Heres where I'm Lost. You say the TE changes of height every 2640 feet? What me and pokie were discussing is what formula the TE or Wabbit's program uses to define what tile is placed where. We know water is placed at zero alt, after that I think it is just random. The snow tile NEVER shows on my maps randomly or at any specific alt. I don't remember snow tile EVER showing up in my map unless I place it. I remember HTC added the check water no at zero to include the land tiles that corner the water. After that it's just random. I doubt at this point in HTC's schedule they are even looking at the TE with AH:2 around the corner. We were discussing hypathetically what would help the TE with tile placement to make mapmaking quicker and easier while maintaning more control.
The TE and Wabbit's program auto tiles now. A few things that would help and hurt at the same time would be the tiles to automatically place ONE land tile against water. this would help AND hurt. I often use more than one tile to transition with water and on some maps used snow to transition with water. we could have some user control on what tile would transition with water I would welcome it to auto tile with grass BUT would like even more that the USER could pick this tile or multiple tiles.
Snow: grassy rock could AUTO transition with snow, another big help.
Tiles could be preset with alt. snow tiles auto placed at a user defined alt, farm, forest ETC. Now this is NOT a cure-all but it still would save time manually placing the tiles or you could just pop in a few tiles to break up the "rings" of tiles it would create.
A few things that I would like to see ( and this is in noway a whine) but some things I personally would like to see.
Sky: someway to change the Bmp. I'm sure this could be done after all HiTech gave us the stars in the night.
Lighting: Lighting NOT lightning:) I would like the water tile to give off reflection or at least reflect some light while looking towards the sun. We have this now but all the tiles seam to reflect the same amount of difussed light, I would like to see it cranked up more on the water tile.
Bridges: althou I really like them and wanted them and hoped for them and now have them, they are almost definately only eyecandy. I would like to see them workable over a canyon not just over a small river. I did get them to cross a cayon or unlevel tile but there is still a clipping issue.
This Post is in NOWAY A WHINE and I don't want to sound ungrateful for the TE editor as it is, But just a few things I would LIKE to see in the future of the TE.
Originally posted by gatso
To import a elv file directly into the TE or use one with bmp2map it needs to be 1024x1024 greyscale. the TE uses changes of height every 2640ft. hence there are 1024x1024 points of elevation on each map 512x512 map.
typ files only contain 512x512 amounts of data. 1 tile for every mile. Hence if you want to directly import typ data from a bmp your going to be working with 512x512 images.