Author Topic: new set-up  (Read 910 times)

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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new set-up
« on: November 15, 2002, 08:59:46 PM »
« Last Edit: November 15, 2002, 09:13:32 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2002, 09:14:30 PM »
Hawk, I had my doubts about this set-up.  It's a field pork and vulchfest.

About the guns though, when you were complaining about going down with 1 or 2 pings... I was actually lighing you up all over.  I've heard that's just the way it works in AH often.  The guy getting hit doesn't hear most of the strikes on him.  You only heard 1 ping... I couldn't even guess how many hits I got on you.

I don't know about this set-up though.


Offline brady

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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2002, 09:23:24 PM »
Sry hawk, I saw it already:

 Another stupid set-up, IJN dies once again. F6Fs guns are .30mm guns. Kills KI67 with a split sec burst. KI67 acts like a Betty. GOOD GOD AH HELP IJN PLEASE. KI61 aint worth a toejam. D700 kills from F4F. WHATT ANOTHER DAMN JOKE.

I may try to get my account canceled. Flying for IJN is a waist of time.

Stop posting the worthless CT FURBALLING STATS that say kills equal out for both sides. Furballing is a kill then be killed fight. There are no tactics in it.

AH refused to give IJN any advantage at all during any early war se-up. This is down right allied bias. This is a Combat Arena not a Historic Arena. Since I begain playing in August AH staffing turns thier nose up at us IJN flyers and flat refuses to help the "Game" I wish we could just refuse to play untill it was made fair.

I know I am going to get blasted for this post but thats ok, its a free country and you can put in your two cents.

Blast away guys, have fun  ....back to the CT...why? I have no idea.....


 Look man I am sry I coppied it before you erased it but it is cool we all nead to vent once and a while, and for better or worse it is a good thing to do, your not saying somthing we all dont already know.

  50 cal and Hispanos have a huge effective range, out to 1.2k has been my experane.

  The guns on the Tony are very good one's but they have an effective range of only around 400.

  It has been my experance that the Tony is extreamly lethal if you get in close, I sugest fireing the canon and MG seperately to maximise you striking power, you see this way ypu can see whear your cannon are firing hitting.

 The peggy has a disavantage in that the rear cone of fire is somewhat limited, to reduce this problem and put you in a better firing position use the rudder to induce a slow banking turn this will force the trailing fighter to turn into you, as he does so you will be in a position to get hit's on him while he often can not.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2002, 09:37:05 PM »
I have said it before, and I stand by it, that I strongly think HTC over did the frailty of Japanese aircraft or the toughness of USN aircraft so as to match people's expectations.  People expect Japanese aircraft to disintergrate at the slightest blow and USN aircraft to take huge poundings and still come home.
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Offline Slash27

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« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2002, 10:23:08 PM »
Try flying Allied for this week and see if your really that outmatched.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2002, 12:49:52 AM »
Brady, I jumped the gun on that one before I read the mission at the beginning. Seven guys were having a hey day with plastering the field and closing everything in sight. The KI67 was dieing with a pass from an F6F. I couldnt even keep my tail gunners site on it enought to ping it. The F6F will drop a KI67 at D700, F4F droped my KI61 at D600 with quick snap shots.

Even though, the mission is to close fields and sink CVs. It will be so easy for the allies to close the fields. Sinking CVs nearly imposable. The set-up is actually a nice idea but just once again, the ALLIES ARE HAVING A RACKEM UP KILL FEST!

I would rather see some sort of a mission thing than a week long furball. Lets work with it and give it a chance. I have only been flying AH for three months buts its always an ALLIES GAME.

Even some well respected players were festing tonight. Grant it, we were attacking the CV and they were protecting it but it was a fest night.

I kept trying to hit CV to see what it was going to take to just hit the thing. Come in high, low fast slow, KI67, A6M2...whatever I could find the be the funest and/or best. The allies would not let me in to even do that. Its kinda hard to do it off-line with the settings all different.

My God, it was like turning a bunch of kids loose in a new toy store...however, with the message saying "CLOSE/SINK" what ya expect....Not much different than a sign saying "FREE TOYS"

The war is over, the allies won, now lets make the game fun to play.

The allies were doing what they were told to do and is why I erased my post. I dont take back my reason, just caint yell at someone for doing what they were told to do.

Oldman, I apolagise for being hard on ya but I did ask nicely for you guys to let me be so I could practice. Off-line settings are different.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2002, 12:56:14 AM »
eskimo2 I know the F6F is a better gun platform than the P-40 (last set-up) but with the F6F shooting at D700 and killing me, I just didnt have time to aim. I was practicaly dead before you passed my six! At that deflection speed and with those guns, KI67 hasnt a chance even 1 vs 1...along with my gunnery.

Slash,in a typical furball sure your gonna get it. Fly like your life depended on it, and allied kills will slowly deminish, the furballing will stop and the typical 1 to 2 min dogfight will begain before someone is shot down fast or all will run home to saflty...I will!!! IJN credits will be close to nill but the vulch fests will stop and the low runya down till your dead stuff would also stop.

