Author Topic: New CT Terrain and Tigers  (Read 964 times)

Offline Odee

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New CT Terrain and Tigers
« on: January 11, 2003, 11:28:44 AM »
I really REALLY love the new terrain....

Tiger tanks are over modeled when it comes to taking damage, or the 1k and 2k eggs are undermodeled.   I cannot imagine anything flesh and blood living through the concussion alone from two 1,000 pond blasts spaced less then the Tigers length apart and on each side of it.  

Now on another subject.... LAG
 Could someone in authority please explain why... My FE shows hits on a 109 at best convergence in a HO for a 2 to 3 second burst of six .50's and all that happens is the 109's gear (yeah I said GEAR) gets damaged.  But he squirts a couple tracers and I lose both wings from his canons which is also understandable

Minor peeve but this is rediculous HTC.  What exactly does the FE report to the server when I have a ping between 40 and 70 on cabel modem?

ARCADE HIGH rides again....!  Yeehawww
« Last Edit: January 11, 2003, 07:26:58 PM by Odee »
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Offline Puke

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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2003, 12:29:25 PM »
Yep.  Several of us were trying to take a VH and there was a lone Tiger sitting there.  We bombed it and straffed it over and over and over and over and over......  We were able to take his tracks out early but thousands of rounds of cannon shells and many bomb hits and near misses did nothing to that puny pintal machine gun and so he was able to continue to shoot us down and our three drop of troops (that I saw before I gave up.)  He was literally sitting on a bomb crater and we know bombs drop from above ONTO the top where the machine gun is, yet it took out the tracks.  Funny, doesn't take much for my Mustang or Corsair to lose a maching gun in the wing, you would think the pintal machine gun would get dented or some type of damage after having ordance dropped right on it and in great amounts like I saw (no wing to help protect it.)

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2003, 03:00:32 PM »
ouch, I have not tangled with tiggers yet.  Has anyone tried big big cannons on them?  Like stuka or hurricane size?

20mm and mg should do little to nothing.

Bombs should lay the little bastards to waste.

Offline brady

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New CT Terrain and Tigers
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2003, 03:05:11 PM »
"Rebuild times are not 15 minutes. They are more like 5 to 10 minutes depending on what part of the map you are going for. (Which I find not so odd, depending on supply routes and nearness of same. "

 I triple checked the rebuild times this time to make shure they were correct and Widewing Checked them heimself and veryfied that they were corect.(supply is off in the CT)

"Tiger tanks are WAY over modeled when it comes to taking damage, or the 1k and 2k eggs are WAY undermodeled. I dropped 4k worth of eggs on two seperate Tigers last night and all that"

 Historicaly Tanks like the Tiger were almost imposable to kill from the air. I have been killed several times by 500 pound bombs while in a Tiger. Last Night I was also Killed While In a Tiger From a Guy In a Panzer IV Who Shoot me in the Side, one Hit I was dead.

 "happened was his frigging ENGINE DIED I cannot imagine anything flesh and blood living through the concussion allone from two 1,000 pond blasts spaced less then the Tigers length apart and on each side of it. Sorry, but once more the LW side seems to be getting favored treatment."

  Just How is it that the Luftwaffe Is geting Favored Treatment?, and What are you refering to in the Past that leads you to beleave that this happens? Also The Tiger Is perked and not all Airfields are axcessable to Vehicials.

 The Allies have an Enourmous advantage in Jabbo deleaverd Ordance over the Germans, the also have Two very Surviviable Bomber Platforms to USe aganst the Germans, the B26 and the A20G, the Only Bombers the Germans have are the JU 88 and the Stuka both ridicusly easy to kill by comparsion. The Only Area the German Side has an advantage is in the Tiger, you ought to be happy we dont have the tanks that were realy their which were even harder to kill than the Tiger, the King Tiger and the Panther. So the only Area in Which the Germans have a slight advantage, is limited in basses It can be used aganst (about half the map) and it is perked. While the Alies Have two Big Advantages and they are universly available.

  Everybody Knows, or they ought to by now, that HTC has what could be called a poor armor model, your right that gunner firing the AA MG should be dead when it is strafed, the troops in the M3 should also die easly when it is strafed. Their are many things porked about GV warfare in AH Thats a Fact. Howeaver anyone droping tons of troops on a base whear a map room is covered by a Tiger should expect them to die, knowing that the Turet gunner is not killable.

 Strafing a Tiger Should Not Die track it but yet it does In AH, Strafing a Tiger should Not Kill it and In AH it does Not, so what the heck.

 My advice is this, get better at droping Bombs aganst Tigers, they kil them if you hit them right, heck it could be lag as you mentioned earler odee.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2003, 03:18:20 PM by brady »

Offline Shane

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« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2003, 05:23:17 PM »
odee... there's nothing brady can do about the gv modeling.

tigers *can* be killed... sure as hell i die in them all the time.

do like the allies and sent 4-5 "shermans" at one and i'll bet with proper tactics you'll come out the victor.

only big hting about gv's i sthe fact that all tracked vehicles have the same top speeds, negating th eone true advantage "shermans" had over tigers... speed and manuverability.

but play the game with what we got, it's not totally FUBAR'd.
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Offline brady

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« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2003, 05:56:14 PM »
Odee, I am sory you were offended buy my statment baout bombing skill, I did not mean it as an insult, but after being killed several times in a Tiger by bombs I know it is possable, what else could I say.

      After reading several reports about German Mediuem and Heavys in action and after action reporst by the allies themselfs regarding tanks destroyed in the field, the general concensious is that nothing short of a direct hit was required to kill a tank with a 250kg bomb. German Studies concluded that on the Russian Front that they neaded to do Just this aganst T34's to inshure kills. The heaver tanks were even more reselent.

 Now as I stated above the modeling in AH of GV's is in my openion not as some of would have it, but they have tryed to fix things and it is geting better.

 Tigers can be killed, I sighted some examples before, and I am shure others have died as well in them.

 I am not ingnoreing your complaint odee, I have responded, I just feal that Over all the set up is balanced and I am going to leave it at that, I am sory If you dont like it I cant please everyone all the time, perhaps the next set up will be more to your liking.

 I aslo had no intention of enabling any British planes in this set up, I did it as a favore to the map maker ASW, who wanted to be able to have a WW2 spitfire vetrian fly a specialy skined Spit, that is why their are only two Canadian Fields.

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2003, 06:12:21 PM »
Calm down,
Take a valium or something.
Brady did not write the code.  He, and other CMs are volunteers.  They can only work with what they have.
If you have a beef with the GV code, tell HTC.

I was the Tiger.  I enjoyed frustrating the heck out of the Allies with it.  It is uber.  I don't know how good a dive bomber you are, but if you are implying that you never miss, you sound foolish.  Your bombs that you dropped on my Tiger were not dead on.  They were close.  The ones that were dead on killed me.  
Karnak, Slash, and whoever was in the jug... I think (ammo?) were dead on.  Those bombs killed me.  I also lost 2 Tigers to an invisible pothole or structure near the tower, you got credit for one of those.

If you think the Germans have it so well, in this and other set-ups, why not fly for them?  No matter how uber their equipment is, they are typically outnumbered and could use help?  If not, why would you insist on flying Allied?  Or is the Allied equipment really not all that bad in comparison?  

In this set-up you have the fastest planes and the best turning planes.  You can also haul more ordinance.


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2003, 06:15:13 PM »
odee you dont know how "bombs" are supposed to work.

When you drop a bomb it hits the ground and detonates. The blast is reflected up and away. Most of the force is blown back by the ground not out to the sides.  Tanks we extremely hard to kill with bombs and rockets in world war 2. They were damn near impossible to kill by strafing.

There are plenty of instances where 1 or 2 tanks held off a larger attacking force.

I dont play ah any more but when the tiger came out I died to bombs and killed some with bombs. They are tough to kill but they were in rl. With all the jabo planes that can carry larger amounts of ord its obvious that the allies have the advantage. As they should.

Because you couldnt kill a particular tiger doesnt mean anything.

If you wont to kill tanks easy play ww2ol. 1 hispano from a d520 can kill a whole tank crew with its he content.

Try bouncing 50s off the ground next time.........:)

Offline Jester

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« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2003, 07:09:48 PM »
Will admitt the TIGER has some problems with it's damage modeling but I guess that is just a limitation to the game. We just have to live with it for now till the next version comes out.

