Author Topic: One Of Them Days  (Read 920 times)


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One Of Them Days
« on: February 20, 2001, 07:11:00 PM »
1st Sortie:  Chasing a diving P-51, closing within 150 yards.  BLAMMO I hit the water and am dead.  The P-51 was apparently flying underwater due to net lag.  Or else there is a new type of submarine that HTC has not told us about.

2nd Sortie:  Raid to Bishop Main Island.  We have about 10 planes, Bish put up at least 20.  End up being chased by 6 of them.  Take a ping from a CHog, lose a flap.  Outrun 4 of them, 2 left.  Scissor one of them and then sprint away again.  The other RTB's and it looks like I am clear after a 6 way gangbang woohoo!  Nope, DISCO.

3rd Sortie:  Clear a P-51 from a friendly and he ack-runs.  Break off and pull about 5 gees at 450 mph, rolling to move my lift vector, still pretty far from the field acks.  BLAMMO 1 ping ack kill.

4th Sortie:  3 of us on 2 cons.  2 of us end up on one, while the other guy is 1v1.  Have numerous easy shots to blow the guy out of the sky, I mean 100 yard easy shots that I just completely miss several times.  Bandit is warping through my bullet stream repeatedly.  Over-concentrate on this bandit and... the other con I ignored blows me out of the sky.  

Time to log.  I'm not blaming anybody but myself.  Just One of Them Days...


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One Of Them Days
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2001, 07:13:00 PM »
Know the feeling... sometimes you just have to step away. The alternative involves wrecking some furniture... LOL.


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One Of Them Days
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2001, 07:22:00 PM »
Dude I almost threw a coffee cup at a concrete wall.  

Offline Jigster

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« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2001, 09:21:00 PM »
Yuck I had one of those days as well...funny enough it started with your FW sortie.

Upped 29 after the red mass upped 25, In an Zero. I was expecting a red cloud but alas they diverted to 34. Well after taking all day I finally caught up with the 190/109's and engaged a 109, he breaks and runs. Engage a FW, can't get within cannon range, so I lob a few 7.7/12.7 mm rounds and land a single ping. Chase him to the CV where I break off and chase a high 109/190 pair, I finally got an assist when ya got dumped  

Decide to ditch on the carrier after flying that zero around for nearly an hour. Slide show on approach, blow the engine.

And then things really got bad...

2nd Sortie...Up 19 in a P-51. Find a Typhoon BnZ'ing a few guys, build up steam and roll in on him as he trys to dive away. Finally get close enough and killed him. I'm feeling a little better so I hook onto a low Spit with Servo. Cannot catch the dang thing. Never dropped below 375 and I never got within 1000yards. I see the Spit making it's way to the city, so I pull off. La5 flops in front of me, I open up only to have a frame stutter and 50 or 60 rounds go everywhere but where I want them.

I turn off, and at the furthest possible range the city ack knocks out my engine, so I've got the dang spit and La5 bearing down on me, and get popped.

3rd Sortie, up 19 in a P-51 again. Find a low P-51 with a Spit and Yak, hook on the the P-51 as he tries to get away from the furball. Put a few pings at him at 900 yard but he never turns and runs home. Find a co-alt Spit, he engages, I do a standard HO-avoidence roll...he flys past, 1 sec later I see tracers and get 2 cannon pings, plane shreds. (which got alot worse a few hours later)

4th Sortie, up G10. Lock with a P-51, shoot his tail off, only get assist. Engage a higher F4U, work on him for 2 min, shoot off both wings, assist. Engage a Spit, can't do anything with him so I drag him for a friendly. Unbeknownst to me, the friendly is flying a 202. I wondered after dragging for 5 min on the deck and the Spit not breaking with a friendly 100yrd off his six. Spit finally opens up, I die.

5th Up P-38 from 19. Engage a P-51, knock off his wing tip, assist. F4U, shoot off his tail, assist. I'm already swearing up a storm at this point because of all the assists. Helped with a Spit, got assist, the name of the guy that killed him wasn't anywhere near. Get bounced by an La5, F4U, and P-51, 5 friendlies around but they are busy with two others, jinx wind and all that stuff, lose an engine to the F4U HO as I'm rolling out from the La5 glued on my arse. Ping up the La5, F4U rips off my tail and augers a second after I die.

I got 10 or so, more assist in the next 3 sorties. Had to stop because I was foaming at the mouth at that point and the savis net died out in Dallas a bit later.

I just couldn't seem to get any kills...guess it's the price you pay with 2 or 3 friendlies waiting on the deck  

- Bessy

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 02-20-2001).]

Offline StSanta

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One Of Them Days
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2001, 03:25:00 AM »
Ugh funked, I feel partly responsible, as I was flying with you on at least two of the missions.

once, I got discoed just as the fight got interesting (4 cons my six high, same amount on you)

And the second I am not sure. Believe we were separated, I killed an enemy, turned back and saw you get killed over enemy field some distance away.

Some days are like that. My K/D is down to 1.8 from 4.5 something after my break, so right now I don't take dying too seriously  .

Anyways, was great fun winging with ya.

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"All your base/are belong to us"
Keep up the momentum!


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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2001, 03:29:00 AM »
Im always having those days  , but serioiusly this is really bizzare some days just nothing works out- especially aiming.


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One Of Them Days
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2001, 08:13:00 AM »
What is interesting to me is this....

I have been flying these sims for over 10 yrs...I know what I should do and how to do it...I understand that Patience is the key to good sorties...I understand that the arena is dynamic and that there are optimum areas that the fights will be good and yield kills...I understand that without good SA, sorties are short...low and slow is a bad thing, fast with alt is a good thing...etc.

