Author Topic: Perk point tweaks/suggestions  (Read 3272 times)


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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« on: January 12, 2001, 11:40:00 AM »
the following are some ideas and probs i see right now in Perk sys.

no point awarded for a assist kill. need
something awarded, like 1/4 of full points for assist.

no points for egging or torping a CV unless it dies. need points per egg or torp that hits the CV, say 1.5 point per bomb/torp that hits a ship. right now u get 0 for hitting and only 1 or 2 points for sinking the CV. how about upping that. if u get credit for sinking a Destroyer, give and extra 3 points to ur mission total, if u get the cruiser get 6 points extra, and if u get
credit for the Carrier get 10 points extra.
reason for per bomb/torp points so high is, if u come along and u put 7 eggs on the Carrier and someone puts the killing egg on before u get turned for final drop,  u will still get 10 points but so would the other 1. only fair since u did the most work.

maybe .1 points per hit on ships when u use the naval guns. u get 0 as of now per hit.

PT boats need a aiming device for torp launch, as they did have  a kind of 1 in real life.

i have noticed in the perk sys we use the ENY
to judge which plane is more valuable to fly or kill. right now the ENY # used by its self is not working like it should in some part. for example fighter to fighter its #s are fine, but Fighter to Bomber its not.
if i fly a 40 fighter and shoot down a 40 fighter i get  1 perk point, thats way it should be, but if i fly same 40 fighter
and kill a 40 bomber i get 1 point, which is really low. fighter killing fighter should be low score cause fighters in the big picture are not a big threat, but fighter
killing a buff should be higher score cause
killing the buff is a major threat gone. killing the bigger threat should gain u more reward then just the same as a fighter kill.

all for now.



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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2001, 06:42:00 PM »
I am just so glad that so many have such a handle on the perk point system - before it is even implemented - to be able to make such fine and educated suggestions.

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Offline CavemanJ

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2001, 06:55:00 PM »
Originally posted by PakRat:
I am just so glad that so many have such a handle on the perk point system - before it is even implemented - to be able to make such fine and educated suggestions.

Ye might wanna check yer facts before spewage mate.  What do you think those totals at the bottom of the hanger page are for?  What do you think the EMY and OBJ columns on the page are?

That's right mate, the perk point system is already in effect and we're all building up points for the day when we are given the perk rides.  Why do you think all the fuss about the -1C has arisen and Pyro talked about perking it because it's pushing the spread too far?  It couldna really be pushing the spread if the perk system weren't already in the game, now could it?

[This message has been edited by CavemanJ (edited 01-12-2001).]

Offline Kirin

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2001, 06:55:00 PM »
one more thing:

Ground objects should not award fighter perk points. Since all fighters have same OBJ value it's far to easy for CHogs (e.g. P47, Typhoon whatever) to amass Perk Points by strafing installations. Fighter sortie button should be disable when fighting on air-to-ground rockets or bombs. Or even simpler objects don't award fighter perkies...  

Agree with whels on above ideas...

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Offline CavemanJ

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2001, 07:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kirin:
one more thing:

Ground objects should not award fighter perk points. Since all fighters have same OBJ value it's far to easy for CHogs (e.g. P47, Typhoon whatever) to amass Perk Points by strafing installations. Fighter sortie button should be disable when fighting on air-to-ground rockets or bombs. Or even simpler objects don't award fighter perkies...  

Agree with whels on above ideas...

So put the perk points for JABO runs in with the buff points?  Or just throw them out all together?  Dinnae make alot of sense mate, and that would turn off alot of attack pilots.  Fighters on attack runs are still fighters.

JABO runs are usually riskier than fighter runs, because we attack pilots have to actually fly into the face of that murderous field ack (1.04s was so much easier to deal with), and I believe that it's worth every point.  95% of my deaths in the attack role have come from that one golden BB ack shot that rips a wing/explodes my kite when I'm in a rolling 3.5+G pullout at 500mph (what a crock, no?).

Offline Kirin

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« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2001, 03:13:00 AM »
Well Cave what I say is that it's much too easy for late-war higher rated planes like the CHog to gain Fighter perkies in that way. All planes have an OBJ rating of 25 wether it's a 4 Hispano monster or a machinegun only 202. Why bother with dogfight where you get like .2 perkies per downed fighter while you can bring them in much more easily by strafing fuel tanks, barracks and alike. I know people who already had over 1000 perk points a week ago with this method. So, do Jabo for a week so you can buy your fancy perk plane? So Cave you think shooting down 5 enemy planes in dogfight (e.g. G2s in Chog) is easier that strafing 1 ack? There are several installations that have minimal ack defense while offering lots of targets.

That's no Luftwhine(tm) but the with Jabo being rated so high LW planes fall behind even more. We do not have a single Jabo that can carry more than 1 bomb while almost every allied plane has the option to carry massive ground pounding loads. And that while the LW was designed to perform close ground support and there is enough reference even for our current planeset that would enchance LWs ground hitting abilities... not to mention that 30mm are useless not only against armour but also against structures now. A fully ammoed up 190A8 is hardly enough to level a VH.
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Offline StSanta

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« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2001, 04:20:00 AM »
Very nice thought out post kirin

I agree.

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Offline CavemanJ

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« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2001, 06:35:00 AM »
Kirin I'm verra aware that some of the factory complexes only have 4 guns, 1 88, 1 40mm, and 2 .50/20mm.  Hitting those are for the little gurls, as they are child's play.

Load up your favorite JABO kite and head for the nearest enemy airbase and dive in there.  A flight of 5 co-alt G2s is nothing next to that golden-BB laden ack IMO.  And, the way I understand how the points are figured, the -1C not only gives the lowest total points for air to air kills, but also for destroying ground objects.  I can only recall attacking a factory once since 1.05 came out, and that was because it was right there, all the bandits had been dispatched, and it supported our goals at that time (and I was on a fighter sortie, not an attack =\ ).

Let the little gurls go make easy points, but it's not the -1C giving them the massive amounts.  It just means they'll be out of practice when they get thier perk rides, and a souped plane can only  make up for so many mistakes before someone racks up the points for blasting thier precious perk kite into a fireball.

Offline Jimdandy

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2001, 08:28:00 AM »
I like Whels's ideas. If there going to implement what is looking like an already flawed system here are some things I'd like to see. I do think planes should be awarded points for ground attack. I think ground attack points should be awarded automatically for destroying ground targets, vehicles and shipping. I don't think you should be able to decide at the beginning of the mission which to choose from. Ground target totals should just tally automatically in a separate column. Then ground strike perk points could be spent on more effecting ground strike aircraft like an A-26B, Hs 129B-3, Bf110E, Me 410, B-25H etc. If your wracking up points for ground attack then you should spend those points on a ground attack plane not an air to air interceptor.

I would like to add that I see a potential problem in the months to come. If you can bank your perk points indefinitely the smart patienct guy would figure out the average amount of perk points he gains per week. Then he would bank enough way so that he would rarely ever have to fly anything but a perk plan. It might take a few months but that's what I'm aiming for. Depending on how many (and I bet not very) people do this we could see perk planes being almost as common as chogs. I still don't know how much any given perk plane will cost. If the price is very high I might not even be patienct enough to wait that long.   I'm beginning to think the biggest flaw in this whole system will be the haves vs the have not's. We are all paying customers in here and there are many people who will come in and see a system that doesn't allow them because of their ability level or available time to have a perk vehicle very often. They think that it isn't fair to pay for a system that doesn't allow them equal access. I would have to agree. The perk point system is faulty and is already got everyone trying to fix it before it's been tried. That's because there are gaping holes in it. In the end I think it shouldn't be implemented at all. I think a system of factories and bases as with the old AW Spit factories thing needs to be set up. Then have a few bases on each side (one being at the HQ so it can be bombed but not captured) that support the really exotic perks like the 262. The others where variations on a standard model and took almost no special support. The perk planes of all kinds would be limited in number. They would be available on a first come first serve bases. This is what they did in AW with the 262. Even with 120 people in the arena I finally got the chance to fly on during prime time. If you put another restriction of allowing that person 1 or 2 flights in that aircraft per day that would keep people from rearming 3 or 4 times and hogging the plane. You would pull onto the pad or go back to the hanger and it would tell you that you already got your turn. It will really torque off the the guy that has taken 2 months to build enough perk points to buy his dream ride and he gets strafed on the runway. Or because we're unfamiliar with the ride we find out the hard way in the first dive how fast it gets into compressibility. "Gee that's a bad bellybutton ride. It climbed to alt great. It sure has terrible departure. It would have been a great flight except for that. Well that's ok in two months I can try it again." Or "Dang that guy came out of no where." Or "HO dweeb!" You've all been flying long enough to see how easy it is for the unforeseen to occur. You will all be bent if any of the above occur while flying that precious perk ride. But they guy that isn't a very good pilot but really enjoys the game is going to be really bent. Or the guy that's on the road all the time or works a lot of OT and is really looking forward to finally being able to use those golden perk points. I think you get the picture. The system is flawed or we wouldn't be on here trying to fix it. The reward for great piloting first and foremost knowing your that good. If others haven't figured that out because your score doesn't reflect it do to the amount of time you have to play they will find it out when you engage in any plane.   If I'm way off base on how the perk sytem works or you don't like my idea at all please tell me.  

[This message has been edited by Jimdandy (edited 01-13-2001).]

Offline Westy

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2001, 08:32:00 AM »
Good points Whels!

What did they use to aim the torps with btw?


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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2001, 10:34:00 AM »
some used a small poll on the bow, kinda like a sight on a barrel or most had the
range finder they used to get the range to target when they looked through the device.


Originally posted by Westy:
Good points Whels!

What did they use to aim the torps with btw?

Offline Westy

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« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
Ahh. Thanks. I thought it was always done via dead reckoning. Many I've layed out all four torps in a narrow spread hoping to catch a gaggle of inbound enemy PT boats. Never had a hit. Wonder if that would help...


Offline AKDejaVu

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2001, 12:42:00 PM »
If you can bank your perk points indefinitely the smart patienct guy would figure out the average amount of perk points he gains per week. Then he would bank enough way so that he would rarely ever have to fly anything but a perk plan.

This is a good point JimDandy... I'd actually been thinking about it too.  About the only real way to prevent it is to have kills from perk planes not contribute to perk points.  Maybe something if you kill another perk plane.. but nothing for killing non-perked aircraft or ground objects.

Seems it would solve that problem.  Kinda hard to see what other problems it would create.


Offline Jigster

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Perk point tweaks/suggestions
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2001, 02:17:00 PM »
Torps don't effect PT boats Westy...draft is too shallow.

Offline Westy

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« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2001, 04:14:00 PM »
 LOL. Good Cod I'm such a dunce <smacks forehead with palm>

 Thanks Jigster.  
