at 01:29 PM

Offline Pei

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Unable to connect w new XP 2000+
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2002, 02:10:54 PM »
FunkedUp was having persistent disconnects after UDP switch and has seemed to have solved them now: he didn't say how though but you might try asking him.