Author Topic: I vote to assis the Rooks by...  (Read 627 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2002, 08:28:48 PM »
Hwkeye, when we had a mission to "attack and take 33" we ended up losing 8-10 fields to Bish (whom that mission attacked) and never did get that base.  

When you find yourself in the position I was in, you would have done the same  AND, it didn't seem like you were teasing.   Big deal, I showed some tough love, who cares.  I was over it though.  Never squelched you I just ignored you (trust me If I did, I would have told you).  

So, back to the meat of the story.  Two squadmates and One other Rook managed to capture two bases within 8 minutes.  We were "chastized" for "splitting up resources" for a base we never were going to take in the first place.  So after those two bases were snuck.  On the Banter channel (2) more sticks were actually GOING to 33 than A1.  When after all, 4 planes accomplished more than 30? maybe on that mission.

I can debate all day with you.  I moved on.  I am tired of the whining desktop generals that put us in the crapper (I am not alone on this).  Am I saying I am "the man?"  No, what I am saying is,  that the BS which has been circling around the Rooks lately HAS TO STOP!  and STOP NOW!

BTW, what you guys failed to realized is I typed that to light a fire under your asses.

Bottom line of this moral.  I was ACTUALLY teasing when I typed that.  A few decided to act like children shortly thereafter and show their true colors.  I moved on and had fun the rest of the night capturing bases and running under jabos.  I'm blunt so this might piss some people off.  Sorry, was raised to be honest.

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Offline SPIKER

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2002, 10:01:49 PM »
Quit turning the CV!, Where is the Goon?!

    These are the normal stick squeezing times for every side.  I consider my squad and I very lucky to be surrounded by fellow pilots that have a common goal and are open for (will u, could u and have u) communications.  
  Several pilots have earned the right to be looked at as flight leaders, with some of the missions they have flown.  Some of them did not go completely as planned but was executed very well.   These same pilots crawl through the ditches with u earning even more respect, in turn getting more effort from his comrades.  

  For everyone to be in command, u’ll catch urself up without anyone in a formation.  Allow for new tactics, Allow for not so a WHOORAAA success.  Getting some of ur fellow pilots to try to make a mission will build a good team.

The list of pilots that are due respect would be long, so to all the Knights.

Good Huntin

Offline batdog

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2002, 07:02:23 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
"Rooks, always outnumbered. But, even in that persistent situation:

The Rooks have 48489 kills and have been killed 44460 times against the Bishops.

The Rooks have 55351 kills and have been killed 50892 times against the Knights.

The Bishops have 73602 kills and have been killed 79080 times against the Knights."

The rooks are the most fun to fight...   The bish are the worst and... the least fun...  I believe that the bish can be divided into 2 equal groups... suicide building battlers who think taking a field is important and the timid high alt opportunists.  The two groups compliment each other with the building battlers suiciding into the field and the timid alt weines coming in on the second (or fifth) wave when it is "safe" in fast planes.

neither group is fun to fight and both are easy to kill but you spend a lot of time doing nothing.  It is best to simply avoid bish wussies.
lazs troll, lol.

 I flew w/the Rooks again last night and enjoyed it. They're a good bunch. I'd suggest others try it.

xBAT out.
Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline lazs2

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2002, 08:57:45 AM »
I allways liked the independent spirit of the rooks when we were there but....

With nore emphisis on "winning the war" these days.... it just isn't fun being rook.   gangbanged and without radar is not worth upping.  

The fault lies with the "missuns" and the emphisis on "strat'.   No one in their right mind wants to be without radar and hit by hordes of suicide attackers followed by a bunch of timid "vets" with alt advantage hitting your last field or two for hours.

I would fly with rooks cause they were allways better fighters but... face reality... you don't have any freedom of movement there anymore.  

Offline ghostdancer

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2002, 10:15:16 AM »

Your are right we don't have freedom of movement anymore. We are usually compacted into 12-15 bases now or less. And the enviroment has changed to a constant fluid battle of defense where Rooks peel off from one hot spot to another working at holding the line.

Its fun but its definitely not for everyone and basically is sort of creating a siege mentality. Where we dig in and fight but even certain types of planes are falling by the way side since they are not suited the environment we find ourselves. For example my favorite planes is the FM2 but I have not flown it for quite a while now since it really isn't conductive for what needs to be done. Instead I find myself in F4Fs because I need to get to a fight quick, I am out numbered so instead of fighting I go for disrupting incoming attacks which dictates high speed slashing attacks, etc., etc. and then I need something with speed to get me the hell out of the horde of enemy fighters I just did a firing pass through.

All in all as I said its still fun but it is interesting to see how the current environment for the Rooks is effecting our tactics, strategy, plane choices, etc.
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Offline Nifty

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2002, 10:54:16 AM »
ooo!  ooo!  I wanna play the who have I killed this tour game!

Nifty has 50 kills and has been killed 15 times against the Bishops.
Nifty has 9 kills and has been killed 1 time against the Rooks.

Yeah, us Knights never fight the Bishops and we suck against Rooks!  :)  Actually, I'd say 6-1 against Rooks.  3 kills were in an M-16 protecting the runway during a vulch.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Gixer

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I vote to assis the Rooks by...
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2002, 12:01:10 PM »
ooo! ooo! Can I play too??  :)

Gixer has 115 kills and has been killed 25 times against the Bishops.

Gixer has 158 kills and has been killed 20 times against the Knits.

And like Ghstdncr for the last couple of tours I've been flying nothing but something fast to get in and out quick and trying to harass and disrupt incoming raids as much as possible.

So keep it up Knit and Bish, great fun

Oh and to all those loyal Rooks <>

The Horse Soldiers