Author Topic: 332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!  (Read 1096 times)

Offline daddog

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« on: November 11, 2002, 07:12:18 PM »
It has been five years this week since the 332nd Flying Mongrels opened their doors. I have made countless friends due to this sim and Warbirds. I went to my first con this year and had a chance to meet even more squadies and others I have known for a few years but have never met. :)

Our squad members in these five years have shared and grieved many losses. Members have lost their jobs, suffered through divorce, lost parents and children.  

Our squad from its conception has focused on having fun and making friends and I attribute that philosophy to the success of the squad and to its quality members.  It is rare indeed that we have had to give a member the boot, but it is not a perfect world. The members list is long, but by no means complete. Every November I post a list of current and former members and inevitable miss one or two.  Members are given ranks in accordance to our posted rules and regulations which has been modified over the years to suit us best. Ranks really mean little to us, but simply show those who have been with use the longest, flown the most missions and at times have lead missions. In many instances the low rank and number of missions flown do not reflect how long someone has been a member. Many of those who are 2nd Lieutenants or Airman have been members for well over a year, but are unable to make many of the squad nights to earn a mission. Also many of the past names are well known regulars and now have their own squad after cutting their teeth with us.

Current members
X.O. Lt. Colonel Bill “ghosth” Jamison – 146 missions
Major Gary “vaderr” Soares – 88 missions
Captain Bill “TeeeRex” Wainscott – 94 missions
Captain Kevin “nifty” Haynes – 64 missions
Captain Frank “tbones” Perisino – 61 missions
Captain Don “Ozark” Elliot – 58 missions
Captain Dan “”hamerd” Scott – 54 missions
Captain Nick “Starbird Ristow – 55 missions
Captain Tom “wklink” Cofield – 51 missions
1st Lieutenant Steven “puke” Johnson – 48 missions
1st Lieutenant John “banana” Dahlen – 33 missions
1st Lieutenant Scott “swagger” Erich – 32 missions
1st Lieutenant Warren “sour” Gross – 28 missions
1st Lieutenant Pascal “deSelys” Roman – 26 missions
1st Lieutenant Nick “sarge1” Martin – 26 missions
1st Lieutenant Joe “blutik” Barry – 25 missions
1st Lieutenant Brad “paxil” Stark – 25 missions
2nd Lieutenant Mark “makarov9” Lagarde – 19 missions
2nd Lieutenant Kim “speede” Werenka – 16 missions
2nd Lieutenant Larry “SunKing” Sterling – 15 missions
2nd Lieutenant Todd “w00lie” Woolever – 15 missions
2nd Lieutenant Dick “maddog” Thompson – 15 missions
Airman David “Bbanzai” Finan – 7 missions
Airman – Ian “Renrael” Farrell – 3 missions

Past members
Major Harri "harppa" Neimi -  92 missions
Major Stephan "woodog" Waldtmann -  61 missions
Captain Marshall "dracer" Campbell - 58 missions  
Co Founder - Major Al "docdog" Arline - 55 missions
Captain Rasmus "wilbus" Mattsson -48 missions
1st Lieutenant Chris "b-town" Bradbury - 46 missions
Captain Arlis "ibex" Kelly - 38 missions
Captain D.R. "tufdog" Smith - 34 missions  
1st Lieutenant  Trey "ammo" Wells - 31 missions
Captain Petros "macho" Matsakos - 30 missions
Captain Stephen "gunthr" Guenther - 30 missions
1st Lieutenant Oscar "odee" Dillion - 23 missions  
1st Lieutenant Dan "rico" Thacker - 20 missions
2nd Lieutenant Mark "merlly" Travis - 21 missions
2nd Lieutenant Matt "shermn" Sherman - 19 missions  
Captain Tom "snowy" MacDonald - 18 missions
2nd Lieutenant Hogni "darling" Gylfason - 18 missions
2nd Lieutenant Keith "hudman" Morris - 17 missions  
2nd Lieutenant Ken "x-man" Baugh - 15 missions
2nd Lieutenant Brian "canine" Churchill -15 missions  
1st Lieutenant Geir-Anders "GA" Hansen - 13 missions
2nd Lieutenant Rudi "andy" Sovik - 10 missions  
2nd Lieutenant Herbert "udog" Walbeck - 10 missions
Airman Shannon "dfl8rms" Ryks - 9 missions
Airman Lou "nicet" Pesano - 7 missions  
Airman Chris "bmer1171" Toombs - 6 missions
Airman Anthony "megado" Clopton - 5 missions
Airman Wayne "grumps"Fisher -5 missions
Airman Chris "nopoop" Overholser - 4 missions
Airman Richard "MataHari" Ness - 3 missions
Airman Bob "cutter" Godfrey - 2 missions
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline Kweassa

