Author Topic: Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs  (Read 868 times)

Offline Grayarea

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« on: October 20, 2002, 04:02:58 PM »
Hi all,

Please post your AARs and short comment on this first frame.

Thanks to all the showed up, we were pretty even at launch with 51 allies and 50 axis.

I would also like to hear abour people being dumped, it seems that atleast 10 people were dumped through out the frame. Please post approx location, what you were doing and time of dumps.


Offline GA

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2002, 04:06:27 PM »
Man the Allieds outnumbers us agin :D

Wil post more on the AAR tomorrow;).
SALUTE IJN GREAT job, and good fights Allieds;)

Offline Greg Stelmack

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2002, 08:01:12 PM »
Once again 9GIAP consented to let me fly with them since I missed yesterday's CAP to attend the USF/ECU football game (Go Bulls! USF! USF! USF!).

Upped in a Zeke from A2, followed the group in a sweet formation towards A3. Ran into some slightly higher P40s (~8), they dove through our formation and we latched onto the tails of the trailers. Several P-40s went down in flames (I pinged up one, no kill), one Zeke had to leave trailing smoke. Lead group of 40s turned back in, then a swirling dogfight ensued. Unengaged Zekes tried to stay high, engaged Zekes were doing a good job of staying alive and nailing some 40s.

Unfortunately, more groups of P-40s kept trickling in. GIAP started getting whittled away, and I finally bought it thanks to 2 or 3 (saw 2 for sure, maybe a third occasionally) that latched onto my tail while I was lining up one of their buddies and chased me all the way to the deck. Thanks to HawkerI for trying to follow us down and peel them off me, but the Zeke just had no speed to handle it (note to self: when in a turn fighter, try TURNING more). With any luck they had lots of fits after blowing all their ALT to get the kill.

I believe 9GIAP ended up with four effectives at the end of the giant furball who managed to RTB and rearm. I can't wait to count the logs to see how many P-40s went down, but I know we pinged up a bunch. It was beautiful to watch the teamwork of these guys.

I then attached to AndyH as a gunner in his Ju-88. As we approached V32 for bombing, we got bounced by some singleton P-40s. 2 or 3 would come through the bomber group at a time. I fired when I could, but these guys were pretty smart about attacking from the sides where our guns couldn't reached. Nevertheless, AndyH made 2 good passes on V32, only losing one of the three buffs in our formation to an engine hit. I think it made the first drop, but couldn't keep up for the second.

We RTB'ed to A7, where I had fun trying to get back in his lead buff (somehow I ended up in a drone that wouldn't rearm). Once back in, we upped with the second group of buff rearms. Then A7 starts flashing, and in come the P-40s to vulch. We got nailed but got in some licks on one of the 40s. We felt pretty good, though, as this group missed the earlier buff rearm and was out of position to intercept their return flight.

Can't wait to hear the final results.

Once again, thanks to the GIAP guys for letting me tag along. Was fun, and I think I might actually have done some good this time ;-)

Offline Dantoo

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2002, 03:50:22 AM »
Upped from A2 in Zekes and settled into a peaceful climb.  Flew uneventfully to our CAP area over A3.  Had good alt and we were well placed to receive the (9ish) cons inbound from the North.  We positioned well as a group and started picking them off relatively scientifically.  DJ went HO with a P40 trusting to his steely nerve and cannon and met somebody just as steely with .50 cals!  They had a few good pilots who didn't want to die easily and they obviously wanted to sink their teeth in as well.   We managed to get a few down before the first wave of reinforcements arrived.  

The second wave hit us before we tightened up but we handled them reasonably well, chasing some right down to the deck and another kill or two was called.  By this time we had lost shape and we were recovering position when it was "announced" that our bombers had arrived.  Unfortunate call.  It turned out to be the RAF in big numbers that we had decided to cuddle up with!
One by one the guys were separated and died/got shot up. The lowest flight of 4 managed to evade the enemy long enough to RTB and rearm/refuel.  

Airborne again we returned to the same area at about 27k.  We sat over V32 and then after a bit were ordered north to A6.  On arrival there we found a lone p40 and he managed to evade us by diving away to the west.  Sancho's group were also operating in the area.  We formed again over V32 and then were ordered home to A2 via A3.  Hardly underway we met with 3 p40's a high loner and pair lower.  The loner took a HO pot at Frank and he started venting fuel.  He went home straight away.    The pair of p40's were good enough to avoid us so we set out for home.  Markal, ever vigilant, spotted the loner p40 on a screaming dive onto Roc's six and warned him with enough time to avoid a nasty outcome.  We then set out for home with a couple of p40's pursuing from a distance.  Logs were closing as we all landed successfully back at A3.

Thanks to all players and special thanks and a big to CM's and the CO's.

Special mention of Monk who is a credit to his own unit and fits in well.  

I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.


