Presently we have all been sufering from one hit uber ack that is to say the least a magor pain in the prettythang.
Background: Generaly we set CT ack levals at .7 (ma is 1.0) for the two countries that are fighting and at 100.00 for the odd country, we have done this for over a year now. The reasion the odd country gets the higher seting is that if that country is reset it will ruin the map for game play untill a CT staffer can reset the map, AH does not suport a two sided war and presently we try very hard for a reset not to ocure, the 100.00 ack enchurages people to go elsewhear, or better yet provides a wake up call to make them relise they are atacking the odd country out.
Issues on the curent map: The original build of the map (not 10Bears fault, this is HTC related) was not done corectly some how and their were ownership issues with themap, a work around was undertaken that would allow the map to be used but thier was still an issue with how the map(or rahter the program) saw the original ownership of the fields that were Bish, ( Bish being the odd country out). As a result we were seeing High powered ack at rook fields.
A timely call to HTC caught HiTech in the office on saturday and he was able to fix this and other issues we had(the eny values).
When I say fix I use the term lossely:), Rook Airfields I tested which previouly had been killing me with one hit were now taking several to do so, as would be expected with an ack setting of .7, howeaver it seams that the strat targets did not get the benifit of this updating and are still dishing out lethal 100.00 ack. I have not tested these my self, just the airfields, so I would sugest avoiding them if you can, the strat ,presently.
I regreat not being able to lower the lethality seting for the Bish, I am fairly certain that those three naked bish bases would fall easy victom to a unknowing milk man at 3 am and ruin the map for everyone their after, untill we were able to hop in and fix it, this method of preventing this from happing has worked well for us in the past and should continue to do so in the future, please bear with us on this.