My Idea:
I want to be able to place a city on a hillside, facing an airfield to make it more difficult to capture the field.
The Problem:
When I looked at the work from the air, I noticed the bottom graphic was not conforming to the terrain like the buildings were. This gave the impression of seeing into the mountain to look at the flat graphic. Another example of this can be seen in the MA when dropping a bomb on a steep hill. The impact crater will hang out of the mountain like a shelf.
My Attempted Solution:
I thought since it was only one graphic file in the object group was causing this visual error, I would find it and delete it from the group after placing it in my desired location. This resulted in frequent and consistent CTD's when attempting to look at it in the game.
The Question:
Is there some scripting that depends on this bottom graphic to achieve the desired effect from leveling the builsings on it? If so, what language is it in and where would I modify this behaviour so I can make maps with buildings and structures on sloped terrain as well as surrounding airfields? and such?