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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2002, 04:51:43 AM »
Where was the cover ...Ju88 had no cover what ever this was very disapointing:(

Offline Tilt

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Re: Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2002, 05:56:46 AM »
WoD launched from A12 to the North in 24 fully laden Ju88's and turned south at the head of the valley to provide separation with the 332nd........

We climbed to ingress over A12 with a plot to approach either target from the oil factory south of A7........

We diverted slowly due to some enemy activity over A7 which never saw us (tks to Mitsu's new sound packand some flashing field icons).......

East of the fuel factory we turned toward A3....... midway (to A3)we sighted enemy dots and upon advising HQ were told to avoid them so we diverted south.

Target was changed latterly to V6? and as we lined up on bomb run we came a cross various P40's......... we were taking on gunners at this stage and most of us got over target.......I was last through and released my eggs over what was already a fairly decimated vehicle field...........

Extending to the west the P40's started getting some kills on us..however we turned the group around and headed back over the target to allow a 2nd run for those who had not dropped both salvo's........

On our egress east the  attrition continued and finally 3 three of us made it back to A7 with 8 AC.........

The drones landed short as usual and refused to re arm and re up.

Three launched again with 3 aircraft...... one crashed due to switching to alt X without sufficient speed the other two were quickly picked off by a pair of P40's who caught us low over the river.............

I think a Zone cap over the ingress route may have allowed a greater survival rate however the main objectives seem to have been achieved.............. we did not see any IJN fighters during the frame.......
Ludere Vincere

Offline bikekil

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2002, 07:24:43 AM »
308 stats:
11 kills (4 Zekes)
8 deaths (4 infected by Zekes)
WHITE: 2.bummwipe (XO) 3.Ramzey 4.Sev
1.Suave 2.Krotki 3.Lolo 4.Sebpft
1.Blue 2.Nicae

We all rolled from A3 in P40's... then went N grabbing alt all the time at full throttle... we rolled really quick. By the time we turned right two times and ended on a 9 like (like in orders) ready to barcap  
I asked frame CO (Dinger ) for a desired alt.. he answered that 18k would be ok... we leveled at 18k and in a minute of level flight we spoted BIG group of Zekes (i bet 20+) At the time we had no idea this were Zekes and we wat there to CHECK that. Once we realised it's Zekes i ordered to shallow dive to 15 alt. I wanted all my guys to pass and disengage... wnated zekes to turn after us (and get us into the better position + wanted to check the orders with Dinger). I'm not sure what happened but i saw some of my guys ended in a... saw two smoking birds and some dancing so i ordered to reverse and check again (maybe help to the fighting folks). Bumm made his job well with reporting all on green  Dinger called some squads to help us at the time...
We reversed and passed under Zekes again... at this time i ordered NOT TO FIGHT if possible.
What i saw - planes that sticked with me were safe. that's how i wanted it, but here begins what i find very nice:
1. i heard that folks that were involved in some fights were trying to disengage - this meant they were thinking  
2. You guys worked as a team - clearing each other and 6 calls were great  
3. 7 of us alived this first strike. WTG

After that we attacked some JU88's formations over A6 - i saw some nice teamwork there too :-)

CM's, CO's, and all who participated. I had my share od fun :D

Offline Kronos

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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2002, 09:40:35 AM »
We upped from A6 in P40b's to intercept and attack bombers heading from A7 into our territory.  (Atleast that was the plan.  :) )  We got to 17K leveled off and started seeing enemy dots.   We came into contact with some coalt Zekes about SW of A7, and they gained the advantage on us pretty quickly, forcing us to dive down to the deck.  I gave the order for my guys to extend west towards A6 (We never run away, we do strategic withdrawals  :)  -  which btw, we are getting pretty good at :D  )

Anyway, the zekes attempted to follow us down, so we would do a relay type withdrawal.  2 would head west, the other two would  be behind, then the two in front would pull up and get some alt as cons came into position on the last two..  then the first 2 would swing around and come behind the cons chasing the other guys, then the situation would be reversed.    Pretty neat to do, and it works well - It took us about 7 - 10 minutes to traverse a 25 mile sector with zekes diving on us the whole time.  But we managed to pull it off with no losses.  We were in danger of losing our e completely as we neared sight of A6, but luckily right then the group of zekes pulled off and let us go.

We regained alt west of a6, then found 2 waves of Ju88's attacking A6.  We were too late for the first wave, and the second wave was still higher than we were, but we went in on the attack anyway.  In no time the zekes were on us, and this time we didn't fare so well.  We lost 2 guys right off the bat, and a third had 2 zekes chasing him, 1 of our guys egressed in a different direction and was completely  out of the fight, another guy dropped in a few more seconds, which left me and Koba (the guy with 2 on him.)  I tried to come around and save Koba, the two zekes pulled off, I gave the order to egress, but there was a zeke on my tail too.  He hit my right elev., but I managed to continue to dive away, but once on the deck, I was still at an e shortage compared to him.  Using jinking manuevars, I managed to keep him at bay heading SW towards A4, until koba managed to get behind him.  He wisely pulled away after that.  Koba and I rtb'd to A4.  He landed his plane (lt. gear damage) and I re-armed and proceeded to A6, still with the damaged elevator.  Zanshin, who had egressed the fight in the other direction, was ok and re-armed at A8, then headed for A6 for the second strike.