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2002, 07:14:36 PM »
Congratulations, Flying Mongrels!


Offline Renrael

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Five Year Notice.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2002, 07:57:46 PM »
Here Here, well said dd.  

15 or so months ago I was attempting to up a plane in the TA "for the last time".  Everytime I tried to up the plane it would roll left and crash.  After crashing 50 times over two weeks of the free trial I was going to give up and forget the game.  The stall horn was ringing in my head and making me nuts.  

Ghosth used the text buffer to contact me and asked if I needed any help.  He showed me how to set up all the axis' (what is the plural for axis?) on the joy stick in the setup menu.  With the stick set up correctly I made it in to the air and the addiction was complete.  I paid the game fee and flew in the TA till the wee  hours of the night.

The next day Ghosth asked me if I wanted to put in an application for the 332nd Flying Mongrels.  I could not believe it, I had no skill and was new to the game.  

When I made it to my first training day for the squad (still not a member, but with app in) daddog let me shoot him down.  That is when I knew that it was where I wanted to make my home in the game.  I met three of the squad memgers recently and they are as gacious in person as they are in the game.

I look forward to meeting more of the folks who fly the game and the squad at the next con.

Ian, Renrael
« Last Edit: November 12, 2002, 11:47:53 AM by Renrael »

Offline Ozark

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2002, 08:30:13 PM »
It is my greatest honor to call these dogs my friends!

Offline Puke

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2002, 09:43:12 PM »
This is a cause for celebration.  Minty-fresh dog bisquits for EVERYONE!

Offline wklink

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2002, 11:04:29 PM »
Amazing it has been five years.  

I remember it was like December of 97 or something when Al Arline and I were chatting at work (we both worked at Evan's Army Hospital at the time) about flight sims.  I had flown AW a few times but hadn't gotten into Warbirds yet.  I remember setting up the ICI account (the telnet thing, anyone remember that?) for WB 1.11.  Lord that seems so long ago.  

Al got me into the squad (was member 4 I think), introduced me to Jim and Keith 'Hudman' Morris-the 3rd Mongrel.  We quickly added Texdog, Woodog, Harppa, Booker, and the others.  

I remember there would be something like five or six of us flying together at one time.  I remember the get togethers on ICQ prior to taking off, getting out flight plans and shooting the shinola for at least 20 minutes before finally going to the arena.  This of course was the pre Roger Wilco or AH voice days.  

I've seen a lot with these guys.  I remember the transfer from WB 1.xx to 2.0, to the 3d version of WB, to the Open Beta of Aces High to my leaving the Mongrels for a while.  I remember actually being the worst XO this squad could possibly have ;) .   I remember fondly guys like Woodog, Harppa, Booker, Gospel, BTown, Dracer and Odee.  These guys were like brothers, albeit screwed up brothers and my friendship has never wavered to these guys.

I remember flying a lot with the 457th BG (the second best squad in Aces High BTW) in Warbirds after the Mongrels migrated to AH.  I flew with them until I decided to leave WB for good about 9 months ago.

I remember the first time Jim saw Wklink in the text buffer and reacting with glee when he saw that old familiar call sign.  I remember being invited back into the squad, almost immediatly and with no reservations.   I am proud to be a Mongrel, have been since that day back in 1997 when I first crashed in WB and even more so now that I am back in the brotherhood of the darned here.

The artist formerly known as Tom 'Wklink' Cofield

Offline Ghosth

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2002, 11:32:01 PM »
Wow, you know when I sit back and think about it all, it kinda takes my breath away.

