Author Topic: something about the B36  (Read 193 times)

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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something about the B36
« on: November 14, 2002, 09:53:48 PM »
From a friend who just emailed me, I thought I would share it for general knowledge.:)

"On Veteran's Day I kept running out of the house with my field
glasses because there were big radials going by all day long.

I worked at Convair in the late 50's, refurbishing the wiring in
B-36s.  Those were BIG RADIALS.  With 6 turning and 4 burning,
those things took off at a climb angle like a modern jet
airliner.  And most of them never came home with all 6 of those
piston engines still working.  When we heard one coming in, we
would run out to count how many props were turning."
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Wilbus

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something about the B36
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2002, 07:37:40 AM »
Sounds like they stole some technology from the early He177's ;) (ok so the He177 wasn't radial but anyway)
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline M.C.202

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something about the B36
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2002, 07:50:19 PM »
Ah, the  "With 6 turning and 4 burning" meant six radial and four jet engines, not the He 177 "auto uber-de-ice with flame" feature:D