Its all about the quick advantage then...rut row, time to bug out. Not I'm gonna try till I die furball method.

What would happen if HTC only gave you one life per night? A lot of that toejam would stop along with attandence dropping like a rock.

I paid for 6 months in advance and I wish I had not. I should have given it a test drive first.

It is a mind set, "Allies win or the game is porked"

I fly AXIS 99.9 % of the time.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2002, 01:10:14 AM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Buzzbait

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« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2002, 04:11:45 AM »

I flew both sides, as if the Japanese took the time to get some altitude in the Ki61, then it was fine.   Ie. don't take off from the same field which is being attacked.

It's also a self fulfilling prophecy.  People like to fly  USN planes more so there are more USN, therefore the Japanese get pushed back to their fields.

I also didn't see a single Japanese attack mounted on the CV's.

If a couple CV's were taken out, that would have backed  off the USN side immediately.

Anyway, since everyone hates it,  it is gone.

See new setup.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2002, 04:18:25 AM »
whoa... lol, just as well i didn't pop my head in today, as i'd have ended up flying ijn... and with what went on as described, well... you know?


welcome to the mini-MA.  tsk.  
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Offline Löwe

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« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2002, 08:01:18 AM »
The F6F, A6M5,KI-61 matchup was a great one. All you had to do was leave the FM2 at home so as not to negate the one advantage the Japs had manuverability. Other than that it was a great setup. You know there are two Carrier based squads in CT. VF-27, and 880 Fleet Air Arm. These guys fly all these other scenarios wait for their chance to fly off CV's. Now it got taken away? The 325th will fly Japanese weather we like it or not, to help ballance sides on these scenarios. Even with the FM2 it was better than the 1-2 punch of the F4U, and F6F. Now the two squads who fly the most have to get rear ended, because the one guy who always complains, has complained yet again?
I flew IJN yesterday for about an hour I flew the A6M5, against F6F's and the occasional FM2. I had 9 kills and was killed 3 times in that hour. This was a do able set up.  Hawk get outta of the damn Tony and strap on a Zeke5. Now you went and whined again, this time it didnt split up the 27th sentai, it just nuked the one chance two squadrons in here have to fly off CV's. They only get this chance about every 6-8 weeks. Now for the rest of us we  have another damn Med setup. THANK YOU HAWK!
I agree with you there are  setup issues, but when you have one thats not too bad such as this, you buck up and fly.
Regrets 880FAA, and VF-27. Hopefully you'll get a CV set up next.

Offline Skyfoxx

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« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2002, 09:03:19 AM »
I agree with Lowe. The F6F, A6M5, Ki61 was a good setup.
Historically it wasn't that far off. F6F's did indeed sweep Midanao before Leyet Gulf striking ground targets and enemy aircraft that were there. What aircraft do you think they faced? History books tell us that they faced mainly A6M5, Ki61, and some numbers of N1Kj's. The Ki61/ F6F matchup is a good one imo.
Yes we all know that the IJN needs more planes but this could have worked. The FM2 did not have to be there, but really now, thats not the real problem here is it?
You may as well put the the F6F in the back of the closet with the Spitfire IX, because you arent' going to see a setup or an event for that matter that will include either.  
 Unbelieveable. :rolleyes:


« Last Edit: November 16, 2002, 09:45:32 AM by Skyfoxx »
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Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2002, 09:47:24 AM »
damn I didnt even get a chance t fly it ,oh well back to the  MA where I have Japanese planes to fly. See you guys next time there is a PTO set up if there ever is, good luck.

Offline oboe

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« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2002, 10:12:39 AM »

Sorry I missed it, it was only one night and we had company over.
I agree with a lot of the sentiment expressed here: the Ki.61 and A6M5b v F6F is one of the great matchups the CT can offer.    So sorry it didn't last longer.

Let's keep our chins up and keep trying to find the settings that work OK in the PTO.    Don't forget that P6EHawk is speaking only for himself, not for the rest of us.

Maybe with some new planes in v1.11, we'll be able to explore the A6M3, Ki.61-Ia vs P-39D, P-40E, P-38F battles in New Guinea.

Here's to hoping.

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2002, 10:20:46 AM »
Originally posted by Skyfoxx
History books tell us that they faced mainly A6M5, Ki61, and some numbers of N1Kj's.

Then the Japs should have gotten some N1Ks at some bases.

One big problem was the ship guns, they should have been disabled.  Maybe even the shore guns as well?


Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2002, 12:34:19 PM »
If this current setup were hurri1s vs your lweenies, I think we would still have people squeaking.

I am really pissed I complained that one time about the bob setup.  Cause boy I wish I had a high horse I could ream you whiny little poses from.  Jesus, get a grip you people.  Why dont you sit down with a book by sakai or an american pilot in the pacific and tell me again about effective range and strengths of aircraft.

erg<-- stepping off of low horse