Author Topic: A request to the AH Community  (Read 3369 times)


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A request to the AH Community
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2003, 03:26:56 AM »
Were you there when they started calling them japs?

Offline Bolt45

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« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2003, 08:07:40 AM »
When Japan pays restitution & formally apologizes to all the POW's it enslaved & tortured , then I won't say Jap ever again
because you fine folks will have earned the respect you deserved
 But....Until then ....:p

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #62 on: February 15, 2003, 09:22:27 AM »
both jap and nip were shortened forms of words.. If you read otherwise then the guy who wrote it had an agenda.


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« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2003, 10:34:58 AM »

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2003, 10:47:42 AM »

 Then the word "cupcake" is nothing but a form of slang derived from the word "negro" which means "black" in latin?

Offline Cookie

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« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2003, 10:48:50 AM »
Originally posted by Bolt45
When Japan pays restitution & formally apologizes to all the POW's it enslaved & tortured , then I won't say Jap ever again
because you fine folks will have earned the respect you deserved
 But....Until then ....:p

I agree

Offline Dawggus

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« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2003, 11:31:05 AM »
Hmm, this post has turned from a sincere, non-threatening request for a little consideration into something rather ugly ... too bad :(.

Cya Up!


Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2003, 12:35:36 PM »

It's a shame, but it always does...

I could post something saying: "The sky is blue". Inevitably, somewhere down the line, antagonistic remarks will be tossed about by someone... LOL

Just the way it goes I guess  :-(

Offline Grizzly

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« Reply #68 on: February 15, 2003, 02:12:06 PM »
Hiyas FD... how ya doing bud?  =o)

Offline Maniacal81st

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« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2003, 04:32:58 PM »

 Such a polite, simple request.  Personally, I will honor your request as an AH family member.  I am embarrassed for those who have turned this into a giant political debate.

 Seriously, folks, it isn't necessary to carry on for 2 pages of posts.  You will either respectfully honor his request or not.  It's really that simple.  If you choose not to, sobeit, but ripping his request apart is hardly the appropriate thing to do. (those who did)

 No matter how you look at it, Jap is not considered a polite way to refer to the Japanese people.  There is not always a negative connotation behind it, but it never carries a positive one.  
 I hate PC myself.  This is not a PC issue in my HUMBLE opinion.  An AH friend has respectfully made a request, and I would expect all of us to say, "No Prob, FD."  

 Wetrat, respectfully sir, "Suck it up, princess."  What the hec kind of post is that???  How rude.  Showing your true colors.  It would have served you better to say nothing at all.  Wonderful quote comes  to mind, "Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove any doubt."  

 Just my $.02!!

 <> Capt. MaNiaCaL

      ~*81st*~ Krewsaderz

Offline Viper17

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« Reply #70 on: February 15, 2003, 04:33:55 PM »
50 some odd years latter grandpa still calls Japanese "Nips" or "Japs". You ask him to stop and hell tell you that how horable Japanese people were to the chines, manchurians and americans they captured. He wont stop saying it. He lived through WW2. Fighting aganst Japan. After useing it on a dayly basis it became the defaut word for Japan to him.
I can and do understand why it bothers you Dutchman. Your a hole other generation of Japanese. Your not at war. Neither are we. But we all hear it so often we forget how much it can hurt. We can all make an effort to stop it. I wil Fully honor your request.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2003, 04:36:58 PM by Viper17 »

Offline Bluedog

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« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2003, 07:42:46 PM »
Being an Aussie, and wholey used to using abreviations and slang as a matter of course in every day life, I find this whole topic a bit trivial.
If the use of the word "Jap" upsets you, one must ask 'Why?'.
Would it be because it shames one to be associated with the actions of ones race/countrymen throughout the last century?
Like it or not, there are thousands of families in Australia, Britain, New Zealand,  the United States etc that have in some way lived with the effects of your countrymen's actions 60 odd years ago.
What is it that makes you think that they should care about what words do or do not offend you?
I hate to put it this way, as it is a bit blunt, but have you ever heard the saying "You made your bed, now you must lie in it?"
I wholey respect the way you presented your request FD, and I can even understand where you are coming from with it, however, I dont believe the Japanese people as a whole have the right to make such a request. Their absolute barbarism and disregard for humanity in world war two removed that right.
To look at it from another point of view, I would be dishonouring the memory of my countrymen who suffered at the hands of yours, were I to accept your request, because for me to do so would be to forget the events which you apparently find shameful.
I think you will find that most all the world has forgiven Japan's past, but you cant expect us to ever forget, as to do so would be to invite a repeat performance.

Having said that, I must say though, that it is merely an abreviation, nip, slope, tojo  etc, yes, wholey intended to be derogatory, and shouldnt be used, but I think asking us not to use Jap is a bit overboard.

I only wish your whole country was as compassionate and sensitive as you FD, maybe both my grandfathers and several of their brothers, plus a whole big bunch of thier mates would have lived to see thirty, my country would never have been bombed or threatened, and no Aussie would ever use the word Jap.
But that just aint how it is at all Im afraid.

(edited in afterthought)   In fact, if my using the word 'Jap' on the internet now shames even one single japanese person enough for them to not forget the actions of their father's and grandfathers, and perhaps feel a tiny little bit of the pain and suffering they caused, causing them to wish it never happened, and perhaps doing that little bit more to ensure it never does again, then it is definately worth my while to start using it a whole lot more often.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2003, 07:52:44 PM by Bluedog »

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #72 on: February 15, 2003, 08:12:04 PM »
Their absolute barbarism and disregard for humanity in world war two removed that right.

 What's the "they" in that sentence got to do with the Japanese pilots playing AH with us in this community?


 Whatever one's own intent, it is free as long as it stays his own.

 However as long as it is in the open, and in a mere game, people should try using the common sense where they actually might be able to tell the difference between the disdain towards the Japanese Government's official policies, and the individual Japanese enjoying this game.

 If some Japanese pilot in AH would cry out in channel1 something like "denno heika banzai" or something, maybe he'd really deserve to be removed of his right from mere, simple respect.

 As long as that isn't the case, and there are people whose feelings can get hurt due to some loose tongues, we should all watch our mouthes.

 Otherwise, it is nothing but mere guilt-by-association, which is itself something barbaric.

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #73 on: February 15, 2003, 08:45:27 PM »
Gentlemen and Ladies too...

Kindly allow me to say one last thing on this thread as I feel that it might be necessary after reading some of the responses.  I would like to share with you why I play this game in the first place.

As with any other pass time or hobby that I do, I play this game to meet people.  It's a social game for me.  I work for a foreign subsidiary and have the option to fly to Europe and the United States about 4 or 5 times a year.  At each time, I always ask people I know playing this game, "hey, are you available?" and go see them.  And it's great... we share the love for aviation and the game... I really a good time.  Wait 'til I am higher in rank in the company, so I can schedule the location and the time of the meetings to coincide with the conventions... hehehe...

Anyway, have a thick skin?  Yes, I agree.  This helps quite a bit.  And as already said on this thread, it is all in the context as well.  I, too, was letting it go in the beginning, because as I said in my request, I know that many people do not used this term as intended negatively.  I got involved when I saw another Japanese player saying "Don't say JAP, Don't say JAP" on channel one.  That's all he could say because his English skills was limited.  Of course, I got flamed in the process.

Then I ran into guys who used the term in the manner of the screenshot.  When confronted, he excused himself for not being able to spell the word Japanese.  It became difficult to say whether he truly hated us or just exercising his right of choice on his words.  Like Lazs2 mentioned... to quote him "If read otherwise, then the guy who wrote it had an agenda."  My country was the aggressor in WW2.  If you still hate us, I cannot blame you.  If such is the intention, please use the term to express it.  The term is best fit for that purpose.  If not, please use something else.  If you are just trying to tick me off, then I'd rather that you don't use this term.  There is a gray area with this term, and in the game, when emotions runs high at times, the risk of misinterpretation of your intentions becomes really high.  

Please be reminded that I do not have any authority whatsoever.  This is not prohibition.  I am not here to prohibit you in anyway, which is the reason why I did not bring this up with HTC.  In the end, even if you are doing me or the Japanese players a favor, you will be doing this for yourself.  You have the power and the authority to choose your own words.  The choice of interpretation is under your control.  Please do this out of your own volition.  

Yours Truly,

Osamu Ida
Flying Dutchman

Bolt45, Cookie, yes, I understand.  What I know is that there is a lawsuit coming up from veterans in California as well.  I hope that our government will heed to this lawsuit.

Bluedog, I am very sorry to hear about your relatives.  Is there anything that I can do for you in due respect for you and your relatives?  As I said on this post, usage of the term as you said in your edit will be appropriate.  Please do so if that is your intent.  I am not here to prohibit you in anyway.  However, I would only ask this of you.  Please think twice if you would like to exercise your right to remind us about in the arena every time we meet.  If some Japanese player is disrespectful to you, please let me know.

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #74 on: February 15, 2003, 10:31:31 PM »
1) I am terribly offended by politcal correctness.  Can we please purge the game of this abomination.

2) Let's all show our concern for Ripsnort and from now on refer to him simply as "Bubba".
