First off, many thanks to Pokie for his TEdit-Starting.txt tutorial. I've been dinking with the editor for about 6 months and have never made one that didn't immediately crash when I tried to fly it, until I read this
Anyway, you Editing Gods, I have some questions about getting strat to work. The help file that comes with the editor is obsolete because it still talks about those depot things we had way back when. So I'm having to figure this out by trial and error, and so far that's not working.
SITUATION:I'm using v2.11 or whatever version of the editor came out a couple days ago.
There are no errors found in the Object Report and the map doesn't crash the game when flown offline. In fact, everything seems to work perfectly except the strat system.
Offline, I'm using all the default arena settings.
Map is based on Pokie's TEdit-Starting.txt. Finished this tutorial and then started adding strat stuff. So each country has a large field and an HQ, each in their own zone.
Added a big chunk of grass around the nit field. On this, I added a city and 1 each of the 5 types of factories. Each factory is correctly set for country (2-nits) and zone (2). The nits are the only country that have any factories or a city.
The factory and city shape groups match the new ones in use currently in the arena.
Each factory has a train track leading to it. Each track runs S-N for 2 miles. Each track carries all country supplies to a 1-mile radius. The tracks run either through or right beside each factory, so the factories are within the radius.
Each track has a train assigned to it. Each car of each train is set for correct country, zone, and track.
The nit field (2) has a road leading to its town. The desitination of the road is field 2 and it carries all field supplies. The road is 2 miles long and has a convoy assigned to it. Each truck of the convoy has the correct road, country, and zone assigned.
The city and HQ have nothing leading to them.
All tracks and the road just start out in the middle of nowhere, not from a station, depot, or whatever. That's how they are on the AK map so I figure the Help file is obsolete in saying they need a source. There's nothing to assign a source in the editor these days anyway.
All the trains and the convoy move correctly both in the editor's animation mode and in the game when I try the map offline.
PROBLEMS1. The information displayed in the map room on the ground and the STRAT tab when in flight isn't complete and may not be accurate. The problems are similar but worse on the STRAT tab.In the map room, when you first enter, the list of fields on the clipboard is a complete blank. All it shows in the bish strat situation (because you start as a bish) with everything at 100% (and the bish have no strat facilities, just an HQ). If you click on the nit or Rook field, however, all 3 fields appear on the field list. But when you click on the nit or Rook field, all the fields disappear from the list again. However, the strat info for the chosen field/country shows up and everything's 100%. Which it should be at this point because you haven't done anything. Same story when you change countries--the field list is blank until you click on a field other than the one you're at.
OK, now you go flying. The strat button on the clipboard has the same problem of nothing showing on the field list. However, there's no way to bring up the other fields like in the map room. So you're stuck looking at the strat info for the field you took off from.
Now suppose you're in a bish Lanc formation and go nuke about 1/3 of the whole nit reefer. You end the flight as soon as the bombs hit and go back to the map room. You click on the nit field and get the fields to show on the list. Pick the nit field and all the strat shows 100% still, despite the devastation at the reefer.
Now you change sides to nits and you see the same strat info for the nits, everything 100%.
2. Buildings don't repair when resuppliedContinuing the above story, you now fly a nit plane a couple miles over to the bombed reefer. As you circle around surveying the devastation, you see a train coming. It disappears next to the reefer but no buildings repair. All damage is as before, but even so the strat button still says the reefer is 100%.
OK, so what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.