Originally posted by Booky
Never thought of this, wonder if it works with a Couger?
Either way I agree with iceMAW, It should be like a gas pedal.
the cougar has excellent trim functions. this is my hat 4 config:
BTN H4U /U /H Trim_Elev_Up
/M Toggle_Icons
/O Select_Engine_1
BTN H4D /U /H Trim_Elev_Down
/M /H Trim_Elev_Down
/D /I {TRIM (JOYX, 0) TRIM (JOYY, 0)}
/O Select_Engine_3
BTN H4L /U /H Trim_Aileron_Left
/M /H Trim_Aileron_Left
/O Select_Engine_2
BTN H4R /U /H Trim_Aileron_Right
/M /H Trim_Aileron_Right
/O Select_Engine_4
so, if I set the dogfight switch on the throttle to D, and hold S4 button down while pressing Hat4 up the position of the X and Y axises are held until I press S4 and Hat4 Down. I have the same for to hold lock the throttle when bombing, so I don't accidentally change speed...