After further fiddling with this thing, I have determined that the pixel discontinuity on the right side isn't the only problem there. I managed to work around that easily on the fuselage side with the exhaust stains, but that didn't help the As on the tail.
The problem there, unfortunately, is that the right side of the tail uses a different scaling factor than the left side. So the letters on the right side are taller and further apart than on the left, even though they both use the same number of pixels. And nothing I can do with it makes it look any better than it does now, so I'm leaving it as is.
Anyway, below is a picture of the completed project. The right side of the tail now looks better than in the pic above, but it still ain't perfect. Nothing I could do about the landing gear.
It's based on the A-36A flown by Major John Crowder of the 27th Fighter Bomber Group in Tunisia, Sicily, and Italy. The plane was named "Dorothy Helen" but due to the mirroring of the nose texture, there wasn't any good way of doing that, so I left it off.
The plane's markings are as of July 1943. Ealier, the plane had the older-style round stars with yellow rings and the As were on the fuselage, 1 on each side of the star. As was usual at that time, it had the round stars on the top and bottom of both wings. When the insignia changed to the winged star with the red surround, it retained all 6 stars and the As moved to the tail. If you look closely, you can see a slightly different shade of OD paint covering where they used to be on the fuselage. This is also why the wings on the stars on the wings overlap the older yellow stripe. The yellow blob above the serial number on the left side is a poison gas indicator--it would change color if exposed to a gas.
If anybody's building another Mediterranean map, feel free to include this skin if you plan on having A36s in the scenario. Hell, feel free to make it look better if you want, too. This is, after all, a 1st attempt