Yet, some nights I ignore all of the above and drift around the arena as a big fat target, fling like a newbie!

Explain that!



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One Of Them Days
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2001, 08:14:00 AM »
Hmmm Bessy I feel your pain!

Heheh StSanta none of that stuff was your fault, just my own stupidity.  Sorry I couldn't help you and Nath more.  I'll try again this evening.  

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »

How about the day I had last tour where I shot myself down... 3 times in one night!  Argh.  Oh yeah, and I crashed into the fuselage of an FW I had de-winged that night too.  I got about 15 kills that night, and if it wasn't for my own idiotic self I would have landed them all.  Grrr.

Then there was the early days of this tour....  Cruising at 20k in my Jug ... dive on a 51.  He runs and ditches at his V-field.  A high dot comes in... yummy, it's the Spit V I chased earlier.  Wrong... Yak.  D'oh.  Run... fight when the Yak closes, uhoh he doesn't suck (my only hope to kill a Yak with more E who's on my six).. die.  Then I switched to the CV and grabbed a kitty.  Take off.. boat turning, die.  Take off again, hit wrong button and auto-crash just after takeoff and die.  Takeoff again, get dive on an incoming F6F and smash into the sea through stupidity and die.  Grab a Jug from a nearby field and go after some lower bad guys, uh oh fleet ack, die.  Ahhhhhhhhhh.  I logged.  

This whole tour has SUCKED for me.  Monday night I was finally able to shake it off a bit by winging up with Verm.  It's weird, last tour was my best tour ever, and I'm including the years I played WB as well.  For some reason when the new tour started I just started flying like an idiot.  I wish I could blame it on booze.  

Lephturn - Aces High Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs
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"Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know." - Michel Eyquem, seigneur de Montaigne. (1533–1592)

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2001, 09:09:00 AM »
Been there done that ... something like every two days ... especially the "I can't believe that I missed this guy!"  

Olivier "Frenchy" Raunier

SFRT Aces High web page

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[This message has been edited by SFRT - Frenchy (edited 02-21-2001).]
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Effdub

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« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2001, 09:10:00 AM »
Hey Jigster, I was that "dang spit" heading for the city... in my recollection I was flying toward a low furball that consisted of ONE friendly and more than SIX gangbanging enemies. I decided to fly smart and jumped the 202 that diden't get out of the way fast enough.

Next descision was to get the hell out before those gangbangers get an easy kill... alas two point happy dudes (one of them apparently you) decide to run me down - bad move   I always confuse Cities - dunno which ones are friendly or not so I wasen't running for the ack, I was a) heading for my own base and b) waiting for you guys to catch me. If you did at least I'd have the odds down 1 vs 2. This being alot better than the bashing I'd been through on my previous missions.

Enter the La5... I see a friendly fly overhead and think "why not be smart again and call for some help?" He comes down to even the odds and it seems he hit you on his first pass - dunno. What was annoying was that your brave "I can fly 2 vs 1 from ded six" buddy broke off - just as I was willing to reenter the fight 2 vs 2.

Saw tracers coming up from city and thought it was firing at me... then your plane zooms by trailing smoke - guess it's "my" city after all.

I keep position behind you to let you ditch, but instead of ditching you turn into me - fights on! When I see my buddy in the La5 homing in on you I let him do what he wants to do - don't want to steal the kill...

Always two sides to a story bro...


Offline Sancho

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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2001, 10:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by SFRT - Frenchy:
Been there done that ... something like every two days ... especially the "I can't believe that I missed this guy!"  

At least once a night I waste a perfect kill opportunity... a nice N1K zooms up in front of my jug, floating suspended in the air as he chases a con straight up.  I line up crosshairs and fire off a 5 second burst and hit nothing but air.  Happens all the damn time.  My shooting has to be the worst in the game.  

Offline anRky

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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2001, 12:12:00 PM »
Y'all think you had it bad, just think of how bad the poor 202 had it last night.

I couldn't evade one plane, without another one being right on top of me, every time.  I lost count of the number of times Mitsu shot me down, which made me real mad at any spit I saw flying    However, I got many good shots at several spits, lit them up with so many hit sprites I couldn't see the plane, but it never did any good.  They'd just out-fly me, come around, and blow me away with a ping.

Hell, I couldn't even get more than an assist on a PT boat.  The only kill I did get, someone came up on ch 2 and said I stole it.

Then my connection got so bad I couldn't get logged in, or even access these boards.  

I finally got connected an hour or two later, and there was nothing to do but hang out over an airfield and vulch.  Got more assists than kills vulching, and that was in a P47.  

Here's hoping tonight goes a little better.  


Offline Servo

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« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2001, 12:28:00 PM »
I had one of my best days yesterday at 19. That perticular encounter wasn't though. Both Bess and I engaged the the Spit, but he already had a good E state, and it was going to take a while to chase him down. I had no idea there was a city down there until I got nailed with ack. The tables turned quickly after that with the La5 and... I think a pony too. Not sure who it was who finally off'ed me, but it wasn't a glorious battle.  

However, after that I redeemed myself with several multi-kill sorties. The last being a string of 8.

I don't know why but yesterday I was flying like a madman. Making impossible under the nose deflection shots and never missing when a shot opportunity when it came up. I was so confident I remember turning around and heading back into the furball with only 38 MG rounds in a Yak thinking, "Well, I'll just have to get in really really close...."

Anyway, I could tell you horror stories (basically any day other than yesterday), but I'll quit while I'm ahead.  
