Author Topic: Zone woes  (Read 436 times)

Offline Tilt

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Zone woes
« on: October 19, 2002, 08:16:44 PM »
Having problems with zones in off line play that do not appear on the TE or its object checker..........

The terrain has 6 zones

each zone has a full complement of factories, HQ and cities.........each with a railway and train etc.

each Zone has a nominated zone master field

all old stations are removed (seems some stations liked to call them selves zone masters)

Zone s are default to zone per country as follows


Zones  4, 5 and 6  behave properly.

Zone 3 is set to C2 in the TE but all factories and cities and the HQ show as C3 off line whilst the Zone master is C2.

Zones 1,2,3 factories do not change country when the  zone master is captured...............they remain.

Experimenting with Zone 3 I have tried deleting and re making all the factories,cities and HQ. The phenomona just repeats itself.

Zones 1 & 2 show full stats in off line play..................Z3 shows no stats (its factories are a different country to its zone master!)

I assume that the fact that Z1 & 2 factories are the correct country is by co incidence not by system...........the fact that they do not change (when the zone master field is captured) is the common symptom to Z3.

From this I deduce that there is a conflict for the actual Zone master the  factiories are looking to (I discovered a similar such conflict with some stations left from the previous TE)

I have built/saved/built/saved countless times

No faults appear on the object checker other than the task group CTD.

Any ideas where to look?
Ludere Vincere

Offline pokie

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Zone woes
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2002, 09:22:11 PM »
Not having any info on the new zone stuff but remembering things with the older editor version dealing with Country stuff.

This is what I would do if I was building a terrain right now.

1) Run Editor and give name of the terrain I'm going to build.
2) Place a HQ, set as Bishop and Zone 1
3) Place a HQ, set as Knight and Zone 2
4) Place a HQ, set as Rook and Zone 3
5) Delete the tower that's located at 10.24/10.24
6) Place 1st Field and set as Zone master 1
7) Place 2nd Field and set as Zone master 2
8) Place 3rd Field and set as Zone master 3
9) shut down editor while saving
10) start editor and then lay other fields, factories, cities etc...
