Author Topic: Help!!!!  (Read 268 times)

Offline guitargod9989

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« on: November 13, 2002, 09:02:51 PM »
How do you use the %@$#&@$ Terrain editor!  I try to fallow the directions but they are too complicated plus im not very good at computers.  When i when i think im doing something right it always lends up being wrong!Can somone give me simpler directions that we slow  peole can understand!

P.S. The only reason im posting in the General Forums is because more peole are in this forum therefore more people view my posts.
pretty smart huh!!!!;)

Offline pokie

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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2002, 08:37:02 PM »
Originally posted by guitargod9989
How do you use the %@$#&@$ Terrain editor!  I try to fallow the directions but they are too complicated plus im not very good at computers.  When i when i think im doing something right it always lends up being wrong!Can somone give me simpler directions that we slow  peole can understand!

P.S. The only reason im posting in the General Forums is because more peole are in this forum therefore more people view my posts.
pretty smart huh!!!!;)

You'll need to give a little more information of how things are going wrong!

There are so many parts about the editor!

1) Are you crashing to the desktop while trying to do something in the editor?

2) Are you trying to figure out about making land masses?

3) Are you trying to figure out how to lay fields etc?

4) Are you trying to figure out what is required for your terrain?

5) OR since I seen another post! are you just trying to skin a plane.


Offline WldThing

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« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2002, 09:15:41 PM »
I give the award of the most patient person that i know of to POKIE! :)

Seen you help many people out, even me when i had my problems, i really respect that.


Offline pokie

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« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2002, 09:28:27 PM »
Thanks WldThing :o


Offline pokie

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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2002, 10:04:14 AM »
Originally posted by guitargod9989
How do you use the %@$#&@$ Terrain editor!  I try to fallow the directions but they are too complicated plus im not very good at computers.  When i when i think im doing something right it always lends up being wrong!Can somone give me simpler directions that we slow  peole can understand!

P.S. The only reason im posting in the General Forums is because more peole are in this forum therefore more people view my posts.
pretty smart huh!!!!;)

Did you try any more on the TE guitargod9989?

This is what's in the file.
Hopefully I didn't make any mistakes :)

This is for first time users of the Terrain Editor ( TE )  TE Ver 210patch7    
by Pokie

1) Start the Editor
2) Go to File ( upper left corner of screen )
3) Goto New
4) A box pops open... Make up a name you want to call your terrain ( no longer than 8 characters in length )
5) Click Open
6) A box pops open with Select map size ( all terrain maps are 512 x 512 miles..... this is just perspective view for the clipboard map )
7) Choose 64, 128, 256 or 512
8) Click Ok
9) Goto File
10) Exit
11 ) A box pops open with " ****** has changed.  Do you wish to save? "
12) Click yes
13) Start Editor
14) Click File
15) Open
16) A Open Terrain box pops open
17) Double click your terrain name folder ( or highlite your terrain folder and click open )
18) Double click your terrain name .oba file ( or highlite your terrain .oba file and click open )
19) Now you can start doing stuff in the editor

I'm not saying I'm 100% correct but this is what I believe is required:

Min Requirements.

1)  Each Country needs a Zone.

2)  Each Country needs a Headquarter ( they are to be placed using the First 3 for Zone 1, one for Zone 2 and one for Zone 3 ).

3) Each Country needs at least 1 Field ( and I would say that each Zone requires a Zone Master Field so that would mean that Zone 1 gets a Field, and set as Zone Master,  Zone 2 gets a Field, and set as Zone Master,  Zone 3 gets a Field, and set as Zone Master

Maybe what you should do is make a small working terrain.

Let call it  TEST

NOTE!!!  This is just a rough terrain,  nothing fancy.  Once you get this part then you can go further with adding more Terrain stuff and using better programs for clipboard map colour converting.

