If you'd like to be part of the Tour of Duty, but can never field enough guys in the TOD to justify a "squadron", this is the way to do it. Fly with MAG-33 (Marine Air Group 33) based on a historical MAG-33 command. The only thing that changes is your Special Events squadron affiliation (MAG-33). We fly both Axis and Allied, depending where they need us.
Contact Ripsnort (ripsnort60@yahoo.com)if you'd like to have your squadron be part of Marine Air Group 33 or if you'd like to sign up for the Tour of Duty independantly.
If you're signing up a squadron, all we ask of you is to add "MAG-33" at the end of your current squadron affiliation in the MA, but it is not
mandantory. Just an identifier for our TOD squadron. Click the MAG-33 Info text in my signature for more MAG-33 information.