I'm posting my stick mappings here and hope you will too because I got two good ideas from others on this BB and maybe I can pick up some more.
My stick is an MS Sidewinder pro with 5 buttons and the throttle wheel on the base, four on the stick (the trigger and three top buttons) plus the four way hat switch.
On the base: two are for flaps up and down, one is for view directly up and one is for view forward (which I have set up as far forward as my view will go so that all you see pretty much is a big target HUD, this I borrowed from another poster). Throttle is obvious and the button underneath the throttle is mapped to WEP.
On the stick: Trigger, fire primary; large thumb swith: fire secondary; lower small thumb switch: cycle secondary fire; upper small thumb switch: damage report. The hat is default except the pushing forward or up is mapped to the 45 degree inclination view (up and forward at the same time, also taken from someone else).