As we started working on the mission theater, we realized we were making a completely new game from that which is Aces High today.
This lead us to starting work on AcesHigh II. Which will be 2 games in one.
AcesHigh Classic, which will be the Main areana as we know today, only with updated Graphic Eng,and other sim items, but the game play will be similar to what it is today.
2nd. The Mission theater. We need a better name for this. AcesHigh "Fill In the blank"
This game will will be primarly geared toward role playing.
The outline of the game play items are as follows.
1. You will enter the game as a cadet and have to pass some training sorties to get your wings.
2. Once you get your wings you will be a 2nd LT with 500 carer points.
3. If you die you will loose aprox 100 career points.
4. If one your mission is a success you will recieve 10 carreer points.
5. If your points go to 0 you are demoted back to a cadet and have to go back threw training.
6. If you get 1000 Points you will be promoted to 1st LT.
Once your a 1st you will the loose 150 for a death and recieve 10 carreer points for mission successes. If you reach 0 your back to 2nd or 1000 your promoted. Along with a promtion comes better ground crews. So your guns might jam less,eng run better, but your expected perform a lot better. There's also medals and other stuff.
The point values in the example above are just for demonstration purposes just to give you an idea of how it will work.
Battles will last for a given period of time before moving onto the next phase of the war.
Missions with be automaticly generated by the host, and have a substantial AI componet of either bombers or ground vehicles.
Offensive missions will be primarly to protect bombers or vehicels, defensive to kill bombers, or vehicles.
You will have 2 avatars, one for axis one for allied. You will only be able to play 1 avatar per battle. There ranks will be independent.
So we would like some suggestions on the name. This is just a short outline of the the things we have in mind for the mission based play.
So does anyone have a cool name for it? We view this as a combination of flight/combat sim and military role playing. We'll be putting out some news about all this shortly, but we're stuck on a name.