Author Topic: HTC do you like this idea? :)  (Read 393 times)

Offline hazed-

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« on: December 12, 2002, 08:35:52 AM »
Ok I had another idea today and thought id share it with you guys and HTC in the hope they like it.

This is a way to try to allow HTC to start introducing some of the famous scout planes like lysanders,storks etc and tackle another little problem i see with Ground vehicles ........

Ok heres a problem as i see it in AH at the moment:

In a GV we are easily seen at a distance as a small black dot.In RL it would be very difficult if not impossible to spot them at such large distances i think you'll agree?
So we have a very hard time making GV's effective without swarming the place with ostwinds.

Heres my idea.

Make all GV's icon and dot invisible! (wait for it :))
make it so that they are only 'seeable' at the distance where we currently see a little bit of colour.

Then comes the SCOUT planes.
Allow scout planes to see icons on gvs and their dot just like we can now and also an icon to simulate using optics to identify them.

suddenly we have 2 new areas of play.

ground vehicles that can sneak around and get closer to a target without being spotted which will encourage their use.
Spotter planes with a excellent advantage over normal fighters or bombers which could be used to spot enemy and identify the composition of the forces.

we have then a good job for the scouts in AH.
maybe we could even make it so that if a scout is within 5 miles of a GV it 'lights it up' for all players in the area? would this be possible? suddenly GVs icons appear to fighter pilots because the scout plane is near and shows them?

anyhow i hope you like it HTC let me know if you do :)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2002, 08:38:01 AM by hazed- »

Offline xHaMmeRx

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2002, 09:03:56 AM »
I could see this working for scenarios (if we ever get to the point where GVs are incoporated regularly) but, in the MA, I 'm not sure it would be well received.

IMHO, things in the MA come down to "What's in it for playerX?".

On the plus side:

The GV drivers get to get closer to targets (within killing range) before they are spotted without worry of air interdiction unless a) a scout plane spots them, b) another GV gets very close, or c) a fighter/bomber gets very close.  

On the negative side:

1) The scout pilot gets to fly around defenseless hoping that a) an enemy plane doesn't come along and b) an enemy GV does come along.  Once an enemy GV does come along, he gets to radio someone else to come kill it.

2) Other GVs and Planes miss lots of GVs coming in to attack the city.

I can already see the calls:


oHAMMERo:  all in favor of player 1 being the designated scout say aye. :D

Maybe a way to make it useful would be to put spotter rockets (colored smoke) on the scouts.  If a GV within a certain distance of the scout gets killed, the scout gets some credit for it.  

Bottom line, I think, is to answer the "what's in it for me?" question for all involved.  If you can get a positive answer for all or most, you have an idea that will be well received in the MA. (notice I didn't say bad idea! ;)

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Offline Amboss

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2002, 09:27:24 AM »
Terrains with special GV cover are already in the works.  Check out the TE Forum.


Offline CMC Airboss

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2002, 06:11:04 PM »
It sounds like more realism is being asked for.

Yes, make the GV's more difficult to see - IF - they are motionless and not firing.  

If they are moving or firing, make their muzzles flash, add shadows, dust clouds, exhaust, ground tracks, and rooster tails visible from all angles from greater distances than we can see dots now.  Tanks and other ground vehicles are highly visible while in battle in the open areas like we have in the AH terrains.  

We have a fairly good compromise with the current system.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2002, 06:13:22 PM by CMC Airboss »

Offline hazed-

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2002, 09:02:06 PM »
airboss i asked for thatvery thing in a previous post.

the idea was to have dust kicked up by moving vehicles that allows players to see from further away.When vehicle stops dust stops and view range drops some.
I even asked if there could be a 'camoflage' option that you press when stopped. Then in 2 or 3 minutes it forms a net over your vehicle and reduces range icon even more.

things like this i think SHOULD be implemented to add some choices for players which add more ways to play the game.

with this and what id suggested above vehicle attacks would be pretty good wouldnt they?

you could go fast from a distance then slowly creep to gunnery range (to keep dust down) then set up your camoflage before opening fire.

with the new 75mm increase in power against hard structures we could see some hidden artillery bases :)

Just had another thought, we all would love to see more vehicles in AH but again its a problem to give them a role.
well how about we add a vehicle , say an armoured car that becomes a specialised vehicle.Perhaps those strange looking command tanks the tank squadrons used?
how about the tanks cannot camoflage themselves without one of these special 'command vehicles' which allow a force to become hidden using the camoflage ability it alone would posess.

