Author Topic: Guns on the ground  (Read 130 times)

Offline Revvin

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Guns on the ground
« on: June 12, 2000, 03:26:00 PM »
I was reading in another thread about bombers gunner positions being disabled while they are on the ground, I agree this is a good move to stop ackstars but why aren't all planes guns disabled while they are on the ground? its dweebish to drive around in a fighter straffing troops that have just landed.

Offline StSanta

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Guns on the ground
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2000, 04:02:00 PM »
Yeah, disable all til after wheels are off the ground!

Offline snafu

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Guns on the ground
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2000, 04:45:00 PM »
Sorry guys can't agree  

While on the receiving end of a heavy vulching session I've scored the odd kill (Very Odd) when planes have overshot or tried a HO as I'm taxiing. I agree Cannon Hogs etc "driving" round the field picking on poor troops is a bit far fetched, far better to have then break U/C if they stray off the runway, or as I've mentioned in many threads planes (or anything else for that matter) should not be able to drive over bomb craters. A line of 100 pounders down each side of the runway should stop any offroading (More Strategy)? Or stop re spawning from the same airstrip for a few minutes. Attacking pilots are taken out of the fight for 15 minutes or so, so why not defenders as well. Many times an attack just fades out because the buffs have expended all their bombs and the VH etc comes back up.

Just my opinion


Offline Revvin

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Guns on the ground
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2000, 10:54:00 AM »
Hmm but by your own admission you say its "very odd" to get a kill as you described but its a common occurance for dweebs to drive round an airfield straffing troops that have just landed.


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Guns on the ground
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2000, 12:58:00 PM »
If you make the airplane or the life worth something, then it becomes a less useful tactic.  Most of the taxi-strafers end up dying repeatedly.  

Maybe a maximum number of planes in a certain time limit?  If you lose more than 2 planes in a minute, you have to drive ground vehicles for the next hour.    

But the main problem is that we need to move the targets away from the airfields.  Let the troops capture something that is more than 100 yards from the QuakeBird Respawn Station.

The AW/WB/AH field capture thing is getting a little tired.  Experimentation wouldn't hurt.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 06-13-2000).]