Author Topic: Red Light Camera -- good idea?  (Read 856 times)

Offline loser

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #60 on: October 29, 2002, 04:54:45 PM »
Originally posted by bloodstain
You are all missing the one key element in these red light cameras. The one big draw back to them is that the companys that produce the cameras are making almost all of the revenue from them. The State barely breaks even on the installation of these spendy units. So in a way its like someone like Bill Gates charging you money if you go through a red light.

I know the supposed intent of these cameras are for public safety, but lets face it government relies on our money. So for them to spend tax money on these cameras and not renew their expense is basically wasting our hard earned tax dollars!

I frankly think government is starting to get to powerful and yes intrusive into the publics lives. Its almost as ridiculos as getting a #@*#@*@ seatbelt ticket! Do you think that they care about your safety when they write you these ticket......Hell NO! They are just making a way to increase revenue. IMO if a person of legal age can vote, drink, and smoke cigarettes, Why cant he or she decide if they strap on a seatbelt or not? If they dont and get in an accident the only person hurt is themselves, so I say Government needs to stay out of some things.

If they want to make traffic lights safer then instead of wasting money on new technology, try lengthening the cycles between yellow to red and from one directions' red to the others green!

Whew I feel better now feel free to continue........:D

dumbest post ever!


(1) any city that uses these systems does not "barely break even"  the City of Calgary made (profit) over a million dollars last year off red light and photo radar.

(2) related to point number 1, you arent making any sense. Red light cameras "barely break even" (which means they make money, even in your screwed up logic.)

(3) You want to lengthen yellow lights so you dont get caught.  What do you hope to gain by this?

(4) Seat belts have been mandatory is cars since 1974 (i think.) Are the automakers involved in a consipiracy with the police and government?  

Final point for this post:  Seatbelts do kill people, my uncle was Ho'd in his 67 vette by a drunk driver, he died, his girlfriend who wasnt wearing her seatbelt was thrown out of the car and lived. But seatbelts have killed far fewer people than they have saved. I think i'll take my odds on wearing a seatbelt, and stopping at yellow lights.

Btw, those that dont have their headrest at ear level, do so now, esp. if you have a non extended cab truck.

Offline bloodstain

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #61 on: October 29, 2002, 05:50:48 PM »
1) any city that uses these systems does not "barely break even" the City of Calgary made (profit) over a million dollars last year off red light and photo radar.

#1 you are talking about CANADA, different government entirely! I know for a fact here in the USA,particularly Portland, OR it has been proven that the money from these ridiculos cameras goes mostly to the company's that make them! Not to the government , so back off ya canuck:p

3) You want to lengthen yellow lights so you dont get caught. What do you hope to gain by this?

#2 if you lenghten the light cycle then you wouldn't have to slam on the gas or brakes which in some cases actually causes a collision! If you are approaching an intersection at 40 mph and the light changes from yellow to red in less than 2 seconds do you think you will have time to safely stop, HELL NO! And let's say you do manage to slam on the brakes chances are the fellow behind you won't, then BAM accident. You see here in the states people drive fast and the whole point of the yellow lights being lengthend is a safety concern NOT to help people not get caught as you so moronicly stated!

(4) Seat belts have been mandatory is cars since 1974 (i think.) Are the automakers involved in a consipiracy with the police and government?

#3 yes a seatbelt is required by law to be installed in a vehicle, that doesn't mean you should have to be required by law to use it! Airbags are also implemented into the sterring wheels of new cars but you can elect to replace the steering wheel with one that is not so equiped. Also most new trucks have passenger side air bags that can be turned off for child safety, so do you think you should get a ticket if you turn off your airbags too?

Offline Samm

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #62 on: October 29, 2002, 05:51:55 PM »
A camera in the red light district ? Has that ever been a bad idea ?

Offline Karnak

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #63 on: October 29, 2002, 07:01:32 PM »
I was in traffic school a few years ago (I was caught going 70mph in a 55mph are of the freeway) and a guy there had been nabbed by a red light camera.  Initally he was going to fight it, but they showed him the photos.  It clearly photed his lisence plate, and another camera clearly photoed him at the wheel.


About six years ago I was driving a delivery van and came within 2 seconds of getting taken out that way as well.  Red light runners suck.

Personnally I think that a persons license should be permanently revoked if they get caught accelerating to beat a red light.  Doing so demonstrates that the completely lack the understanding of what they are doing and how it can affect other people.
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Offline BGBMAW

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I am now 2 red light tickets deep
« Reply #64 on: October 29, 2002, 07:09:03 PM »
Hey firts ao all ..diddly all of you if you havent gotn a ticket...some day u will get urs..

