Author Topic: What about voting for new aircraft?  (Read 129 times)

Offline EvilDingo

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« on: November 04, 2002, 10:12:55 AM »
Okay, I've been slightly disappointed with the aircraft choices over the last few versions of AH. I'm not completely dissatisfied though. I love the P-40E, F4F, etc. But the only wide spread MA usage (which was VERY short lived) aircraft was the 110G2. This is sad.

I believe scenarios are as important as the MA. And I believe you can model an aircraft which suites both areas. But why not have a large scale vote for a few new aircraft each version? HTC could open a vote for 2 or 3 aircraft in an upcoming version and keep the rest secret to reveal at a later time.

So I propose we form a vote for possible MA and Scenario (or CT) aircraft that the majority agrees would be a fun (or badly needed) addition.


Offline VWE001

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2002, 10:19:54 AM »
O.k. I'll vote first... I'd like an F-86E!

Offline F4UDOA

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2002, 10:59:10 AM »

You have a great idea. Actually ask the community what they want. This has been done by HTC with some success. Unfortunately this task seems to have been taken over by a special interest group in the AH community known as the CM's. These are the guys that setup the senario's in AH and generally have allot more input into what goes into this simm than you or me.

In anycase these "special interest groups" are more concerned with setting up a realistic Midway theme park than they are for giving the rest of the paying customers (taxpayers)  A/C that we can use in the MA.

So what happens is you get a constant stream of Vals, Kates, P-40B's and early Ju-88's with no pratical use in the MA. While A/C such as the KI-44, J2M Raiden, P-61, B-29, Heavy German Buff, Russian Buff are ignored or perk plane such as the Ki-84 or P-47M which would of course come with a high cost (Luxury tax) and a glowing gang me perk icon.

So what you have is HTC (The Government) being influenced by CM's (Special interest groups) and the paying members (Taxpayers) being ingnored while we are subject to high perk cost (luxury tax) to fly the A/C we really want.

What's the moral of the story??

« Last Edit: November 04, 2002, 11:01:40 AM by F4UDOA »

Offline EvilDingo

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2002, 11:25:00 AM »
I brought up the issue of the CM's role in aircraft choices in a HUGE thread a few months back. It got nasty really quick. Although, I believe Pyro wrote that no one chooses any aircraft but him.

If that's the case then the CM's are really lucky to be getting the lion's share of new planes.

I have nothing against CMs, or Pyro choosing all the new aircraft himself, but you have to throw us MA pilots a bone every once and a while.


Offline Puck

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2002, 11:40:21 AM »
Originally posted by EvilDingo
I brought up the issue of the CM's role in aircraft choices in a HUGE thread a few months back. It got nasty really quick. Although, I believe Pyro wrote that no one chooses any aircraft but him.

If that's the case then the CM's are really lucky to be getting the lion's share of new planes.

I have nothing against CMs, or Pyro choosing all the new aircraft himself, but you have to throw us MA pilots a bone every once and a while.


Not a democracy, Pyro doesn't HAVE to do anything.  

Although it would be quite nice of him to toss a few MA aircraft this way.  Still, the MA is pretty well represented.  I've been looking around and there are some genuine MONSTERS in there that (for whatever reason) nobody flys much.  I think people get fixated on the LA7/P51D/N1K2/SpitIX and don't notice there are some aircraft with downright beastly performance (right up there with the Big Four) that are underutilized.

There's more variety in the Main than many people realize.
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Offline oboe

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2002, 12:04:45 PM »
We DID vote on the divebomber combination we have.   SBD/D3A beat out the SB2C/D4Y in the poll.

Offline keyapaha

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2002, 12:08:58 PM »
my vote for ki84 & ki45

Offline F4UDOA

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2002, 12:10:33 PM »
The poll of which hanger queen we want next isn't what I meant.

I was talking about the post Pyro had about voting for Perk planes.

I think the same thing would be usefull for determing A/C for the MA.

I didn't catch your previous post about the CM's Evildingo. Although I am not surprised about the result. It is a prime example of what happens when you give someone a little power.

Offline F4UDOA

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What about voting for new aircraft?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2002, 12:17:08 PM »
CC Keyapaha,

My vote is for the

Ju-88 with upgraded defensive armament (why would we even have one with .30cal defensive guns??)
M18 Hellcat tank destroyer <==M4 Sherman would be a waste. 3,000 M18's saw combat widely used. Fast with a big gun.
German Heavy buff (Luftweenies can pick that one but we need it)
FW190F8 Jabo options. Again whats the point? It's got no bombs??
P-61<== Awesome for AH!!