Author Topic: AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs  (Read 797 times)

Offline APDrone

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« on: December 07, 2002, 01:22:04 AM »
Mission began very almost promptly at the announced start time of 2200 EST by Ghstdncer.

Airmageddon and 457th launched at t + 2 at 30k somewhere in a large star-looking type thingy at NW corner of map. 36 bombers falling and baleting dancing through the sky.

After gathering together drones ( always confuses the heck outta me ) we formed up and headed 090 for about 2 days.

As we approached our first vector change, we encountered enemy bogs, which were quickly dispatched by our escorts.  WTG 'scorts!

Turning S towards Berlin, we encountered ever increasing and adament opposition.

In the beginning I'd look towards the rear of the bomber formation and see a 109 or 190 enter the bomber box and leave said box, normally sporting a new plume of burning fuel.

Soon, however, there were too many 109s and 190s to count. The escorts did their best, but there were simply too many.  Tracers galore, exploding MEs, FWs and B17s all over the place. After each wave of red guys, the bombers limped together trying to bond before the next onrush. Soon there were only a handful left and still getting hit by straggling attackers.

Surviving bombers to make effective runs was myself, with 1 bomber remaining of the 3 I began with and tailgunr, who had become separated from the main force due to being AFK during the vector change.  See, it pays not to be a The #1 engine was out on my remaining bomber so  I killed #4 engine as the only hope of being able to calibrate at all.  Even as I calibrated I noticed I was losing altitude, so my hopes of an effective run were, at best, woefully optimistic.    

I set salvo to 6 and delay to 0.40.  I held the calibration 'mark' for about 3 minutes, to ensure I was calibrated on my run.  Ok...maybe not 3 minutes.. but it was a long bellybutton time, that's for sure. Anyway, it paid off.  I managed to line up and drop the 2 salvos on what appeared to be the densest population of targets on the West side of the train factory.  7 x station destroyed messages. Turning W, I headed for home.. restarting #4 engine to expedite my egress.

Now, either before the run, or afterwards, I had to resort to buff fighter tactics as my rear gunner was out of ammo and I had to 'coerce' my opponent to the front of my plane where I had copius amounts of nose ammo. I think I may have actually removed the tail feathers from one 'poor' 109 using this method.

After the run, I found myself alone and well below tailgunr and his escorts.  PAND dropped down and flew very close escort with me for a grid or two before we were jumped by a couple of 109/190s and my plane was permanently removed from it's misery.

Turns out tailgunnr destroyed over 30 objects, I got 7, and swagger, Stink's gunner, got 9 kills!!!  

Gotta say, from this buffer's seat, it was a helluva night.  WTG CMs, Warloc ( Allied CO ), Airmageddon, 457th, 412th and other escorts.  Thanks for the ride!!


Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group


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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2002, 01:52:03 AM »
It was awesome:)

<<<~S~>>> to the berlin buffs

Offline Citabria

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2002, 04:32:04 AM »
(narative warning)

It was just before noon when we began our patrol around berlin. The Americans were almost always on time. every afternoon they would punctually arive in force above Germany and rain down hell on the fatherland.

I./JG33, a force of bf110g2s were prepairing for a rocket attack on the bombers while II./JG33, fw190a8's with whom i had just been reassigned, began our patrol northwest berlin. It started easy enough. A long leisurely climb to 29k, where we waited as the last line of defense of the capital city.
The reports became more constant over the radio. Contacts spotted over Bremerhaven, still a ways away. Then as the jugernaut steamrolled forward towards Kiel JG33 was moved into position to intercept.
As we neared the outer fringes of the fight a menacing array of tiny specs dotted the horizon. The first waves of interceptors were meeting fierce resistance from escort fighters and had taken heavy losses. We would be next.

Our 190 flight leader, Major Vulcan ordered us to war emergency power and our bmw engines groaned in the thin air at 29,000 feet. The Sky was now a busy place. Two Mustangs darted through our Focke Wulf's but were not able to turn around to intercept us. We pressed forward towards the bomber stream and found only more mustangs. Our flights were playing catch up now. The american bombers slipped by to our side before we could get in front of them. The Mustangs forced many in our flight to dive out of position. The escorts were determined not necisarily to kill us, but to keep us below the bombers. they would maintain their altitude to keep the b17's covered. I pressed ahead as far as i could before a mustang came diving in on my tail forcing me to dive out of the way. We were ordered to regroup at a new location closer to berlin. our first assault did not reach the flying fortresses. Hopefully other flights were having more success.