As I was nearing V32, otw to A6, I saw 4 hi zekes.  They did not engage me, but followed me as I went towards A6, then when I got over A6, I saw 4 more cons in front of me hi.  I got so excited that as I was trying to type the message into the radio bar, I goofed and hit enter 3 x.   DOH!  ended my day.

I don't know how Zanshin did that last strike, as he was our last surviving member.  WTG to on his part, he's our newest member!

Offline bikekil

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2002, 10:46:26 AM »
Cpntrgrats Zanshin :D

Offline Dinger

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2002, 11:50:37 AM »
Here's what I was thinking:
the zekes are going to have an alt advantage on the p40b.  They climb better, they turn better, their cannons, bad as they are, pack more punch, and above about 18,000 feet they fly faster.  The ju 88s are tough planes, and if they got to cruise altitude and speed, we would have trouble catching them.  I was hoping, however, that the enemy would unwisely add underwing bombs and give us enough of a chance to interceive them on climbout.  Moreover, Vals were on the enemy's OOB, and I figured the requirements of this aircraft would keep the battle low.

So I set up two wings: one to fly from A6 towards A12, where I figured the Ju-88s had to be coming from, scatter the zekes and bite into the fresh flesh of the bombers, and another to fly from A3 and set up a barcap along the 9 meridian to dissuade fighter sweeps and to provide some cover while we brought in C-47s laden with badly needed supplies.

18k was selected as being the altitude that would give the p40s the highest energy advantage for a dogfight at 15k (the "wheelhouse" of the warhawk).  The plan was to instruct all pilots to try to drag the zekes low, then extend under friendlies.

The squadrons were as follows:

Interception Force (wedge):
point (15k) 418 (wing command - DsrtRat)
right (18k) 272/880 (combined) (Kronos)
left (18k) Airmeg (rotty?)

Defense force
North (A6): MAG 33 (Swoop)
South (A3): 308 (BikeKil)

C47 pilots:


Well, the C-47s had a milk run.
418 climbed out and it looks like they ran into the higher zekes.  They sustained heavy casualties (about 50%).  I guess the other squads wound up in the blender out there too. It must have been a helluva fight.
Meanwhile, MAG-33 was reporting bandits inbound to A6, and 308 was calling out a high fighter sweep coming to A3.  I tried to concede A3 and pull 308 N, but they got engaged.  Meanwhile, A6 calmed down, so I committed MAG-33 S.
As MAG-33 was heading to bail out the 308, I tried to establish contact with what was left of the interception force and have them rally over A6.  272 and 880 had broken apart, 418 RCAF was in shambles, and nobody from Airmeg was answering the phone.  Before I got things organized, one of these groups called bombers inbound, and the first wave of ju-88s (with about four high escorts, it looked like), overflew A6, raining hatred.  The tatters of the interception force engaged them, but when I noticed the next formation had no escort, the focus shifted to the easier prey.
At this point the 308 was climbing off the deck over by A6, and MAG-33, having restored order down south, reported a formation of Ju88s inbound from the southeast.
Since I didn't really have any other units in C&C, I wished MAG-33 good luck.
Those first couple waves of bombers revved and, now scattered, dropped more bombs.  More bombers came to A6 from the E, and these guys were scattered all over the sky.  The 308 joined the fray.
MAG-33 did what they could with the formation coming from the SE, but most of them made it to V32, where they performed a precision bomb drop and practically flattened the Vfield/town (I counted one ammo, one fuel and one ack after they did their will).

Finally we had a moment to consolidate, but the picture was ugly:
the remaining ships of the 272 were refueling at a5; 880 was somewhere around A8 I think. MAG-33 had sustained serious losses attacking the ju-88s. The 308 was cut in half; the 418 was down to the one guy who had driven the C-47.  AirMeg was now at A6.
So I appointed APDrone the leader of "Strike Force Pink G-String" with control over all the remaining units.  Instructions were to rearm, refuel, and rally over A6, then go to A7 to catch ju88s coming back for more, or to encourage them to stay down.  As they got underwray, four high zekes harassed them.  Two or three guys broke off and held them at bay while Pink G-String went on its dirty business.
They swept to A7, but didn't find much trade.
Meanwhile  seven zekes were spotted over A6, but they then disappeared.  That group of 4 was somewhere around v32.
While pink gstring was doing a panty raid on 7, another bomber force hit A3 from the E (maybe 8x3 ships plus four escorts), inflicting light damage before turning south.
Without much left to shoot, except those 4 zekes with alt advantage, I ordered all ships home.


all 6 c47s delivered their cargo.
A6 sustained moderate damage
V32 sustained serious damage
A3 sustained light damage

(I'm biased, of course).

