Author Topic: 262 landings 101  (Read 608 times)

Offline BigMax

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262 landings 101
« on: February 15, 2003, 06:14:34 PM »
Notice anything amiss?

Besides both engines smoking.... lol

I landed her after a 10 minute flight home.... Bet that Pony driver is PO'd...

Offline Estes

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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2003, 07:21:42 PM »
lol wtg max...That was the same mishun when I wasted the perks just because I forgot to load my j-stick profile :(

Offline Innominate

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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2003, 07:34:30 PM »
How the **** can you maintain control of that thing???

Offline gatso

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2003, 08:02:43 PM »
It's possible  :) Just VERY hard. No torque on the jet so a V stab isn't completely essential.

Twice I've flipped out and augered after getting my V stab removed. The third time I happened to be afk and came back to find me flying level on auto pilot with no V stab. I had it removed by a spray and pray pony on reviewing the film. Knowing that it'd fly level I checked around for a base directly off my nose. There was one 100 miles away so rather than risk the turn to a nearer base I left it on auto and headed for that one. Slow slow turns and a very gradual rate of decent and I managed to coax it down to the deck and flying at lowish speed. dropped the gear and landed a fair way from the field but it was a landing  :) taxied back and voila! landed spectacularly succesfully.

Nice one Bigmax.


Offline BigMax

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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2003, 09:23:54 AM »

& Yeah.... Banks of no more than about 15 degrees.... & Patience.  I was gonna ditch it, and basically decided that if I could ditch it, why not try to get it home...

The Pony that shot me up, surprised the crap outta me....  We were doing a fighter sweep in defense of a field, got low and slow chasing baddies and here comes a high Pony into the fray.  Didn't think he had any interest in me, but he apparently had "less than honorable" intentions... :D

It flys straight and level with no V-Stab the same as B17s do.... Drifty but controllable...

Offline Manedew

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« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2003, 09:23:06 AM »
You can control the the plane by adjusting the the engine throttles seprately.  Even without a V-Stab it will work somewhat like a rudder .. just don't over do it.

i.e.  I have mine setup with A-S-D  on keyboard (since I don't have a cool dual throttle like Tac :) )  

A- selects left engine for thorottle control

S- selects all engines for control

D- selects right engine

this can be helpful in any twin engined plane :D