Author Topic: A sad day  (Read 1347 times)

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2001, 10:10:00 AM »
I freely admit i dont like the corsair myself and to be honest the only planes i always bought as model kits as a kid was spitfires 109s p51s zeros lancasters and heinkels and this rather bias's my opinions i guess.But to claim that because(after finding out what the 190 was eally like through AH) i fly LW im for some reason sitting here gleefully rubbing my hands at what has happened to the allies favourite plane?
 grow up!
listen if, like said here, the stats driven perk system is used it will work!
if your f4c is perked its usage drops right?
THEN next tour its perk price would reduce or even go to nothing.
Why dont you give it a chance?

IM deeply offended that some uniform wearing nazi is sitting at his computer laughing at my f4c and is trully upsetting me and my WW2 vet friends, unperk it unperk it!

THAT is what this roadkill sounds like. GROW UP WILL YA.

HTC decides how this game runs.They gave you the damn f4uc didnt they? so maybe they know what they're doing? let them develop their game.
i agree with them and commend them on their decision.

They will continue to receive my $30


[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 05-02-2001).]

[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 05-02-2001).]

Offline Dinger

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« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2001, 10:11:00 AM »
Check it out.  RAM first showed up for duty in TOD 1:
RAM has 105 kills and has been killed 125 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 16 kills and has been killed 39 times in the Bf 109G-10.
RAM has 70 kills and has been killed 75 times in the Spitfire Mk IX
RAM has 17 kills and has been killed 38 times in the P-51D.
RAM has 3 kills and has been killed 6 times in the Bf 109G-6.
RAM has 4 kills and has been killed 7 times in the B-26B.
RAM has 2 kills and has been killed 7 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 1 kill and has been killed 13 times in the C.205.
RAM has 59 kills and has been killed 81 times in the Fw 190A-8.
RAM has 15 kills and has been killed 17 times in the N1K2.
RAM has 4 kills and has been killed 0 times in the La-5FN.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 3 times in the SpitV.
RAM has 5 kills and has been killed 6 times in the P-38L.

TOD 2: (just a selection)
RAM has 43 kills and has been killed 26 times in the F4U-1C
RAM has 58 kills and has been killed 43 times in the Fw 190A-8.
RAM has 27 kills and has been killed 16 times in the SpitV.RAM has 35 kills and has been killed 23 times in the P-38L.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 40 kills and has been killed 43 times in the Bf 109G-10.
RAM has 55 kills and has been killed 41 times in the P-51D.
RAM has 65 kills and has been killed 61 times in the Spitfire Mk IX

Tour 3 (even more limited):
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 9 kills and has been killed 3 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 94 kills and has been killed 34 times in the P-51D.
RAM has 15 kills and has been killed 5 times in the Typhoon IB.
RAM has 37 kills and has been killed 19 times in the Fw 190A-8.

Tour 4:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1C.

Tour 5:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 1 time in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 126 kills and has been killed 73 times in the fw190A-5.

Tour 6:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 1 kill and has been killed 1 time in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 79 kills and has been killed 51 times in the fw190A-5.

Tour 7:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 150 kills and has been killed 52 times in the fw190A-5.

Tour 8:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 3 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 6 kills and has been killed 2 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 55 kills and has been killed 25 times in the fw190A-5.

Tour 9:
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 3 kills and has been killed 3 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 23 kills and has been killed 14 times in the fw190A-5.
RAM has 12 kills and has been killed 6 times in the Fw 190A-8.
RAM has 27 kills and has been killed 12 times in the Bf 109G-10.

Tour 10 (last tour on record for RAM):
RAM has 3 kills and has been killed 2 times in the F4U-1D.
RAM has 0 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1C.
RAM has 8 kills and has been killed 5 times in the fw190A-5.

K/D in the D-hog for RAM: 5/12
K/D in the C-how        : 167/161

RAM always had a love for four-cannon planes.  As a fresh newbie, he learned his craft from the Cannon Hawg.  Once he was able to kill, he left his first love for more mature cannon-birds.  Yet, one aircraft he was never able to figure out was the D-hog.  Perhaps because of an inborn love for cannons, he didn't seem at ease with the F4U-1D's six machine guns. Not feeling proficient with it, he left it in the hangar.  As an ace, when he wanted to relive the love of his youth, he usually went to the C-hawg.

That being said, WTFG HTC on perking the chawg!

Offline Rocket

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« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2001, 10:11:00 AM »
Not gunna comment on the perking of the Chog.

