The Looney Tunes impressions were a hoot, and the mission both exciting and successful.
As leader of the 3 B-26s(reduced to Salty & MRPLUTO after Beefcake discoed), I'd suggest taking Ju-88s next time. Here are the Ju-88's advantages:
1. Heavier bomb load. Ju-88 has 4x500kg (1,100lb.) and 20x50kg (110lb). This is the equivalent of 2 extra 1000 pound bombs.
2. More perk points.
The glaring disadvantage of the Ju-88 is its fragility & lack of defensive armament. However, by employing overwhelming force and sound tactics, as we did the other night, no enemy fighters even came close to intercepting the B-26s.
Having more bombs to drop would also have kept the B-26 pilots from getting bored after making their 2 passes at the field. This boredom resulted in the B-26s machine gunning an enemy PT boat that was moving south from V3 to A4. Our attack was unsound, and the PT boat got us both, I believe. I'd like to have tried dive bombing that PT boat with a string of 5 50kg bombs with a 0.15 delay from about 2,000 feet. It would have been hard to get him, but you gotta go for it!
50kg bombs are also very useful against flak positions. If there is a delay with the troops, Ju-88s orbiting on station could easily pick them off, allowing fighters to climb and CAP.
/S/ MRPLUTO, VMF-323, ~Death Rattlers~