When you think of the huge influence that one man has had on people all over the world. You all realise that this squad talk is just camoflage don't you?????

What James "Daddog" Glazier is really doing is running a self improvment/leadership training program. Look at myself for example, 5 years ago I
tended to pop off the handle pretty easy. Would blow up and say & do things that I always regreted the next day. Would then have to spend time & energy fixing the mess I made. Along comes Daddog and first thing I know I'm a kinder gentler human being. Thinking before I talk, heck just thinking period half the time. I could point out others who have learned much from James gentle hand but no need to name names. They know who they are. :)

Also look at Daddogs tireless devotion to special events for Aces High. Why you could say that without him weekly special events might not exist, or at least in vastly different form. Again James has shown that he is tireless, patient, gentle in his guidance. Whats even more amazing is that he seems to need no reward for it all. Hides in the background,working tirelessly yet never seeks out praise or reward. Yet he is quick to give it to those deserving it.

So for all those whos life he has enriched, for all of us whom he has brought together in brotherhood. For all that he has done for Aces High. I salute you James Glazier, well done Sir!

You have done the impossible, single handed you have changed the world and made it a better place.

And a big "Huzza" "Hooraay" & "WAhoooooooooooo"
to the rest of the Mongrels. Daddog for General, heck Daddog for President!
(I can do camoflauge too ya know)  :)

Offline docdog

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2002, 11:55:31 PM »
Thanks Jim for being a good leader and a better friend.  I am sorry that I can not be in the ranks, but for now the real world owns me.

I would just like to blow my own horn and remind everyone that I am the guy that picked this fearless leader.  Other than having good taste in friends no further rewards for me are in order.
I did pick Jim  purely for the selfish belief that when James Glazer does something, he does it all the way and then some.  He is also a fanatic about games that allow a community to emerge.  A community where you try to be the hero you always wanted to be.  Thanks bro.

Keep up the good work boys.  Hope to rejoin you when the real world is not so much in my face.

To James Glazer, not bad from a funny looking kid from Fresno.  Keep up the good work boss.

Al Arline "doddog"

Offline Betown

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2002, 07:01:38 AM »
James Glazier,
              Or "Daddog" as we all like to call him, I have known for quite some time. I am proud to call him my friend and brother. In my time in online gaming right back to when I started Warbirds some... years ago, I joined the 332nd Flying Mongrels and I met him (and ghosth) Through a large part of my childhood James was there as a guiding hand. A person to talk to, a true and genuine friend.  No matter when you wanted to talk or what you wanted to talk about he would always be there to help and guide (but never push) you in the right direction.

I flew with the 332nd Flying Mongrels for quite a while and I have had the honour of flying with Daddog for a long time. He is by far the best leader I have ever had the honour of flying with. The best person in this game... Far better than any of us shmuks!

Daddog, James. Congratulations on leading the squad this far. 5 years is a long time. Thank You for all your help over the years, thank you for your support through hard times and thank you for being one of my two mentors in life.

Love ya mate and thanx for my birthday card :D

Offline Dowding (Work)

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2002, 07:42:26 AM »
Congrats Daddog and Co. :)

Offline Eaglecz

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2002, 08:16:45 AM »
LOL guys thats rock ... :cool:

i better do not ask about your family life :D

Offline Pepe

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2002, 08:53:24 AM »
Congrats, Mongrels  :)

Offline Sarge1

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2002, 08:53:59 AM »
started in aces high in dec 2001 , looked at squadrons, read there posts. The dogs had (fun and goodtimes) written in it, Asked to join a few weeks later i was a dog, has been fun and many laughs great guys to fly with. and they dont care that i am not the best pilot in the world, I felt lucky to pick the first squad i like what i read about. Here i am now almost a year later. These are great guys to Hang with, Glad i found them....Sarge1 :D

Offline iceydee

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2002, 08:58:38 AM »
wtg mongrels! :cool: :p :D ;)

Offline Rude

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332nd Flying Mongrels 5 years old!
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2002, 09:06:19 AM »
Congrats to the Mongrels!!!