Originally posted by SFRT - Frenchy
Redwing, Sundog, 10Bear, Nuttz, Jihad, and CMs team
Niemen project is a scenario due for play during the 1st quarter next year.................
Its a baltic states battle zone during July to October 44
LI 2 (lend lease c47)..............done (generic)
Boston lend lease..................done (generic)
B26 lend lease.......................d
one (generic guards unit)
La7 .............................
...........TE std(Orekhovs white 23 was in Latvia in Sept 44)
La5 FN .............................
......done (Popkovs yellow 1)
Yak 9U...........................
.........done (generic 303IAD yak 3 but may upgrade to Normandie Niemen White 6 if I can sort the tri-coleur on the spinner)
Yak 9T...........................
..........done (generic 303IAD "white 3" yak 9)
IL2 m3...........................
.........outstanding (TE std is quite good )
Hurricane IIc(lend lease).........outstanding ( generic CO hack)
...........done ( IJG.54 grunhrez)
Fw190 A8...........................
.....in progress (II JG 54 grunherz)
Fw 190 F8...........................
....in progress (generic Baltic front SG)
Bf109 G6...........................
......outstanding. (TE std is quite good but a IJG.51 or IIIJG.52 would be nice)
...........outstanding (prefer a IVJG.51 but a IIIJG.77 will do)
Ju87................. (i wish?).........outstanding (I have no idea if we[ever] get this plane in time for this project........... we/I may consider any well skinned VAL in appropriate SG colours)
Me 110 D............................
....outstanding ( generic CO hack)
...............outstanding ( II & III KG 4 would be nice)
..............outstanding (mudy dirty tank (mkIV)of non specific none country colours)
Tiger (when/if we get it)........outstanding (6th panzer army 44)
...............outstanding (see tank)
...............outstanding (see tank)
...............outstanding (see tank)
LVT's.......................................outstanding (if any one can find the markings used by the Red army amphibious unit 1 & 2 RB then great...........else just removing US inignia and adding some muck and mud will be sufficient)
PT boat.........................
.........outstanding (low priority)