We were spread out now. I lost sight of everyone in my flight after I evaded the mustang. I climbed slowly at high speed to our new regrouping point. I could see the americans already east of me, still just specks on the horizon. I asked if i should turn back to find my flight but the orders came back intercept the b17's at all costs. Alone I pressed forward until i heard over the radio Lt. Blkmgc call he was on my 6. We pressed forward and gave our position to Major Vulcan. He radiod back he was not far behind us. Major Ripsnort's bf110's were also regrouping to intercept the bombers. the 110s had been attacked by the escort fighters but most survived and were headed back into the fray.

I could now see clearly the bombers to my side and slightly below. Straggling behind the large formation were many smoking bombers. Escorts and interceptors created a huge storm of fireworks falling behind the bombers. The Luftwaffe was having an effect and for the moment the lead bombers were unprotected. In the fog of war i once again lost sight of everyone. so i radiod my position and was reasured by replies of friendlies close behind me.
"I'm starting my attack run."  There they were, the lead group of about 18 b17's and all the mustangs but one were entangled in the 109s 110's and 190's behind. I firewalled thee throttle and targetted the lead bomber. I could see tracers flying towards me from every direction. if it wasnt deadly it would be quite fun to stop and watch them. I pulled up fast in front and above the leader and did a wingover. As i dove i could hear 50 caliber bullets striking my plane. The gunners aim was good, but so was mine. I lined up the lead bomber and fired a concentrated burst into his fuselage by the wing roots. I could see flames beginning to trail back from him as i pulled up from my dive. "1 B17 on fire!" I rolled in again and lined up another b17 and blew off a large chunk of his wing. "2nd B17 down!" I pulled up again and as I climbed up I watched the first bomber explode. I lined up again and fired at another "3rd B17 down!" I radiod my position again, behind I could see small shiny aircraft no longer occupied with enemies behind the bombers. They wanted to kill me now. I had few seconds left to live. I pulled up one last time rolled over and fired all guns in a long burst into a 4th b17. on fire and out of control he fell from formation "4th B17 Down! I'm engaged with mustangs and diving out!" I yelled into my mic as i rolled violently with 3 p51d's on my six. As i was diving out the rest of the flight began making their attacks. the 110s fired rockets into the buffs and the remaining 190's attacked, they downed several more b17's for JG33.

My fight with the three mustangs turned into a 1 versus 1. two of the mustangs pulled back up after a bit of my dive while the third hung tight like glue. I rolled like mad and scissored like hell and he overshot.  The Mustang pilot had a chance to run but he wasnt interested in getting away, only in my death. I pulled my 190 around and he disapeared under my nose. I fired my 20mm mg151's and then rolled to see the effect. the hits landed and he was out of control, seconds later he crashed into a hill. I turned toward the nearby airfield 61 northwest of Berlin. Almost out of gas I had to land and rearm. As i waited for the armorors to finish i heard the news that Major Vulcan had killed 2 mustangs and then a b17 but collided with another b17 and had to bail out. most of JG33 had been wiped out by the escorts and bombers defensive guns. A few limped home leaking oil or badly damaged. A few 109s from another group finished rearming and zoomed off towards the enemy.

I gave the signal to the crew chief and fired up my engine. the 190 couldnt climb like the 109 so i turned south in hope of getting to altitude to make a fleeting pass on the overwhelming allied force.  I flew far south to Magdeberg to reach 30,000 feet. Already I could see many dots heading towards me from the east. "Bombers!" I thought but only mustangs came into view. Lots of mustangs with speed I thought i could get one but they had the ability to turn around fast and get on the tail of my slow 190. I rolled over and over towards a cloud layer at 25,000 feet. the p-51s broke off their pursuit. As I emerged below the overcast I could see a lone B17 with a single mustange escort north of Magdeburg. I turned and flew at top speed at them. I fired at the escort fighter first and missed completely. He didnt even turn! I had total surprise and i undershot. I turned violently cursing to myself at my incompetance and unleashed all 6 guns on the poor smoking b17 limping home. The Fortresses' wing caught fire and he spiralled out of control. I didnt stay to try to get the escort. The Mustangs that left me above the clouds had now descended below them and I was hightailing it back to base hoping they didnt see me.

They didnt see me but the knew where I was going. Moments after i landed and climbed down from my airplane the air raid siren sounded and 6 mustangs roared down and began straffing the field killing off most of the ack ack gunners before rapidly departing.
I survived the day. But as I walked into the barracks and saw the empty bunks I knew one thing was certain: the Americans would be back tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2002, 04:43:22 AM by Citabria »
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Jebo44

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2002, 05:42:53 AM »
Ahhhhh good reading there Cit, outstanding! I closed my eyes and I could see those 51's chasing you with thier MG's winking small cartridges of death.