My Fav plane for Jabo is my 1D.  On a good day I can take down the ack on a small field by myself.  I can take a vfield capture and all by myself.  On a bad day I can take down 3-4 acks in my 1D. Against armour the .50s don't work so well but acks are not a problem.  


Offline Torgo

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« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2001, 10:14:00 AM »
6 x .50 or 8 x .50 works perfectly well killing acks. Not that much noticeable difference in time needed as long as you're on target.

I think a lot of people never de-acked with anything but the CHog and somehow bought the idea you had to have cannons to do it.

Offline R4M

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« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2001, 10:42:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dinger:
RAM always had a love for four-cannon planes.  As a fresh newbie, he learned his craft from the Cannon Hawg.  Once he was able to kill, he left his first love for more mature cannon-birds.  Yet, one aircraft he was never able to figure out was the D-hog.  Perhaps because of an inborn love for cannons, he didn't seem at ease with the F4U-1D's six machine guns. Not feeling proficient with it, he left it in the hangar.  As an ace, when he wanted to relive the love of his youth, he usually went to the C-hawg.

ROFLMAO!!! LOL dinger, needed that laugh ,damnit :D

Ok, I suggest you to try to keep my track from January (when I was back as Ametz) until now (Asts). Particularry the part as Ametz.

Ok I'm going to tell you a little tale. I will start telling you that when I came here I had no rudder pedals. The day I got them (in the middle of TOD 3) I got rid of the Chog...forever. Same as with the spit. REasons?...I found that the most EASY planes to fly were the Chog and the Spit. The most difficult was the 109 (with the torque of the old FM, with no rudder the 109 was a nightmare).

(BTW, look at my stats from TOD 1 to 3...hehe and note how good I was as a newbie in the Chog :p <Tongue in cheek>)

now I will tell you another little secret. My favorite weapon is the american M2 .50 cal. I have ALWAYS stated that the Mausers, downright, simply sux. But I'm not the one to blame forthe fact that the Fw190, my favorite plane, was armed with Mauser 20mms, and not with 50 cals. or is it? :D

I simply LOVE the 50 cals. Low dispersion, ultra-flat trajectory, high speed of the bullets, and amazing Rate of fire. It may not have the 20mm MG151 punch, but for sure I can put three times the number of bullets on target with a 50 cal-armed plane than with a Mauser armed one.
I started flying the 190 and I got killed all the time as I always tried to turn with it. Then I changed to the Dhog, and when I noticed that the Chog had WAY more punch I flew with the Chog. Why? because with teh 190, my favorite plane, I could not kill a fly :D.

That, until Ripsnort took me for a ride as his wingie in an 190A8. I got 4 kills on that sortie (will never forget it :D and I'm sure Rip will also remember it).

From then onwards I pressed on flying the A8 over the Chog. I flew it in both 4x20mm and 2x20mm configurations. Admittedly more with the four cannon set, because the plane needed that punch for the few snapshots I could get in it.

Then on TOD 3 I got my rudder pedals and I dedicated the WHOLE second half of the tour to fly P51Ds. As you might note it I got a 3-1 Kill-Death Ratio, in my 3rd tour here. Not bad for a plane wich had 6x50 BEFORE the 50 cal powerup and BEFORE the bullet dispersion fix. I felt in love with the weapon set, but I got bored of the plane (hehe I remember those memorable 2vs1,Bikekila and Asmodan vs me...they in spits runnin after me until I could zoom to reverse :D) so I returned with the Fw190A8.

Then the 190A5 came to AH. In 1.03 FM, Dinger, I flew it wit TWO cannon only. Take a look in the BBS and you'll find that I ALWAYS adviced to fly it with 2 cannons. Strange for someone who loves to fly with four, right? :D

When the 1.04FM came, I resorted for the four cannons. Because the fastest, turning, new fights were way way more difficult to end with a steady burst. I needed again all the firepower I could gather. So I went 4 cannon again.

Dinger,BTW you have NOT shown the 109 kills I have with the 1.03FM (when I most used this plane). I **ALWAYS** fly the 109G10 CLEAN, with no wing gondolas and mostly with 20mm hub cannon. I flew the 109 with 30mm only for ONE TOUR (the last one before 1.04). I think that the 109 is the second plane I've most used, mostly in its G10 variant, after the 190 series. Also, please include the P51 to that study because in the last days of the 1.03FM I flew it intensively aswell.

And over all you have NOT recorded my kills as Ametz and Asts, mostly with the first, when I flew Dhogs, P47s, P51s, etc way more than 190s and 109s.

In short, your "investigation" has been very funny...but couldnt be more wrong :D

P.S. Please I'll take 4 50 cals over the 2x20mm and 2x13mm for the dora, anyday, anytime. and 6x50 cals for the Fw190A8, please :D

Offline DRILL

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« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2001, 10:54:00 AM »
 oh hmmmmmmm >>sips drink moves on

Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline milnko

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« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2001, 10:57:00 AM »
What's in the cup? And do ya got another?

Reading all these C-HOG/Perk/whines threads is thirsty work.


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« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2001, 11:23:00 AM »
I think HTC made a good move, considering the number of perk points required.  I'd like to have seen the value up a bit higher, not because of the plane or it's guns but simply because of the sheer number's of Chogs running around.  It doesn't seem to be consistent, but the last few days of the last tour I got REALLY fed up with Chogs.  Hey, good plane, I fly it occasionally but to be honest, it's nice to see (more) other aircraft.


Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
Check it out. RAM first showed up for duty in TOD 1:
RAM has 105 kills and has been killed 125 times in the F4U-1C.

Oooohhhhhhhhhh   I'm preparing the barbecue...LOTS of potatoes to peel for YOU !  


Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline R4M

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« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
Huh?...I thought you had to clean some latrines before raising your head around here?.  

BTW those planes were used before I ever joined JG-2 (thing I think I did already in TOD2)



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« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2001, 12:00:00 PM »
Sandman, I flew Jabo on P47s and F4U1-Ds A LOT while I was flying as Ametz. the 50 cals are far more effective to deack a field because the higher RoF with almost the same range. And those four surplus rockets helped a lot, too. I know what do I talk about.

Roger that... maybe my expectation of lower effectiveness with the DHOG affected the way I fly it. Will have to give it some more effort in the future. FWIW, i'm absolutely lousy with rockets... haven't quite figured it out yet.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2001, 12:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM:
Roger that... maybe my expectation of lower effectiveness with the DHOG affected the way I fly it. Will have to give it some more effort in the future. FWIW, i'm absolutely lousy with rockets... haven't quite figured it out yet.


I have a training film using rockets, see the Help and Training forum.  Also, a good gunsite with Rocket and Bomb tic's on it helps too.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2001, 12:18:00 PM »
Numbers, numbers, numbers. If you numbers guys are for perking the popular planes, then get your pen & paper ready for your next hunt. Go look at the stats as of 13:30 EDT. N1k has almost 600 kills. I didn't spend alot of time looking but it was almost double that of anything else. LMAO.
Like I have said all along, we are just moving them to next airframe. There is always an "uber" bird.

Offline sling322

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« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2001, 12:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by hazed-:
THAT is what this roadkill sounds like. GROW UP WILL YA.

HTC decides how this game runs.They gave you the damn f4uc didnt they? so maybe they know what they're doing? let them develop their game.
i agree with them and commend them on their decision.

They will continue to receive my $30

Funny statement coming from one who is on the "winning" side of this decision.  I wonder what would have happened if HTC would have come out and made a statement along the lines of... "We have decided to not perk the C-hog at all."  Would all of the whining and crying to have it perked stop?  I mean, after all, let HTC develop their game...right?

I think its hilarious now that all the CHOG whiners got "their" way that they are now asking others to stop whining about HTC's decision.  What in the world makes you think that the "losers" in this decision dont have just as much right to whine about it than you did before it was made?  I have said it before, it doesnt matter one way or another to me that HTC perked the C-hog.  I flew it occassionally....usually just because of all the whiners screaming about it or if we had a good vulch going on somewhere, but its not gonna make me quit or anything.

Offline R4M

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« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2001, 12:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM:
FWIW, i'm absolutely lousy with rockets... haven't quite figured it out yet.


Quite easy. first of all, fire in salvoes of 2 rockets with minimum delay. Some people fire them one by one with amazing hit rates. I personally didnt get good results one by one.

You have to set a straight pass with a slight angle of descent. I found that to keep speed high helps too. You have to keep your plane well trimmed, mostly on the rudder axis.

Then point higher than what the gunsight marks. I always fired "at eye" between 0.5 and 1 cm higher than the gunsight crossbars, but you can use a sight to help you. There are some very good ones out there.

The moment to fire (at least what I used as a hint) is when you see the first acks firing at you. Then release the first salvo, roll and pull out. Repeat four times until you end with the 8 rockets and then start working with MGs.

This is the system I used, and I started using it with almost no clues (other than what I had read here in the BBS). I am sure that there are some dedicated jaboers out there who can tell you some more hints. but with this system I always was able to take the first 4 acks of a field with the rockets, from stand-off range.

Hope that this helped.

[This message has been edited by R4M (edited 05-02-2001).]