Author Topic: beta terrain? why  (Read 881 times)

Offline Toad

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2000, 07:12:00 AM »
Originally posted by -towd_:

you are correct i behaved like a bellybutton in the ma but i truly dint think you ment it at all...and you probably didnt really now did you.

You are right towd. You did.

But as I said, the fault is not yours, it's mine. By now I should know better than to try to carry on a reasonable discussion with you.

I apologize. It won't happen again.

As for the Meters/ are right. My mistake and I apologize for that too. I was thinking "feet" (meter x 3) but typed yards. However, anyone that went to that link saw it immediately right? No intent to deceive. There other links on that page go to official US ARMY manuals IIRC. So, I may have made a mistake but the correct data is there.

[This message has been edited by Toad (edited 07-26-2000).]
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beta terrain? why
« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2000, 08:40:00 AM »
"As for the Meters/ are right. My mistake and I apologize for that too. I was thinking "feet" (meter x 3) but typed yards. However, anyone that went to that link saw it immediately right? No intent to deceive." toad

i reject every thing but the part about being wrong. i believe you intention was to cut my credibility but in you rabidness you botched it and so threw in more inacuracys and another insult. i behaved like a bellybutton becase i knew you were gonna and you did anyway  and you call me adversarial. i am adversarial cause being polite just gets you run over and run off

first of all all previous dicussion on distance was in the yards that are used to measure distance in gun solutions in ah. here it is

"LOL, TOWD, man you need some Home training
Hey Pongo-- .50 cal pounch through thin aluminium at 1500 yds? you bet and then some. That round has a 500 grain projectile launched at close to 3000 FPS. It will do better than punch through aluminum at 1500 yards."


you then made the statement that a 50 cal would penitrat 19 mm of armor at 1500 yards i pointed out this was a falsehood . you then said that you ment 1500 ft and (meters x3) another falshood ( 125 feet aint nit pickin)mayby you ment 1500 ft but you were still way  off still in any case

500 m is more like  1625 ft all this seems to prove that accuracy wasent you goal but in fact more to undermine my credibility as i pointed out was my suspicion in the first place.

now that i have shown  ( i think ) you true aim under the misdirection

Offline Duckwing6

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2000, 09:47:00 AM »
what a waste to read this thread ...

I post on topic . and then it's mental beacon bashing .. going round and round in circles...

Offline Kieren

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2000, 10:16:00 AM »

I don't say that your opinions are invalid. I will say that I have never spoken a word to you where you didn't immediately insult me. That is your perogative. The strong reaction you get here isn't because you questioned HTC, it's because (most likely) you have treated all the people here in the same manner. You are not a victim.


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beta terrain? why
« Reply #49 on: July 26, 2000, 10:18:00 AM »
why do you say its a waste?
 and what is metal bacon bashing?
 and seeing as that was you first post on this thread how did you post on topic cause this one was just another criticism ?

 the topic has changed its discredit or "trimm " towd . and towd aint haven any of it . sorry if my admitedly angry first post was not to you likeing . but i reserve the right to defend my self from attack in a honest manner. and really have felt much better airing out my frustrations and takin on all comers reather than sitting around reading posts where people are run off cowed by the bunch that posted above . there is always somone willing to fight for what they think is right. if that bothers you. toejam can i do ? dont read it  


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beta terrain? why
« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2000, 10:23:00 AM »
why do you say its a waste?
 and what is metal bacon bashing?
 and seeing as that was you first post on this thread how did you post on topic cause this one was just another criticism ?

 the topic has changed its discredit or "trimm " towd . and towd aint haven any of it . sorry if my admitedly angry first post was not to you likeing . but i reserve the right to defend my self from attack in a honest manner. and really have felt much better airing out my frustrations and takin on all comers reather than sitting around reading posts where people are run off cowed by the bunch that posted above . there is always somone willing to fight for what they think is right. if that bothers you. toejam can i do ? dont read it.


Offline Wanker

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2000, 10:26:00 AM »
Towd, leaving out any discussion of your dislexia, let me focus on the content of your post, rather the technical aspects of it's construction.

I actually thought you made some valid points in your post, as some of us are also wondering what the direction of AH is going. But your whole attitude is so confrontational and emotional, that you make it hard for anyone to take you seriously.

BigJim, I don't see it as Pyro having thin skin. Rather, all he's saying is that if you need to complain, please do it in a mature, adult fashion.

A jerk is still a jerk, even if he's a paying customer. Paying 30 bucks a month doesn't give you the right to make life miserable for everyone else playing the same game you do.

If I owned a business, I would definately sacrifice a continually unreasonable customer for the sake of the rest of my clientele.

Cobra, I like your style, bro. You and I are on the same wavelength. <S!> Oh whoops, does that make me Cobra's gay lover now, Creamo? LOL!

Have fun all. Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff.  

[This message has been edited by banana (edited 07-26-2000).]


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beta terrain? why
« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2000, 10:28:00 AM »
well kieren do you remember you first day on aces high? who helped you and flew with you ?helped you get rw set up?

none other than towd so i guess that day was considered a insult .

you are a very politicaly correct person and i have never seen you insult anyone. till now so in spirit what are you doing? chosing what you want and damb the facts. another one just like the other one. sigh


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beta terrain? why
« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2000, 10:37:00 AM »
i have explain my confrontational atitude ad nausium  i didnt start the fight i got tired of the bullys. no matter how i put it the result would have been the same. the minute i made valid points and questioned anything about htc . they were gonna attack my personality,sanity,identity,ect,ect,ect . the board has run off all the "nice"posters here is whats left you dont like it read your on post. really a bunch of insults and little substance just like most the others you want a fight and posture as tho you are a genteel person and then spout insults . that is the level im playing to.

Offline Wanker

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2000, 10:48:00 AM »
you are a very politicaly correct person and i have never seen you insult anyone.

Towd, Kieren's personality has nothing to do with being "politically correct"(God, how I hate that term!). Kieren was obviously raised to be a decent, considerate human being. It has nothing to do with some stupid "PC" label that people like you slap on others who have manners!  

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2000, 10:48:00 AM »
Hmmm. I may be wrong then, Towd. And please, don't take my comment for anything other than it was intended- the fact is, you revel in being abrasive. That I am sure is your "persona" for online, and hopefully isn't the real you. Still, you shouldn't be surprised if that persona culls a reaction when you post on the BBS in that persona's typical fashion. As you can see, the purpose of your post will quickly be lost- unless the purpose of your post was to get this reaction?

I don't try to insult people personally. What I said to you is not to be taken as an insult, rather an explanation for the reaction you received (and even expected).

BTW, I'll take you at your word that you helped me with my first day. Thank you for the introduction.   And I therefore apologize for saying you have insulted me every time we have spoken.

Offline Pyro

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #56 on: July 26, 2000, 10:54:00 AM »
As I said, it has nothing to do with whether you agree or disagree with us.  If we thought our game was perfect, we'd quit working on it.  If we didn't want to hear what people had to say, we wouldn't have this board or be on it.  That's not what this is about.  It's not about whining, nitpicking, or just not being nice.  But the line is crossed when a player is just attacking our integrity.  It affects us, the game, other players, potential players, and the communication between all parties.  We won't be driven off our own game or message board by that.  To date, we've maintained a very liberal and open board.  How we run things now is no different then when we started.  The difference is that there has been a gradual creep from some people towards our limits.  

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

Offline Pyro

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beta terrain? why
« Reply #57 on: July 26, 2000, 11:00:00 AM »
One final thing, the problem I have with Towd did not originate in this thread.  I think it's time for everyone to just take a step back and try and let this have a positive outcome.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations