Author Topic: Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..  (Read 3017 times)

Offline gofaster

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2003, 10:21:01 AM »
Originally posted by maxtor
There is another map, "that wasn't quite yet ready" for release with 1.11 which we can hope will do these things?

Maybe the Finland/Russia map will work its way into the MA rotation.

Offline Jackal1

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2003, 10:36:25 AM »
make 1000 and 500 lb bombs a perk issue

  I have seen many variations of this idea in many different post in the last 2 or 3 weeks.
  Mostly these pertain to either the so called SUICIDE bombing of the CV or a base.
  This seems to be a real important issue for a lot of players.
  I have a solution that is way too simple and be discarded immediatley.:D
  If this is that important to you , if you don`t want to take a chance of your base being suicide bombed, up a fighter cap and protect this base, intercept and shoot them down before they get there.
  If you suspect your CV is entering a hostile area where there is high chance of enemy "suicide" bombing the CV, man the guns , up a tight cap over CV and protect it. ( I can rule the last idea out and I know why. The majority of players want to take no responsibility for the CV, but there`s always plenty who want tell the person in charge of the CV how stupid he is for taking it to either safe or a hostile area. Let the CV get in spitting distance of an enemy base that has no dar bar showing and watch the number of peeps lined up to drop ord and strafe field. The dar bar gets close to equal and things change. Defend the CV? No. Everyone wants to up to hit base. Don`t take a genius to know when enemy discover CV is close a portion of them will do their best to sink it. No fun defending, numbers drop suddenly, enemy sinks CV.)
 My intentions are not to make anyone mad, but I know it will.
Cold hard facts are, it`s not that important to you if you want defend it.
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Offline Zuny

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #47 on: January 06, 2003, 11:49:44 AM »
By suicide run, do you mean intentionally hitting a target with your plane?  (Remember, I've only been on AH for a couple weeks).  I often attempt to pork a field by hitting VH/FH or fuel but never with the intention of dieing.  It usually just turns out that way.  heh.  I've done runs on CVs with a Stuka and I even almost made it out alive once.  I never attack without at least a slim hope of surviving.

Zuny - Making the skies safer (for the enemy)

Offline Zuny

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #48 on: January 06, 2003, 12:05:36 PM »
By suicide run, do you mean intentionally hitting a target with your plane?  (Remember, I've only been on AH for a couple weeks).  I often attempt to pork a field by hitting VH/FH or fuel but never with the intention of dieing.  It usually just turns out that way.  heh.  I've done runs on CVs with a Stuka and I even almost made it out alive once.  I never attack without at least a slim hope of surviving.

Zuny - Making the skies safer (for the enemy)

Offline mia389

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2003, 12:17:00 PM »
Ya I always seem to be the one trying to save the base with maybe 2 others if Im lucky, But 3 vs 15 aint that fun to me. I also dont like to get caught vulching I give to much toejam to people that vulch

Offline DrDea/Kvorkian

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2003, 12:54:26 PM »
I dont see anyone stateing an obvious conclusion. The bonus cash for top dawgs couldnt POSSABLY be causing people to move in droves more worried about staying alive and scoreing than helping out now could it?How about that gets dropped Nawwwwwww......nobody is THAT serious about breaking up the packs

Offline gofaster

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2003, 01:16:53 PM »
Originally posted by Zuny
By suicide run, do you mean intentionally hitting a target with your plane?  (Remember, I've only been on AH for a couple weeks).  I often attempt to pork a field by hitting VH/FH or fuel but never with the intention of dieing.  It usually just turns out that way.  heh.  I've done runs on CVs with a Stuka and I even almost made it out alive once.  I never attack without at least a slim hope of surviving.

Zuny - Making the skies safer (for the enemy)

The definition seems to be a bit squirrely.  Some people consider "suicide" to be what you describe.  Others consider it to be simply going in fast, nailing whatever is in front of you, extending out, and getting popped by flak as you come around for a second run.

The latter happens to me quite a bit, except in the P-38 in which case I compress and belly it into the hill on the other side of the airfield.

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2003, 02:03:28 PM »
by defending the bases against the hordes (5-10 vs 1) you are only encouraging the timid, moronic "missun dudzz".... they may actually get to kill somthing besides a building..... you... on the runway.    If everyone just refused to up at these bases perhaps it would put more light on the problem or... maybe the attention starved tards would get bored with it.

zuny... sorry... if you don't have the talent  or wit to survive then you are a suicide bomber... what I suggest is that you not be given 500 or 1000 lb bombs untill you "earn" them by surviving bombing attacks with smaller bombs.   Your skill level should have to be above that of "suicide bomber" in order to affect the gameplay of other don't you agree?

Offline DrDea/Kvorkian

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2003, 02:47:52 PM »
Going by THAT sort of thought those that auger to get a goon shouldnt be able to have troops for X amount of time untill they learn to fly home and land. Not everyone is a pro at the Jabo roll.It took me awhile to judge the speeds and angles.Trying to force someone to fly under "your" approval  system is BS and even pushing wine  potential.  You give no damage by crashing into something with a plane so suicide bombers as you put it are doing no damage other than with there ord.So they cant pull out of the dive every time.Quit crying about it and tell em how to do it right.Not everyone was born an ace.

Offline guttboy

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #54 on: January 07, 2003, 01:16:59 AM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
What DID piss me off is seeing some very dweebish tactics being used (rooks specifically). P-51's, Jugs, and P-38's doing suicide runs on field fuel and ordnance. They seemed to attack a field, and combine with suicide jabo's at nearby fields targeting fuel, barracks, and ord. Thus making surrounding fields ineffective to launch a defense from.

I can't wait til HTC sort out this stupid suicide tactic the hordes are starting to use.

Vulcan where do you get off saying that this is a dweebish Rook tactic....seems to me that this happens on ALL sides.  Not a slam on you just an observation.

I have to chime in here....some guys like to go en masse to be it.  I enjoy putting together a mission and devastating a base then capturing it OR denying its use from the enemy.  Some of us have FUN with the strategic element of the game.  I said it....I HAVE FUN doing mass missions.

With that being said....I used to get upset when guys would not bother to help or would just go "tooling around" looking for fights.  The ole "Isle of Dweebs" situation.

Well I too get frustrated with the mass missions all the friggin time....last night I had to fly to the center "IOD" and had some of the best dogfights in a long time.

I guess what im saying is one persons version of fun is vastly different from yours, mine, or anyone elses for that matter.  And I think that adds to the appeal of this game.  I for one would get kinda bored just doing 1v1 or 2v1 etc.....ALL the time.

Variety adds to the game.

My two a couple extra....;) :rolleyes:

Offline Vulcan

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #55 on: January 07, 2003, 02:37:28 AM »
Guttboy lately the rooks seem to have been doing this a lot. For example, A40 was nit, and under attack, all the fields back to A38 were porked, fuel and ord.

When I arrived on the scene there were some P51's at 38. One was SFOX and another guy, those two were actually seriously fighting. The other couple came in at around 80 degrees on the fuel, dropped too low, and the bombs didn't fuse. BLAM, two free kills.

Strategic field porking is fine. But the rooks seem to be taking the depth (ie how many fields back) to a new level. I have yet to see the bish hit fields so far back, or with such an obvious one way tendency.

I think you and I are talking different things. I don't mind a bit of strategy, but one way missions with no intention of return and only intendin to pork all  a guys fields is SAD. You might as well play offline.

Offline gofaster

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #56 on: January 07, 2003, 08:05:58 AM »
That's how alt monkeys are contained.  If you limit their fuel, you limit their altitude.

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2003, 08:13:37 AM »
yep... anyplace where a decent even fight between two reasonably close fields is ruined by the no talent suicide runs on fuel or FH.   I don't want the suiciders to get better at it I want it to be very difficult to do.   It is ruining the kind of gameplay I like (aircombat) and I don't see what is the point of the gameplay it causes.

What fun is a game where you can never engage in large even fitghts?   Why call it a multiplayer game if you have to avoid every area where there are "multiple players"?    

I don't see the fun of the building battling and field porking... is it the (LOL) 25 perks you may see if you stay online killing buildings for 10-100 straight hours?   Is it simply that they are so skilless and timid that they dont want to be in anything that approches a fight and get excieted just knowing that there is a small chance that they may get to vultch some terminally stupid player upping over and over at a porked base?  

Offline Jackal1

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2003, 12:43:13 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
yep... anyplace where a decent even fight between two reasonably close fields is ruined by the no talent suicide runs on fuel or FH.   I don't want the suiciders to get better at it I want it to be very difficult to do.   It is ruining the kind of gameplay I like (aircombat) and I don't see what is the point of the gameplay it causes.

What fun is a game where you can never engage in large even fitghts?   Why call it a multiplayer game if you have to avoid every area where there are "multiple players"?    

I don't see the fun of the building battling and field porking... is it the (LOL) 25 perks you may see if you stay online killing buildings for 10-100 straight hours?   Is it simply that they are so skilless and timid that they dont want to be in anything that approches a fight and get excieted just knowing that there is a small chance that they may get to vultch some terminally stupid player upping over and over at a porked base?  

 Once again your using the term "no talent suicide runs". I f anyone is that skilless you have nothing to complain about. You say you like aircombat and don`t see the point of the gameplay it causes. lol You hit the nail on the head there, you don`t get the point. As far as ruining the kind of gameplay YOU like, here`s a hint: not everyone wants to pay the 15 bucks a month and sacrafice their fun to please you. To me there is no point in taking off, meeting the enemy half way, fighting till death or rtb. Nothing accomplished unless maybe what your real complaint is, not enough perks, rank advancement, and the real reason your POed, If you have to defend a base you might actualy have to fight with a disadvantage sometime instead of having all the time to gain alt and wait until you have advantage. You ask ,are they so skilless and timid they don`t want to be in anything that approaches a fight? Then you say, why call it a multiplayer game if you have to avoid the areas with multiple players? I believe you have the right to play as you wish and not participate in base capture and contribute to the winning of the game. The name calling sucks bud. If your so hot to trot for aircombat, then why do you want to avoid areas with mutiple players?  Players attacking a base or certainly not timid and avoiding a fight. In your on words , you are the one avoiding a fight and locations where their are multiple players. You want everything set up so you can only in on situations where you have overall advantage or nothing. Defend your bases and quit running from the real fights . A couple of days ago me and some squaddies were trying to take down a Rook field. The guys at this field were putting up the best base defense I have encountered so far. I can guarantee you it was non stop "aircombat". You certainly could never find anymore intense and nonstop action. I think you need to stay away from these Real fights, go somewhere and set up the perfect situation for you every time, and friggin CHERRY PICK. In other words remain skilless, timid, and avoid it at all costs .
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Offline DrDea/Kvorkian

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2003, 12:54:58 PM »
I recall the AW days on AOL when porking the frontline bases sometimes was the only way to take a base.Basicly the same thing applies here.You hit the rear bases,and take the front ones.Thats textbook for the "Strat" players.I was never a strat player.I didnt mind taking bases,but I was limited in playing time so I wasnt like some of these Gernerals that live in there and plan there day around an 18 to 20 hour plan.Strat playing by definition requires you think in advance.The Furball crowd just wants to find a place where they can get maby 20 people combined dukeing it out between 2 bases.Unfortunatly as long as there is a score involved someone is ALWAYS gonna screw it up for the other people who in return are screwing it up for them.
Group 1 battle cry. "Hey why dont you furballers get over here and help us out.Your not "Team" players."
Group 2 Battle cry. Hey guys theres a GREAT furball between base whatever and whatever.This is a blast!!
Group 3 battle cry. Well hell I'll supress that mess.
So ya see,its never going to be the "Be all" for everyone.Ya just have to take what ya find.As far as the suicide eggers,I didnt know that untill I got the hang of Jabo I was suffering from suicidal tendecies.I guess experience='s prozac in here.:rolleyes: