Author Topic: Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.  (Read 818 times)

Offline paulieb

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« on: December 08, 2002, 05:04:06 PM »
I have tried plane after plane without success when I was on the 2 week trial, and never landed so much as 1 kill. After my trial expired, I figured I'd better brush up on my flying and gunnery a bit, so I used the H2H arenas to do that. So then, I was only flying La7s.
 Last night, I popped in my subscription, and seeing the numbers in the MA (I fly Bish, who were fairly outnumbered last night), I figured I'd stand a better chance of survival in the La7 than in anything else. WRONG. It seems that folks look for LA7s if for no other reason than that their speed makes them very dangerous. Result? I think I got killed about 8 times without so much as pinging anyone. So back to the Spit 9  I go.
 Flew a bunch of sorties, some without even being engaged. I landed 5 or so kills, got quite a few assists, and only got killed 2 or 3 times. Have things gotten to the point that so many newbies fly Spits that no one even considers them a threat, or did my time in H2H actually improve my skills?
 I know that H2Hers and MA folks generally don't mix, but I would really suggest that any new folks having trouble in the MA go there for a while so they can brush up without affecting rank.
 Anyway, I generally like to fly the fast planes, but it seems they have a big "KILL ME FIRST" sign on them. I marveled at how easy it is to cause an overshoot with the Spit, as well as how easy it is to saddle up and clear an ally's six. So I guess for now, at least, I'm a Spitdweeb. Thanks for your time.   ALL!!

Offline Taiaha

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2002, 05:14:06 PM »
Welcome to the MA, Paulie!  Saw you there last night when Bishops we're receiving their twice a weekend rogering.  You were dying heroically with the best of us!

Your experience in LA7s is justified for two reasons.  Firstly, they tend to be the plane of choice for the inexperienced pilot, so the vets know that despite their speed and maneuverability there's a good chance pilot error will land them a kill.  I know that's what I do when I'm fighting one, just wait for the almost inevitable mistake.  Secondly, they can be a dangerous plane, and good threat assessment often dicatates that you respond to the most dangerous plane first (although there are all kinds of variables here).  LA7s certainly don't seem like the uber ride that they used to when I was first starting this game!  Mind you, get a good pilot in one, and you are in a world of hurt.

And hey, be proud of the Spitdweeb label!  I know I never underestimate them, and it's Spits more than any other plane that kills me.

Anyway, sorry to go on, and again, welcome.

Offline VOR

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2002, 09:09:23 PM »
Paulieb, fly whatever makes you happy! Just remember this: when u shoot someone down, does it really matter how you did it? A kill is a kill. Enjoy AH!

Offline milnko

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Re: Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2002, 10:42:43 PM »
Originally posted by paulieb
Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
Hi Paul! I'm a recovering dweebfire pilot too.

I've fallen off the wagon a few times, even went on a binge an flew the N1K2 when times were real bad, but for the most part I've stayed dry by using the FW.190A5.

Sometimes it's very hard to reject the temptation and cravings, but with the help of AA (AXIS ANONOMUS) I've found the strength to resist.

Just remember it's "One day at at time."

Offline Fancy

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2002, 10:57:38 PM »
And paulie it's not like the Spits the only plane you can fly.  I agree with others, fly what you like, but every now and again jump in something else.  Not only will you be experienceing AH to it's fullest, but you might just become a better Spit pilot by learning how other planes fly.  I was N1K dweeb when I first started playing.  And I was exactly like you, I couldn't land a kill in anything else and only a few in a N1K.  Something, boredom or whatever, made me make the switch.  I bounced around for awhile sucking at every plane (FM2, F6, P-38 to name a few) until one day I learned that the 190 is a deadly machine.  And from there I moved to the 205...and so on and so on...

Offline cajun

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2002, 11:11:28 PM »
Hey, welcome to AH!
Yes, Playing in H2H for bout 10 months did improve my skills quit a bit, but if you really, really want to be good, fly every plane, especially early war 1s like a6m2, hurricane mk1, spit mk1, D3A1, F4u-1 (not early war, but does improve ur skills).
My thinking is, more planes you fly the more you know not just your plane, but your enemies as well.