TIGER armor does seem to be a problem - seems the side and rear armor has been switched around. I have blown up one with two shots to the side but put 36 AP rounds at 500 yards into one's rear (real life weak spot of the Tiger) and only damaged it. It still rolled off! That is not right.

A2G: While the Tiger was an extremely tough tank - It does seem to me that a 1000lb bomb would do "SOME" damage to the tank - even by a near miss. I have seen pictures of Tigers blown on their sides by bombs and the tops ripped off by hits from the 5" HARV rockets.

Maybe we will see some changes in the next version of AH. Till we will just have to "pile on" and fight smarter than they do. ;)


Offline Odee

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« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2003, 07:14:15 PM »
I HIT 95% dead on accuracy JABO.   And it was more than ONE PARTICULAR Tiger that was immune to the 1k eggs.

And yes I do KNOW the physics of explosives in real life.

Eskimo "enjoys frustrating..." and that is understandable.  I for one refuse to exploit a "bug in the game".

I am flying Allies this time because they happen to have the Mossie, which is one of my favorite planes of the Era.   I could pad my score and fly LW, but I am not into padding scores or being number one.  I look for a more accurate "balance" in playing this arcade game.

HTC will perhaps one year get around to fixing the pintel mount damaging model on the Tiger.  

But I guarantee you this much in real life... Not even the ELEPHANT Tank could withstand a thousand pounder dropped on its head.  A 500 pounder would have killed everyone inside and banged merry hell out of the hull. and that is fact not Arcade High physics.

So I will now play the game as Arcade High and not the touted "Most realistic flight sim...".

TYVM for your opinions, views, and comments.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2003, 07:33:57 PM by Odee »
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
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Offline Karnak

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New CT Terrain and Tigers
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2003, 07:16:15 PM »
I had fun trying to take out your Tiger with my Mossie, Eskimo.  It was something else to see all those Hispano rounds richocheting off of your armor.:D

We tied, 1 for 1, in the end.  500lbers can do damage, but you have to be very, very accurate.  I seem to recall a "That was LOUD!" response to my strike that did damage.

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Offline Widewing

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« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2003, 02:41:09 AM »
Well, last night I planted a 500 lb bomb square on Eskimo's Tiger. It killed the turret and the engine.

Later, I rolled in on another of Eskimo's Tigers with my Typhoon. Two 1,000 lbs bombs did the trick. On the previous map, I killed 3 Tigers by dropping 2,000 lb bombs from a TBM.

Ultimately, the solution is to HIT the Tiger directly. It's extremely rare that I miss a tank with bombs. But, that comes with constant practice. With practice, no tank will have a chance against any fighter-bomber. Virtually zero.

Most guys make their bomb run at too shallow of an angle. I prefer to dive in at 75 degrees or more. I pull out before 5k and almost never miss.

Likewise, one must practice with rockets too. Last tour in the MA, I killed 64 PTs with rockets. Killed every one I attacked. I've killed a Tiger with rockets. Made four runs, getting hits on each run. Finally, the last hit killed it.

Now, if I can do this, anyone can. It just takes practice, lots of practice.

I understand the frustration, but train enough and any GV you attack, dies.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2003, 06:38:39 AM »
no one can touch you on 'use of color' at least-

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2003, 09:24:46 AM »
Originally posted by Odee

I am flying Allies this time because they happen to have the Mossie, which is one of my favorite planes of the Era.   I could pad my score and fly LW, but I am not into padding scores or being number one.  I look for a more accurate "balance" in playing this arcade game.


I don't see how flying for the Luftwaffe can be considered score padding in this scenario. Both sides have thier greatest piston engined planes available, sans- TA-152, for the Luftwaffe. Look the Luftwaffe guys are usually out numbered , they get used to flying smart. You got to look at who shoots you down , it's not always the planes thats uber. Sometimes it's the guy your fighting is just good.:)

Offline Odee

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« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2003, 04:07:21 PM »
All due respect Lowe-san....  This is about the Tiger, not my ACM.  TYVM for your concern.

Would have been nice to get a response from HTC on this, instead of the CM's who really can't fix the models anyway.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2003, 10:54:05 AM by Odee »
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
Elite: Dangerous ~ Cmd Odeed