How about combining Pearl Harbor with Midway?
Divide an ocean map in half with a "land strip" to keep the CVs from each battle from interacting too much.
On 1 side, put Oahu (or 2 or 3 or 4 of em) and 4 (or maybe 8) Japanese CVs.
Enable A6M-2s, Kates and Vals for the Japs.
P-40Bs, Wildcats, SBDs, M-16s, and Bostons for the US.
On the other side of the map, create 2 or 3 "Midway Islands" and give each side 4 CVs.
Enable A6M-2s, Kates and Vals for the Japs.
Wilcats, SBDs, and TBMs for the Allies.
* Enable NO player controled ship/shore guns or PTs for either side.
This will force all ships to be killed by aircraft ONLY!
* Make CV and Cruiser kill number just under 2 plane max bomb load for the opposing country. 1 hit to kill a destroyer.
* Place CV spawn points 1 - 2 hours from the action, so the CT doesn't empty when CVs are sunk.
* Perhaps enable only 1 plane type per CV. This way when a CV is sunk, it will affect the game-play. TGs wil also have to stay togeter to be effective as well!
* "Thin out" the TGs. Maybe 1 CV, 1 Cruiser, 1 destroyer per TG. Spread them apart if possible.
* Minimal radar and warning distance!
* Perhaps enable TBMs from Midway Island(s) only.