Animal: By the way miko2d, arent you "Born, raised and served in the military in USSR. Currently a US citizen."
And now you are a full blown American using the term "foreigner" gratuitously?
Talk about hypocrisy.
I reside here. I am a full citizen. I officially swore to defend to bear arms in defence of this country and I am capable of doing so. I pay taxes. I vote. US of A is my homeland - freely and deliberately chosen. I am just another productive immigrant in the "nation of immigrants".
I am definitely not a foreigner here. So I see no hypocricy.
In the post I did not use word "foreigner" as a derogatory term. I did not even use it towards american residents who do not have a full list of my credentials.
I merely referred to people living in different countries than the one where discussion takes place.
I seem make enough controvercial statement to make nonsensical nitpicking unnecessary.
My point was that USA consists of many entities - states, localities, enclaves with wildly different cultures, ethnisities, laws, customs, etc. Many people living outside america do not seem to realise this.
Incidentally, if you know anything about life and aducation in the USSR, how could I have become a racist there? If I became a racist - which means irrational dislike which is not at all true - what does that mean? Where did it come from?
My carreer here was very successfull, so setbacks and jobs taken away by black are not good explanations.
Nash: Ok so ya didn't pay for the creation of this board, so you don't own it.
You have a point. I assumed that this board was an american soil and it would be clear whom I referred to as "foreigners" - while I do not even know which country the HTC is incorporated in. I should have used different term than "foreigner" if only to avaid this commotion.
But you can hardly accuse me of being xenofobic to non-american - since my profile clearly states I am an immigrant myself.
Whatever animal claims, I just ment "foreigner" not current or past resident resident of USA.
Animal: We dont want people from other countries thinking that you represent us when in fact you dont.
I thought we americans were too proud of our multiculturalism to even conceive of someone "representing" us.
Anyway, "The Bell Curve" bestseller and also "The g Factor" and other books were written and published here by american scientists. I did not bring them here with me. The first I ever heard of black-white IQ discrepancy was in 1996, quite a few years after I came here.
I do not have much regard to the "white supremacicts" - I do not believe that blacks or any other races are "evil". I believe that intelligence as any other non-discrete factor varies in populations that evolved separately over millenia.
The whites are only smarter now because countless generations of our grand-grand... uncles and aunts failed to reproduce because of being less-intelligent than their brothers and sisters - our ancestors.
Living conditions were very different and survival value of intelligence varied in various places. So the evolution went at different rates for different factors.
Due to specifics of geography, climate and availoiabilty of certain resources and shortage of others, europeans and asians switched to urban/agrarian lifestyle which put premium on restraint, foresight and planning abilities and even literacy and made intelligence more important for survival/propagation.
The sub-saharan africa stayed hunter-getherer and primitive cattle-herding till relatively recently, so the evolution pressures there were different.
It's not just intelligence. People lived longer in civilised societies, were subjected to frequent epidemics, contaminants, relative abundance of food, especially fat, sugar and salt. At the same time physical strength was less important.
So evolution was able to act on deseases like cancer that affect older people (while hunters-gatherers have little chance to grow older), immune system, food-related deseases, etc.
"The Germs, Guns and Steel" by Jared Diamond is a good book - even though he does not make the evolutionary conclusion.
Blacks are often physically stronger/faster than whites and have better reaction times but they do not have as many genes imparting resistance/immunity to plague (and AIDS), they much more often suffer from cancer, diabetes (diet), hypertension (exessive salt?), obesity (excessive sugar, fat absorbtion/craving, sedentary lifestyle), allergies (contaminants), more frequent low birth weight even in apparently healthy (and wealthy) mothers, etc. They did develop resistance to area-specific deseases like malaria which is not much help here. Those health issues obviously make conditions of blacks somewhat worse.
There a dozens of known gene alleles that are exclusive to white or black races.
Those differences are obvious - wealthy blacks suffer much more from those afflictions than whites. The medical literature is full of those and is not considered rasist. Why should intelligence be any different?
Low-intelligence whites suffer from exactly the same social problems as lower-intelligence blacks.
In "Why Race Matters" Professor Michael Levin shows that the IQ difference between Europeans and black Africans has had more than enough time to develop during the estimated 4,400 generations since the two groups split from a common ancestor. According to his calculation,it would have required a rate of selection per generation of 0.000106 against recessive genes, a very small rate of genetic change that is the equivalent to a change in 11 individuals per 100,000 per generation. In nature this is an extremely slow rate of evolutionary change.
Of course you do not seem interested in substantiation of anything said here - either you do not want to know or already know and forgot to mention your sources. Care to list them?
Cherlie: Take a hint......STFU.
Sorry. My civil rights are in peril here. Because population of an african country behaves like a population of any other african country, my rights should somehow should be abridged - the right to equal treatment (quote systems), to speak freely (PC rules), to arm myself and many others.
Even if I were really so stupid as to irrationally turn away a capable black applicant and hire less capable white for my business - thus benefitting non-racist, especially black-owned business, where is the harm to anyone but myself?
I believe that welfare and preferential treatment destroyed black community and family here, not imaginary racism.