If you havent played in CT yet, you should definitly try it nomatter how few people are in there! Planesets & maps are great! And same with Scenarios & TOD's.
CT allso makes u a better pilot IMO, it makes you fly planes you normally wouldnt, learning their strengths and weaknesses etc.
When ever I pop in the MA I find it amazingly easy to get kills after spending so much time in the CT, provided I'm not trying to defend a vulched base allone as I usuelly do :) (Get killed, but I find it really fun taking on 10 enemies in a Val, zero or hurri 1 :) )
I'm in CT,or SEA 99.5% of the time I play AH.

Oh yeah, as for spit dweeb thing, don't worry bout it fly what ya want how ya want, but I do suggest you try flying lotsa planes somewhat regularely.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2002, 11:18:01 PM by cajun »

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2002, 11:36:11 PM »
Originally posted by Taiaha
Firstly, they tend to be the plane of choice for the inexperienced pilot, so the vets know that despite their speed and maneuverability there's a good chance pilot error will land them a kill.  I know that's what I do when I'm fighting one, just wait for the almost inevitable mistake.

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Offline AtmkRstr

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2002, 08:17:43 AM »
I engage La7s first because they are the greatest threat to my survival.  If many other pilots do the same, then that's why you get hunted down more in that plane compared to the spit.

Offline hazed-

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2002, 08:17:56 AM »
Originally posted by AtmkRstr
I engage La7s first because they are the greatest threat to my survivability.  If many other pilots do the same, then that's why you get hunted down in that plane compared to the spit.

exactly what id have said.

la7s can catch my 190s whereas spits cant. I kill the la7s first

Offline SLO

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2002, 08:55:01 AM »
here's my take....

I fly la7...i'm a dweeb
I fly spits....I'm a dweeb
I fly niki...I'm an ultimate dweeb
I fly P51B...I'm a dweeb
I fly jug...heavy...kill acks..FH....surpress base....I'm a dweeb
I fly LA5-fn...I'm a dweeb
I fly 109E-4...I'm a luftweenie(german for dweeb:D
I fly 190D9...I'm a fighter ace wearin leather undies...running all over the short....DWEEB

no matter what you fly...some1 will always call you a dweeb or make reference to your dweeb ride.

just yesterday somone was calling my LA5 a dweeb ride....I'm still wonderin how a VET of this game thinks an LA5 is dweebish.

of course he HO'd me with his 30mm 109...when it was 2on1 in his favor.

see where i'm gettin at :eek:

Offline Turdboy

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2002, 09:16:54 AM »
I was wondering the same thing Slo. I was on yesterday and kept hearing "it's another dweeb La5".

Why I'll never know!

Offline Purzel

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2002, 09:29:52 AM »
Its really fascinating how often you get called a dweeb, or not how often, but how difficult it would be to choose a plane to not get called a dweeb.

The La-5FN is surely a great plane, and very dangerous, but I wouldnt call it a dweeb plane. The one that called you dweeb should think about his chances if you took a LA7 :D

But it doesnt matter, what ppl tell you after you shot them down, usually they are just upset because they didnt get the kill :) :p

There are two paradigms I personally go about when haveng multiple cons to choose from:

1. Easiest first, the one thats missing a wing, doesnt cause any harm to anyone...

2. Most dangerous first, these are usually the ones that get you when you start to play with the easier ones.

Mostly I decide by the relations of energy-states. Am I above everyone else? If so, I just try to get a shot off on everyone who happens to be more or less close to me on my 400MPH flyby :) :D

Offline SLO

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2002, 09:41:07 AM »
Originally posted by Purzel

The La-5FN is surely a great plane, and very dangerous, but I wouldnt call it a dweeb plane. The one that called you dweeb should think about his chances if you took a LA7 :D


I use la7 ONLY when I defend a base from a heavy attack....that means i'm usually outnumbered....but when in enemy territory....surrounded by a not so friendly crowd....2on1...get ho'd...then get called a dweeb flyin la5.....that just doesn't compute.:confused:

Offline AKIron

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2002, 09:47:38 AM »
Hi Paul

Spit's a lot of fun to fly and the 9 isn't the only flavor. It'll ruin ya for many of the other planes though. Try pulling most of the others around on the deck like a spit and you'll soon be sleeping with the gophers.

Fallen off the wagon and proud of it. ;)
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Offline fffreeze220

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Hi, my name is Paul, and I am a Spitdweeb.
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2002, 09:51:19 AM »
Originally posted by hazed-
exactly what id have said.

la7s can catch my 190s whereas spits cant. I kill the la7s first

In fathers name thats an AMEN