Author Topic: $1200.00 Fraud on checking account  (Read 233 times)

Offline NUKE

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« on: October 22, 2002, 12:32:21 PM »
This is bad.

I never write personal checks, nor give my account number.

Saturday, 10/12/02 I write a personal check for $50.00 to a liquor store for their phone bill my company owed them.

On Monday 10/14/02 , someone goes into a branch and draws a counter check for $1200.00 under a woman's name off my personal account using my routing number and checking account number.

Seems like a strange coindence that I never write checks, and as soon as I did, BAM!

I may be reading into it some, but the Liquor store is operated by Iraqi immigrants that have lived in the USA for about 14 years. They are great people and I dont really think they would do this, just gets me that it happended the next business day after writing a check to them.

Oh well.

Offline gofaster

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2002, 12:35:26 PM »
And so ends your business relationship with the liquor store.

Not sure how your company is owing a liquor store for their phone bill, though.  If its your bill, you pay the phone company.  If its their bill, they pay the phone company.

Offline NUKE

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2002, 12:38:23 PM »
Not sure how your company is owing a liquor store for their phone bill, though. If its your bill, you pay the phone company. If its their bill, they pay the phone company.

It's the stores phone line for a credit card system, we agree to pay $25.00 a month to use the phone line for our ATM machine that is in their store.

Offline Thrawn

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2002, 12:41:47 PM »
The store was obviously running an lucrative, Iraqi-liquor-store-phone-sex line, that NUKE was calling regularly from work.  His boss got the bill, and was totally pissed off.  The only way NUKE could keep his job was to pay the bill out of his own pocket.

I'm a jeenious.  I should be a detective.

Offline gofaster

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2002, 12:50:22 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
It's the stores phone line for a credit card system, we agree to pay $25.00 a month to use the phone line for our ATM machine that is in their store.

Maybe you should suggest a new approach: you'll cut a check each month directly to the phone company for $25 using the liquor store's customer number.

Then again, it may not have been the proprietors.  They could've left the check sitting out and someone grabbed the account number off of it.

Or maybe its a front for the al Queda network!

Offline gofaster

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2002, 12:51:51 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
The store was obviously running an lucrative, Iraqi-liquor-store-phone-sex line, that NUKE was calling regularly from work.  His boss got the bill, and was totally pissed off.  The only way NUKE could keep his job was to pay the bill out of his own pocket.

I'm a jeenious.  I should be a detective.

Of course!  How could I have been so blind!  Its obvious Nuke has a thing for Iraqi porn!

Offline NUKE

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2002, 12:52:49 PM »
lol :)

ya caught me!

Who is that babe?

Offline Dinger

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2002, 12:53:21 PM »
A counter check, eh?
yeah, well if I were going to pick someone likely to defraud for $1200 bucks, I wouldn't pick immigrant store owners with so much to lose (I wonder if a convicted felon can hold a liquor license), especially if they owned an establishment that used surveillance cameras as a matter of routine.  How long does a bank branch office keep the recordings from its cameras?  I'd have it for at least six months.  Tape is cheap.
Then again, desperate people will do idiotic things, and not always because of where they were born.
On the other hand, I could see some idiot who worked at the store doing it.

Offline capt. apathy

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$1200.00 Fraud on checking account
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2002, 12:57:40 PM »
somebody obviously got  the number off a check.  if thats really the only check you've written in a while then they or someone who they alow access to there til or deposits scammed you.

of course if you've writen any other checks, then anyone of those could have been the one.  

I don't know about other areas but around here it's big bussiness, peoples mail getting stolen all the time looking for checks.

 your just lucky they didn't use your account info to aply for a new credit card and run you up some extra debt.  on second thought are you sure they didn't.  maybe you should run a credit check on yourself to see if you've got any new accounts you didn't know about.  this could be just the tip of the iceberge.  I know at least 3 or 4 people who have been hit for anywhere from 3-45k in stolen/washed checks or credit accounts set up on there ID