Author Topic: You Just Might be a Gun Nut if....  (Read 202 times)

Offline K98k

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You Just Might be a Gun Nut if....
« on: December 29, 2002, 05:23:57 PM »
~you buy a gun safe much larger than you think you'll ever need and still fill it up.

~your guns are worth twice as much as your car.

~even one of your guns is worth more than your car.

~you list your local FFL dealer as a dependent on your tax return.

~you watch old WWII movies and can identify and look at all the rifles and handguns but can't remember who stared in the movie or what it was about..

~it bothers you more when 007 runs out of ammo than when the BOND girl dies.

~while watching the movie "Terminator 2" you have to leave the room in tears and mornful sobs after Arnold Swartzenneger throws the CAR- 16 off the moving tractor trailer and it goes bouncing away~.

~everytime you see the finale of the Sam Peckinpa movie "The Wild Bunch" you think to yourself "what a waste of brass!".

~You wince every time a movie character drops a $35 magazine, or worse a pair of such magazines simultaneously, on the ground and runs away from them.

~You shout at the TV whenever a Civil War character uses a '73 Peacemaker.

~You notice movie flintlocks are actually made from Springfield Trapdoors.

~You notice the Empire's ceramic-clad soldiers [in Star Wars] carry pistols based on the '96 Mauser.

~You thought the German Army's use of Patton tanks in "The Battle of the Bulge" was beyond belief.

~your gun safe cost more then your dining room set.

~your wife/girlfriend starts using Hoppes No. 9 instead of perfume to get your attention.

~your collection of American Rifleman back issues, Gun Digests and reloading manuals cost you a premium the last time you moved. (or maybe that is a sign that you are an OLD gun nut!)

~you're in the army reserves, and they can't figure out why every time they send you out to shoot the M60 with 100 rounds, you return with a shot-out barrel. It never dawns on them you're bringing your own ammo.

~you own a BAYONET for a gun you haven't bought yet.

~you have guns in your safe that you can't for the life of you remember how you came by.

The Curio and Relics Firearm Forum

Offline superpug1

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You Just Might be a Gun Nut if....
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2002, 06:02:22 PM »
very good / very true

Offline hawk220

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You Just Might be a Gun Nut if....
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2002, 10:04:12 PM »