This way you could sneak a force to a nice position then use the new command vehicle to hide these tanks with camoflage, making them maybe twice as hard to could have an area effect from the command vehicle which hides any vehicle within 500 yards of the command vehicle?

it may not sound like much of an addition but it does allow us to try different tactics.with spotter planes, that are able to see GV's better, being the only aircraft with this ability they will get used for sure.

This would oviously be even better if HTC decides to add mobile artillery tanks.

the idea of this post is to hopefully help HTC think of a way to add new vehicles or aircraft that would be unusual.They may not like it as an idea but hey, you never know. :D

Offline cobra427

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2002, 11:41:44 PM »
did spotter planes have a guy with a gun ? like a rifle or smg ... or was it just a pilot?

Offline Pooh21

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2002, 02:27:51 AM »
they are fixing the damage model so that puny little enfield or M1 wont damage the tanks any more. Ditto for the ugly little sten. Same goes for the K98(which I have back home in America btw, they are quite undermodeled :( .)
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Offline AcId

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2002, 08:19:02 AM »
-just a thought-

To add incentive to fly a scout why not also give the kill to the scout. Not take it away from the guy who actually killed the GV but in addition award a proxy kill to the closest scout in icon range.

Offline ramzey

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2002, 10:30:23 AM »
i like recon/recovery plane idea
but now dont see place for tactical recon on AH.
Spown points are too close airfields /for gameplay/ and dont give much time to  make recon flight. Bases flash on range that is substitute for close recon planes.
Anyway, recon planes should have no icon, or very short icon range 500y. So far i dont see technical possibilieties for that

Big change can make strategical recon for strategic info on MA
Avilible info about field, factories, HQ status only  30 min or 1 hour after recon plane pass. Actualized every recon pass.
How to make it?
easy  add "take photo option"  for gunner position and use previous laser bombing system to trace target . Impulese send by photocamera like bomb hit target area and  take info about 5 miles around him. Host recognize that as  "accomplished mission" and give players strat info about that airfield/factory.

im courious , is that possibly to adapt?


Offline CMC Airboss

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add rescue duties to the scout concept
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2002, 01:38:43 PM »
Adding further thoughts to the scout idea - Giving the scout airplane the ability to pick up a passenger (.join command while in close proximity?) would also enable rescues to be performed. If the scout lands with a passenger, score points and perk points could be awarded to the scout pilot.  


Offline hazed-

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HTC do you like this idea? :)
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2002, 04:05:30 PM »
airboss nice idea

the rescue of pilots has been asked for before a while back but
at that time they wanted c47s to do it.when we asked for scoutplanes like the lysander I even asked for a way of dropping off spies.These would be dropped much like a vehicle supply and will stay around for 30 mins or so. Whilst they are placed down the area around the spy gets radar coverage, as if the spy is reporting on troop/aircraft movements :)

there could certainly be many uses for a scout plane if these sort of things were implemented.

I really would like to see unusual gameplay features like these we've suggested.Even if most dont use them there will be some who get a kick out of it im sure.And what other game has anything like it? :)

Offline MOSQ

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Spotter Planes for the Naval War
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2002, 10:09:09 PM »
I like the ideas posted here for spotter planes and spies. One additional use is as a naval spotter for the cruiser guns. Some sort of reward should go for correctly spotting the ships hits and redirecting them on target.....