In all, it wwas a well fought, if extremely bloody frame. Japan

Offline dsrtrat

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2002, 11:55:56 AM »
My story is quite short LOL

418 blasted off in the centre of a 3 squad formation. We were 3k below the 2 flanks and level at 15k. When the 1st group of Zekes was spotted, they stayed above us and didn't engage. Just after that we had a bandit call to the south and we headed that way leaving the high zeke to rottys flight. The bandits turned out to be 1 lone Zeke but he managed to split the squad up somewhat. 1/2 the squad returned to the Northern fight where we met a large number of enemy cons who all seemed to be above us. I was able to drag( running like school girl) about 5 of em down to the deck where I damged 1 and hit a second one hard enough to make him loose what looked like rad, fuel and oil but was shot down only seconds after that.

I believe a good portion of our group was down by this time after being mauled by those pesky white turn on a dime cannon armed horse flys. lol. Furball, Gwjr3 and jollyrgr were the only 3 hornets left. I didn't stay until the final bell was rung but I believe jolly got 1 zeke and 3 JU's and Gw was able to get a kill or 2. No word on what furbrain did as of yet.

to all the COs and and the those in the TOD.
I am going to bandage my wounds now hehe:)))

Offline Furball

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2002, 01:14:32 PM »
Furbrain got 4, possibly an optimistic 5 ju88's :)
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline Skyman

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2002, 01:54:12 PM »
AAR 56 Firebirds

upped a7 with 9 pilots in zekes with orders to sweep to a6 about halfway their the sky started to fill with dots mostly lower than us all in all about 20 or so i kept us hi while screaming at GA for some hlp this was duely dispatched in the form of 56 fiter sqdrn :)
once the odds had evened a bit we preeceded to engage losing maybe 4 pilots KIA but enflicting enuff kills to see the enmy start to withdraw to a6
we heard that our bombers were inbound so started to climb upstairs to provide escort and suprise suprise the p40s reved for the bombers we engaged the p40s in a frantic effort to keep em away the fight got low and a few more kills were gained at this point low on ammo i called RTB to a7
we reformed and headed home about halfway their i discoed after a reboot i got back in to see the remaining firebirds rearming with orders to escort a bomber force to a3 this was done without a hitch
a couple of minutes after the second bomber run all firebirds CTDed.

FLt Lt Skyman.
56 (fiter) Squadron The "Firebirds"-RAF.
2nd Tactical Airforce.

Offline icemaw

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2002, 03:48:57 PM »
Originally posted by dsrtrat
My story is quite short LOL

418 blasted off in the centre of a 3 squad formation. We were 3k below the 2 flanks and level at 15k. When the 1st group of Zekes was spotted, they stayed above us and didn't engage. Just after that we had a bandit call to the south and we headed that way leaving the high zeke to rottys flight. The bandits turned out to be 1 lone Zeke but he managed to split the squad up somewhat. 1/2 the squad returned to the Northern fight where we met a large number of enemy cons who all seemed to be above us. I was able to drag( running like school girl) about 5 of em down to the deck where I damged 1 and hit a second one hard enough to make him loose what looked like rad, fuel and oil but was shot down only seconds after that.

I believe a good portion of our group was down by this time after being mauled by those pesky white turn on a dime cannon armed horse flys. lol. Furball, Gwjr3 and jollyrgr were the only 3 hornets left. I didn't stay until the final bell was rung but I believe jolly got 1 zeke and 3 JU's and Gw was able to get a kill or 2. No word on what furbrain did as of yet.

to all the COs and and the those in the TOD.
I am going to bandage my wounds now hehe:)))

  I upped with the firebirds and as soon as I got airborn my rudder went all the way to the left and stayed there. So I augered and rebooted and rerolled. The rest of the firebirds where getting alt on the way to our assignment. They ran into a large formation of p40s. I was 10 miles or so back and lower than the p40's so I headed south to get some alt and form up. Well about 10 or so p40s saw me and dove in on me. I saw some of them start grabbing back out so it was me and about 5 p40's the rest of the squad out of sight and no help. After 5 or 6 mins of avoiding one p40 after another I was pinged up and smokin so I latched onto one of them I wasent going down alone. I killed one p40 but one was on my tail and finally took off my vert stab  I slowly swapped ends and slide in tail first. I could have hit the silk but I knew these allied dogs would kill me in it so I rode it out. I just hope my death helps the mighty empire of the rising sun.
Army of Das Muppets     
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