Author Topic: When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?  (Read 832 times)

Offline Hortlund

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Re: Re: When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2003, 07:13:54 AM »
Originally posted by bounder
But to try and lessen the chances of it happening, we need to seriously rethink our attitude to the rest of the world that lies outside the Euro/Anglophone western democratic block.

Well, I disagree. I think the problem lies more outside the Euro/US western democratic block.

Take a look at the Taliban and their schools. Take a look at what the Palestinians are teaching their kids right now. Or the Saudis, or teh Libyans, or the Iranians...

As long as these idiots keep teaching hate and martyrdom to their kids, there will be new terrorists. To shift the blame for this onto us in the west or in Israel is just as wrong as shifting the blame to a rape victim because she was wearing sexy clothes. It solves the wrong problem.

Our way of life will always be a threat to a moslem fundamentalist, simply because moslem kids want to play with Barbies or listen to Britney Spears too. We threaten their way of life without us even realizing it.

The problem is not US foreign policy or Israel foreign policy, that is just a convenient catalyst for the extremists "look at the bad Israelis, doing this or that to the Palestinians" while in fact the rest of the arab would could not care less about the plight of the long as they stay outside their own borders. Or "look at the bad Americans supporting the bad Israelis" we must hate them/kill them now now now.

The problem lays deeper than that. It is our way of life that scares the moslem fundamentalists, and it is the fact that our way of life attracts young soon-to-be-moslem fundamentalists.

Offline Krusher

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2003, 07:16:37 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
Well said Bounder.

I think there should be 'overwhelming' attention thrown at the Israel situation. Get the bastards on both sides around a table with a gun to their heads and tell them we're going nuke the entire region, including Israel and the Palestinians, unless they agree to a compromise settlement involving a *genuine* Palestinian State and an Arab recognised Israel.

Oh, and find the nearest cliff and push both Shraon and Arafat off it.

But of course, all of this is fantasy. It will never happen. And the Israeli Troubles will continue to be an advertisement for anti-Western extremists.

Dowding, Bin Laden never even mentioned the Palestinians until after 9-11. YES, that problem needs fixing, but to tie all Islamic terrorist to that problem is just plain wrong.

Offline Dowding

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2003, 08:07:12 AM »
I'm sorry but you're wrong, Krusher. The main issue with most fundamentalist Muslim's is the Israel situation, and specifically continued American backing for that State. It's the reason they quote most often and it's the biggest grievance.

Rightly or wrongly, the whole region is a mile-high neon sign with "Look at this American-backed aggression killing women and children of Islam" emblazoned on it lurid scarlet writing. The fundamentalist nutcases go crazy over it, and the moderate muslims also see it as a great injustice. Consequently, moderate opinion hardens, and recruitment for groups like Hamas and, more globally, Al Queda increases.

While Sharon keeps telling the Palestinians "We will take your land, your water and your livelihoods", the Palestinians will respond with suicide attacks, supported by a despicable Palestinian authority. In turn, while the suicide attacks continue, Sharon gains more support for his strong-arm tactics, turning more Palestinians into martyrs for the 'cause'. There never will be a resolution until this cycle is broken. The huge blood letting will never come to a conclusion, and as time passes it becomes more ingrained into the pyche of both protagonists.

The last suggestion for a Palestinian State was a joke. It didn't address water rights (a big sticking point), it still restricted movement within the State itself between Israeli controlled zones. The continued expansion of Israeli settlements into Palestinian inhabited land just cannot continue if any peaceful resolution is to be sought.

I don't hold much hope, to be honest.
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Offline GtoRA2

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Holly crap!
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2003, 11:36:07 AM »

I think he is right, we need to address the Israel, Palestine problem.

I think hortland is somewhat right also, but in a smaller way, once the big problem of Israel is gone, the whole barby and culture problem will seem small and ridicules.

I do not think western culture needs to change, that is like blaming a raped girl for her clothes, but we really should try and clean up our back yard.

Offline Kanth

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2003, 11:46:11 AM »
We need to move the french over to what is now israel and move the people from what is now israel over to where france is.

Then we can let the middle east be in peace.
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Offline Hortlund

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2003, 11:57:08 AM »
Originally posted by Kanth
We need to move the french over to what is now israel and move the people from what is now israel over to where france is.

Then we can let the middle east be in peace.


Offline StSanta

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2003, 12:01:25 PM »
Let's play out a few scenarios.

If the US was hit by WMDs delivered by a terrorist, I suspect beside retaiatory strikes with WMDs, we'd see people of Middle Eastern origin being denied access to the US and those already there either put under surveillance or interned. There'll be much wailing.

In the end though, the vast majority of Americans aren't Muslims and are very interested in keeping on living. If there are no people of Middle Eastern descent on American street, it'd be easy to spot the terrorist who's illegally there.

Anyway, US nukes some place. Or many places, since terrorists aren't tied to nations exclusively. New terrorists are born from the loss of loved ones to horrible radiation wounds. More bombs go off. Western world gets tougher.

Economy starts to stumble. Large areas in the US become cotaminated by dirty bombs. Economy stagnate totally.

Former relatively wealthy western people experience food shortages. It grows increasingly worse, as agriculture is hit hard by the financially bad times.

Soon, people will kill each other for food.

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Offline rogwar

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2003, 02:05:48 PM »
Hangtime that was beautiful! I agree 100%

Originally posted by Hangtime
I've said it before..

Americans are not war-mongers. We're slow to rile, and in fact internationaly it would seem that it's great sport to kidnap americans, rape our women, lie to us, steal from us, default loan after loan.. we do nothing.

Bomb us.. 'sneak attack' us by any means.. we get pissed.

Time after time, we've had to get up from the table and go deal with the jokers and dick smokers that think 'hey.. america is weak.."

It just ain't a good idea to piss us off.

Since Sept 11th, we've been pissed. Slowly, inexolerably we've been gettin our ducks in rows, slowly burning with anger, waiting...

We've watched the developments in Europe with intrest. We're discovering who our freiends are.. who's really intrested in eliminating terror, who's being obstructionist, who's supplying whom with what.

If we get slapped with a chemical, biological or dirty nuclear attack we will no doubt leave large glowing craters where we feel the blame belongs.

"Overwhelming retaliation" are the words Washington has used.

I believe those words..

I support them.

I hope they get 'em all.

Offline SaburoS

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When it happens, (WOMD) what will we do?
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2003, 02:22:37 PM »
Originally posted by Krusher
Dowding, Bin Laden never even mentioned the Palestinians until after 9-11. YES, that problem needs fixing, but to tie all Islamic terrorist to that problem is just plain wrong.

Sorry to disagree but here's a link to an interview with Bin Laden (May '98)
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