1) Start the Editor
2) Go to File ( upper left corner of screen )
3) Goto New
4) A box pops open... Make up a name you want to call your terrain ( no longer than 8 characters in length )  in this case type in TEST
5) Click Open
6) A box pops open with Select map size ( all terrain maps are 512 x 512 miles..... this is just perspective view for the clipboard map )
7) Choose 64, 128, 256 or 512............since our land mass is going to be small let select 64
8) Click Ok
9) Goto File
10) Exit
11 ) A box pops open with " ****** has changed.  Do you wish to save? "
12) Click yes
13) Start Editor
14) Click File
15) Open
16) A Open Terrain box pops open
17) Double click the TEST folder ( or highlite the TEST folder and click open )
18) Double click the TEST.oba file ( or highlite the TEST.oba file and click open )
19) Now you can start doing stuff in the editor

Checkmark the Grid Box to turn on the grid lines. ( You'll notice that the Editor places you at 10.24 / 10.24  this is the center of the terrain )

Place grass textures in the following gridboxes

10.24 / 10.64
10.28 / 10.64  
10.24 / 10.84

9.84 / 9.84
9.88 / 9.84
9.64 / 9.64

10.64 / 9.84
10.68 / 9.84
10.84 / 9.64

First we are going to place the Country Headquarters.

NOTE!  you'll notice that these HQ group don't get placed Centered, when you place them, select the MOVE and move the whole group
to the center of the grid box, it doesn't have to be prefect, they are not as fussy as the Airfields.

Or you could download the field groups that I have centered at
these get placed in your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\groups folder.

Goto grid square 10.24 / 10.84 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) close to the Center, select the HQ from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up, Select Bishop from Fields section and Zone 1

Goto grid square 9.64 / 9.64 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) close to the Center, select the HQ from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up, Select Knights from Fields section and Zone 2

Goto grid square 10.84 / 9.64 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) close to the Center, select the HQ from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up, Select Rooks from Fields section and Zone 3


Now we are going to place Fields.

Now checkmark the SNAP box and make sure that the number in the snap spacing is 2640  ( 1 mile = 5280 feet, 1/2 mile = 2640 feet ) this will make your Red Cross go to the center of the Grid Box!

Goto grid square 10.24 / 10.64 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the Field FIELD_L from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 1 and Zone 1
Goto grid square 10.28 / 10.64 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the TOWN_MAP from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 1 and Zone 1

Now, all new terrains have a TOWER at grid square 10.24 / 10.24, you need to select this TOWER and delete it because you can't have more than 1 Tower for a Field.


Goto grid square 9.84 / 9.84 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the Field FIELD_L from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 2 New and Zone 2
Goto grid square 9.88 / 9.84 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the TOWN_MAP from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 2 and Zone 2

Goto grid square 10.64 / 9.84 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the Field FIELD_L from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 3 New and Zone 3
Goto grid square 10.68 / 9.84 and while in the OBJECT part of the Editor click the mouse ( Red Cross ) in the Center, select the TOWN_MAP from the Shape Groups and place it.
When the small Box Pops up,  from Fields section Select 3 and Zone 3


Now goto the ZONES tab ( Upper Right Corner )
Put check marks in Fields 1, 2 and 3


Go back to the OBJECT tab and select Object Report, click on Check Terrain ( we are checking the terrain for all errors )
If we get any, they should only be gridline errors if you used the original groups and didn't move them enought in the gridbox.

If no errors then continue

We now are going to make the Clipboard map.

Goto Settings
Map Size
Select 64
Click Ok
Goto File
Make Map
Change Bitmap Size to 512 X 512
Leave all the other settings alone.
Click OK
The whole screen will go white for a few seconds ( longer if terrain had more textures )
Exit the TE when the screen comes back to normal

Look in your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\TEST folder
You'll see a map.bmp
Open this with Windows Paint program ( this .bmp must be converted to 256 colors )
Goto File
Save As
File name:  enter the name of your terrain, in this case   TEST
Save as type: select 256 Color Bitmap
PopUpBox... saving into this format..........Do you want to continue?    Click Yes

Now we need to make a Folder and place it in your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\TEST dir

Left click mouse on Test folder
Goto File
Rename it texsrc
Now move you TEST.bmp into this texsrc folder

Start the TE
Open your TEST terrain
You'll see your clipboard map in bottom right corner.

Goto File
Then exit the TE

Look for the TEST.res file in your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains folder and move it to your C:\Program Files\HTC\Aces High\terrains

Run AcesHigh and select your TEST terrain.

Hopefully it loads without any problems :)

Fly around