Offline Vulcan

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2002, 01:35:24 PM »
Festers broken the wingman curse!


Offline dixonaw

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2002, 05:15:20 PM »
GREAT Prose Citabria
I was a 190 pilot, and when I close my eyes, I can picture your tail gunner pouring out his fire.

Offline daddog

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2002, 10:35:02 AM »
Great AAR’s Gents! Really enjoyed reading them. :)

332nd were slotted with escorting the bomber stream to Berlin. When word was out there was quite a buzz in our squadron.

Much of the trip was quite and uneventful. We were cruising at about 26 thousand North West of Kiel

when the first reports of 109’s were being called in the back of the bomber stream. I believe Midnight and other members of the 412 engaged them though this has not been confirmed yet.

Soon after specks were spotted south of us but above which turned into 190’s who tore into the bomber stream. At the same time more 109’s came after the rear bomber stream and several of the 332nd were engaged with them. Texdog and Starbird were sticking close with me and we forced at least 4 190’s to split S and dive away from the bombers. None of us went after them but pulled up to stick with the bombers.

One Fw 190 in particular was intent on the bombers. He was rolling evading fire from the buffs while trying to close on the rear of several B-17’s. His rolls began to take on a scissors motion and I was able to close on him. I have always enjoyed my convergence set out to 500 yards and at 550 yards I fired. Several strikes and pieces of wing fluttered past and below me. He rolled over and dove away.  About this time my X.O. Ghosth called out he was in a spin and unable to pull out of it. As far as I new he was lost. No time to grieve. 190’s were giving us fits. Many of our squad could not get close enough for a solid burst. More radios calls as I hear TeeeRex, Nifty, and Ozark are engaged. They were slashing at the bombers though the return fire was intense many bombers were going down. One bomber blew up in a terrible explosion. Debris everywhere. I was amazed none struck my AC.

By the time the bomber formation turned South East for Berlin several were lost and many more were running just 2 or 3 engines. Shortly after Kiel 110’s came in.  They wrecked a new havoc to the bomber stream. One flew by my nose with parts of its wings missing with little hope of a controlled flight.

From Kiel to Berlin it was a running fight with 190’s, 109’s and 110’s. Just north west of Berlin a squadies was in trouble. Starbird, texdog and myself found ourselves on the deck after some 190’s. Tex’s engine suddenly and unexpectedly died and he struggled to ditch with 190’s buzzing near by. Starbird and I pressed the attack and two 190’s fire balled into the ground.

Starbird was damaged and leaking fuel we headed south and west.  We made contact with ghosth (who survived his spin from 27 thousand to 5 thousand) Renrael and TeeeRex. We were escorting a single buff with smoking engines. Heading for home ghosth spotted a single 109 and engaged it. Suddenly he called out he was going down. Renrael and TeeeRex dove to engage the 109. I ordered starbird to stay with the damaged buff and headed off to help if needed. Before I arrived on the scene just in time to see Renrael take some hits and go into the trees! TeeeRex was on the 109 pulling tight. Before I could dive to assist TeeeRex snap rolled and crashed. That left me with a 109 by myself. I had visions of Wotan, Hazed, Fester running through my head. I was adamant about making him pay. Vengeance is the wrong reason to peruse an enemy. Nevertheless I had plenty of alt and energy. I began to boom and zoom. Three of my four passes resulted in strikes on his tail. The third time I was surprised “not” to see any pieced come off. He was staying tight on the ground forcing me to pull up sooner than I would have wanted. His 109 was difficult to see at times and I knew he saw me at all times with my silver bird against the blue sky. Finally he broke for the south east headed for Berlin. I dove and closed on him. At 1200 yards I noticed a dot in the distance we were headed for. No doubt he had been calling for friends. Wanting to dispatch him quickly I saddled on his long six. 1000 yards, 900, 800, my trigger finger ready 700, 600 he pulled up. Not tight. Just a graceful sweep upwards. Maybe he was missing some tail feathers…something else was bothering me in the back of my mind, but I was set on my vengeance. At 500 yards where I have my convergence set I began to squeeze the trigger. 20mm shells exploded all around me. My right wing denigrated, canopy shattered, gages blew up in my face.

A perfect drag.

LW. :)
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline Dux

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2002, 11:46:05 AM »
Daddog, this is probably the single nicest screenie I think I've ever seen... not sure why I like it so much. Is the color version equally good?
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We all have a blind date with Destiny... and it looks like she's ordered the lobster.

Offline daddog

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AAR Friday TOD Berlin Buffs
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2002, 10:37:18 PM »
Glad you like it. Use this link. I put up a color shot of the one you like.
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure