Author Topic: Overstepping the mark?  (Read 1633 times)

Offline Vulcan

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2002, 04:05:54 PM »
Actually frenchy my exact comments in the earlier flight were:

V: "lil warpy there froggy"
F: "you were warpy too"
V: (something like) "oh well you the only one I've seen warpin"

At the point a whole lotta other people talked about ya, one comment being "frenchy low and slow is deadly" and I replied "french was just low and slow and is dead" or close to that. The only comment vaguely related to France is... froggy. What would you prefer I use as slang for French? What is the national motif? A cock (rooster)? :D

If you find this so offensive and irritating perhaps you should change your handle?

Thanks for the screenshot, I think it really shows how silly this moderator is. Why was I irritated? Because I've sat online while kids like deathpig have mouthed off all sorts of crap and got away with it. Also because that popup came mid-flight. Also because I think the moderator is... well I can't say it here.

Originally posted by SFRT - Frenchy
Here it is your honor :D
There were some earlier remarks about France from our previous fight, but like I said already Vulcan, it's fairly irritating even if I know it's not meant to be offensive. Now that we talked about it, you know better and I'm confident you will take that into account next time I got shot down.

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #46 on: December 17, 2002, 04:23:59 PM »
Originally posted by Steve
Frenchy, the French folk that I have interacted with are just as hateful to Americans.  Tell me, if it's not so, where do Stereotypes like: "The French hate Americans. French people are so rude" come from?
My point is, it goes both ways...we Americans, not all but many, think your country's foreign policy was written by a bunch of chickenshits who are in denial of what's really going on in the world.(not commenting here if I feel that is right or wrong)  Unfortunately, some people lash out at you as a Frenchman.  I agree that it's not fair to just isn't though.
I have never called anyone race related names in game.. well except for Moot, I called him a racist...if that counts.  It's not that I'm some kind of saint or really nice person.  I, like most Americans,  yes the majority, simply don't give a rat's bellybutton about a person's skin color or nationality.  I base my feelings on the actions of the individual.  And like everyone in the world, I may have predisposed leanings about certain races (if you are honest with yourself, you will realize it's true for everyone) but these presumptions are readily dispelled by the behavior of such individuals. It may not seem like it Frenchy, but I promise you.. most Americans really don't care about color or race and we are baffled at why so many in the world view us in a negative light.  Some will say it's because we are policing the world and that it's not our place to do so.  It's a dirty business.. but someone has to do it,...things like Nukes and other WOMD will one day be readily attainable by those of ill will if we do not. Geez what a tangent... ummm anyway... have a nice day.

Steve, you treated me as a popsicle, I tried to explain you why it was pissing me off. It has nothing to do with the cat and dog game that USA and France play with each other.
Like I said, go to France and ear :

"You guys had to wait for sept11 to finally join the rest of the world on war against terrorisum"
"wow ... you fat man ... how can you do it, that's sick"
"your president is too funny, getting a blow job by a fatty"
"somalia, best fighting force couldn't even capture a warlord"
"is it true that when u graduate from high school you cannot even solve a double integral?"
"no France is not next to China in the black sea".
"does G.W. Bush really has to kick Sadam to prove his dad he's a man?"
"you are a Junkie, USA is biggest user of Majeruana"
"why trying to police the world, when you cannot even police your own streets?"

After 5 years, trust me ... you will be easilly irritated ... would you think it's fair for me then to call you a popsicle?

As far as the foreign chickenshit policy, a comon mistake is to think as an American to solve a problem using the country's asset.
If I wanted to be sarcastic :
You are president of France, you want to invade Afganistan? Awsome idea. Here are your 400 tanks and 50 planes and 10,000 troops.
What? It's not enought? You need more? Sure, go ahead generate money.
Ask the 60 million of French to have their income/sales taxes raise from 23% to 35%. Or and draft kids too from school. And cut on the social programs, so u send in the street 1/4 of the population ... hey why not use them as canon folder? :D

But on a side note, everytime there is a hot spot, France sends troops. It's like like USA, very small numbers (it's all we have anyway) and definitly not with a camera crew who's already on the beach when you disembark;)
Ever eard of the Daguet division during the gulf war? Check them out, you may learn something about surrendering.

On a serious note, all this actually belonging to the O'club, each nation fights for it's own interest and it's understandable. The fact that the "Biggest Arms" around try to impose their way is also very understandable. The misconception that any country has about an another country is understandable. Any country has people who behave or are amazinhunks. The beauty of it is that you can spend hours barking at each other with "you did that ... no you did that". And that's what I love from the many traveling I did. All those people from various backgrounds, religion and traditions, it taugh me one thing for sure : tolerance.
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Thorns

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #47 on: December 17, 2002, 05:04:08 PM »
Bunch of thumb suckers........."excuse me Mr. French, but Buffy called me tard."  BAAAAA!  I never see the OLDmn from Chicago crying...."because there's no crying in baseball"  "Hey Boyington, you can't call that guy a riceball."  Boyington's reply, "I just did!"   I think y'all need to go fly FS2000, be really polite, let the other guy land first, and don't make any skid marks, your mom might yell at you.  :D


Offline Vulcan

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2002, 05:07:34 PM »
Sheeesh you guys oughta see what I say to my squadies...

Offline bj229r

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2002, 06:53:52 PM »
Heck Frenchy all ya have to do is listen to ANY gathering of Hollywood liberals to hear exact same stuff--saves trip across Atlantic;
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline straffo

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Overstepping the mark?
« Reply #50 on: December 18, 2002, 02:09:08 AM »
Originally posted by Steve
Frenchy, the French folk that I have interacted with are just as hateful to Americans.  Tell me, if it's not so, where do Stereotypes like: "The French hate Americans. French people are so rude" come from?

Quite wrong we don't hate the american we hate : YOU !

Just kidding ;)