Author Topic: - what to do about AH votes  (Read 508 times)

Offline wulfie

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« on: January 05, 2003, 01:21:28 AM »
Guys I think it's nonsense as well - the fact that you can vote for Warbirds III but not AH, etc.

But here's the way to handle it - send a 1 paragraph email to 'The Wargamer' explaining how AH is in no way the same game in 2002 that it was in 2001 (due to constant updates, etc.) and that you'd like it put back on the list.

Mention that the average weeknight in AH you have 300-400 playing in the MA. Mention the numerous historical events.

Far too many game review sights put up reviews these days that are 'bought and paid for' by the producer of the games. The Wargamer is one of the last impartial sites when it comes to reviews - you'll notice that they live month to month on viewer donations. They could end that struggle by accepting 'sponsorship' from any number of 'less than honorable' publishers. But that site is what they all should be - a site run by people who actually play the sims, games, etc. that is meant to inform people and keep them from wasting their free time and $$$ on suckwad titles, etc. Not to mention the huge amount of storage space they use on posting user created mods, scenarios, etc. for many 'classic' games.

I'm fairly sure the removal of AH was an 'admin oversight' - someone noticed that AH existed before 2002 and doesn't understand the 'nature' of AH.

Don't flame them. They do mostly honest work and you don't want them getting the wrong idea about the AH community. It will have an impact on future 'sim die hards' trying AH if they hear thru The Wargamer that the AH community is a bunch of short tempered madmen, etc.


Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2003, 02:59:12 AM »
Umm.. AH 2001 beats WBIII hands down.. They must be on crack.

Offline Horn

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Re: - what to do about AH votes
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2003, 08:44:12 AM »
Originally posted by wulfie

Don't flame them. They do mostly honest work and you don't want them getting the wrong idea about the AH community. It will have an impact on future 'sim die hards' trying AH if they hear thru The Wargamer that the AH community is a bunch of short tempered madmen, etc.


I'm not going to flame them. I'll just never be back to their site, and I'll tell everyone that I know that cares about such things that the site is not worth the time.

Vote w/ your feet, don't support their sponsors. They will die off eventually.


Offline eddiek

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« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2003, 10:57:44 AM »
I wrote them a very nice three paragraph letter with my viewpoint on their poll and it's criteria for nominees.  No flames at them, only a flight simmer's viewpoint, and asked them to re-evaluate the nominees.
Taking AH off the list was bogus IMO, but nothing to get worked up over.  I rarely (like 3 times in 3 years) visit their website, so their opinions mean nothing to me.  They gotta play up to iEn to keep that sponsorship for their website coming in, so it all looks like "business as usual" to me.

Offline eddiek

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And I got a nice, reasonable response back..............
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2003, 11:58:19 AM »
Hope Mario don't get mad at me for posting this, but here was his response to my letter:
"I appreciate your polite and cohesive feedback.  (Unfortunately some of your fellow fans of AH did not make the case quite as well and not without insulting us.)  
Let me explain it this way --- we’ve always, as far as I recall, had to make some sort of cut off, or popular games from years ago with an active mod and support community would have to be included and the list would simply be unmanageable.  This is not a WBIII vs. AH popularity contest or bias.  The simple fact is that right now WBIII did release a retail version through Simon & Schuster in 2002 and AH, while well supported by the developer through patches, did not.  There are hundreds of games out there that received significant patches, were repackaged by the publisher, and so on, all of which would have to be featured as choices, if we were not to draw the line somewhere.  We are currently re-evaluating our entire list and are doing our best to make sure the standards are consistent across all games AND that we do a better job more clearly articulating why some games made the list while others did not.  Perhaps this is a good topic to take to our forums and make your case there as well, explaining how well supported the game is and what an excellent muti-player online flight sim it is (and we agree with the assessment).  It’s just hard to consider a game released in a totally different year for a best of the year award, when that game was not even published in that same year, and opens up a ton of issues and endless other games that we would have to add were our standards something along the lines of “any game patched or modified in the year of the award” or even “any game significantly patched and approved in that year” (which would, of course also places us in a highly subjective position (one we don’t want to be in).


If you could communicate to your audience and peer group that we are not singling out Aces High but that we made a simple error in including the game in the first place, I would much appreciate it."


Mario Kroll

CEO, Publisher, and

VP of Marketing and Business Development

The Wargamer Network

I replied back and told him that HTC was offering a CD, I bought mine during the 2002 year (not sure if they are still selling them, though), so that in itself might bring AH back into the nominees' list.  I noticed that he took the time to point out that this is not an AH versus WBIII war, which I appreciated.  But to be fair, marketing the same old game via retail box when the same thing is available via Internet download (for free too) should not qualify said sim for the poll.  This is what iEn has done, take what was available via free download and box it up and call it "NEW".  I disagree with Mario's justification for not including AH in the poll, but that is his perogative.
Just because it is not included in the poll doesn't mean squat to me in the end.  I'll still be here, still having fun, and still laughing when I think about the folks who buy into that other sim and leave frustrated from the lack of customer support alone.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2003, 12:05:26 PM by eddiek »

Offline poopster

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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2003, 12:17:54 PM »
The reason is as simple as this...

We also have offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Raleigh/Durham/Chapel
Hill, Silicon Valley, and Paris, France.

Who's doin lunch with who ?? Jay would be bore at lunch though. He probably comminicates with cut'n paste..

Offline Joc

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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2003, 12:49:20 PM »
I voted last night for AH in the 'simulations' listing,and today I got a mail asking me to vote again,and when I went back,no AH listed in the 'simulations'section :mad: :mad: :mad: