I just found out you can open .typ files as images. I don't know why I didn't think of this before.
For a 512x512 map,
copy the .typ file to somewhere safe.
rename it to .raw
Use the settings below and you can open it in Paint Shop Pro and I assume photoshop. (see pic)
0,0,0 is Water
1,1,1 is Grass
2,2,2 is Grassy Rock
3,3,3 is Farm
4,4,4 is Rock
5,5,5 is Forrest
6,6,6 is Snow
It'll look completely black so I change it to 16 mill colours and swap each RGB to an obvious colour, (blue for sea, green for grass etc)
I just fixed ALL the coastlines on a 512x512 map in less than 2 hours using this method. One use, I assume you could find others.
Before saving take it back to RGB 0,0,0 to 6,6,6 and 8 bit colour. Also remember to flip the top and bottom.