Lott's remarks were made at a birthday party. If you're asked to say a few words about the "birthday boy" you're supposed to say stupid, vapid things about him. It's in the rules. If you don't, you don't get any cake.
Much has been said about Lott's remarks containing thinly veiled references to racism. Lott said, "I tell ya...if Strom Thurmond had been elected president the country would be a lot better off today..."! I still maintain that this is a perfectly innocuous statement that one hears at almost any birthday party. What was he supposed to say? Can't you see Lott standing up and telling the audience..."Well Strom here once ran for president on a racist platform...more than forty years ago. And even though the voters have seen fit to reelect him time and again to Congress over the last several decades I still think he's secretly a Klansman who keeps his sheet hidden in the closet. Strom has convinced many people that he's changed since that day, but I don't buy that for an instant. I don't know why we're here honoring this man."
That would have gone over really well, wouldn't it?