First Ticket--- going to Golf tournemnt.... 2 Aholes come up behind me HAULING ASSS( I drive a Large Diesel Merceds)..I look up in my rear view mirro ..saying what the hell is this(thot it was cops going to accident or somthne...I look in left hand turning lane...Yellow light..I cannot safly stop...(I wasnt speeding as they have  ameter on camera tht shows ur speed also.....BOOM CLICK FLASH FLASH...I get a pic in the mail 2 months later...I see my mouth open saying ..WTF!!!!(along with that u see 2 hondas haulln bellybutton next to me.)I fight it for 4 court apeerences..what a pain in the ass...$ fuked.

Second Ticket.....Im moving out of the intersection for an emergency vehicle to get thru...Clik Clik Flash Flash.....OH MY diddlyING GOD ..Are you kidding me.....well this happed last well se when i get ticket..

Yes I agree red light runners are bad peopl..i have had friends who were serosly injured form them..I live in a Busy city with many 1way streets and such...

But there has to be a btter way,,,,,

Im diddlying pissed off...

Love BiGB

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #65 on: October 29, 2002, 09:25:04 PM »
BGBMAW, jesus that really sucks.  If that happend to me i'd probably never pull over for an emergency vehicle again.

I hate these damn "camera nazis" in the government that want to make it like London.  The average American is on cameras enough each day.

Offline -tronski-

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #66 on: October 29, 2002, 11:20:06 PM »
Second Ticket.....Im moving out of the intersection for an emergency vehicle to get thru...Clik Clik Flash Flash.....OH MY diddlyING GOD ..Are you kidding me.....well this happed last well se when i get ticket..

 In Australia, you'd get off no problem for that....

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Offline capt. apathy

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #67 on: October 30, 2002, 06:12:58 AM »
Second Ticket.....Im moving out of the intersection for an emergency vehicle to get thru...Clik Clik Flash Flash.....OH MY diddlyING GOD ..Are you kidding me.....well this happed last well se when i get ticket..

another point,  sometimes there are valid reasons why you break the trafic rules. they happen all the time, and you rarely think about it.  if a cop pulls you over you know exactly why you where doing what you did.  
 if the camera snaps a pic and you don't notice the flash, then you just get the letter notifying you of the violation.  most people just forget about little things like moving out of the way of emergency vehicles and the like.  
so now what, do we have to keep a diary of every time, we have to swerve out of the way of something(illeagle lane change), or any of the other dozen things that aren't exactly by the book, but just dealing with everyday traffic.  a live human cop can see what you are dealing with and 9 times out of 10 doesn't pull you over for it, and  most of the times they do you can explain it if he didn't see.  sometimes he lets you go sometimes you get 'tell it to the judge'.  but with the camera you don't even get the benifit of knowing exactly what they are talking about

Offline Heater

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #68 on: October 30, 2002, 12:37:26 PM »
Originally posted by bloodstain
You are all missing the one key element in these red light cameras. The one big draw back to them is that the companys that produce the cameras are making almost all of the revenue from them. The State barely breaks even on the installation of these spendy units. So in a way its like someone like Bill Gates charging you money if you go through a red light.

Well I just saw a news report on this in the Netherlands,
and here it = app. 86 Million per year
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Offline Sandman

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #69 on: October 30, 2002, 12:55:38 PM »
You could use one of these:

Of course, they're probably illegal in a lot of states.

Offline Ossie

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Red Light Camera -- good idea?
« Reply #70 on: October 30, 2002, 01:56:06 PM »
To the point about how you defend yourself if you get ticketed by a camera that malfunctions and photographs your car at a green light, simply bring the cops or the judge or whoever out to that intersection and take a sample.

To the point about not knowing whether to punch the gas or hit the brake, if there is a left turn lane, the solid line where that lane begins (well, around here anyways) is usually the length that it would take your car to travel, at the speed limit, from the time the lite turns yellow until it turns red. So, if you have passed the point where the left turn lane begins when the lite turns yellow, you will make it into the intersection before it turns red, assuming you are going the speed limit. Other than that I don't know, if it's that close and you get nailed, you can still probably make a case for yourself (unless you were speeding).

In Sacramento they have a lot of intersection cameras. They are all preceeded with white signs that have a picture of a stoplight and say "Photo Enforced". I was at one of those intersections a couple weeks ago at night. The cars on the opposite side of the intersection had the left green arrow, and as it went from orange to red, the last guy in line hesitated at first, then committed, then stopped just after he had crossed the line into the intersection. The camera flash went off, and as he reversed back behind the line, the flash went off again. I thought that was pretty funny. At first I thought he'd get two tickets, but then figured that having the second photo would actually prove he had stopped. The system is not going to be fool proof, no system ever is. But for now I see it as a good deterrant for red light runners.