Author Topic: General questions  (Read 411 times)

Offline artik

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General questions
« on: February 20, 2003, 07:12:39 AM »

I'm building a terrain, and I want to know:
Do I need roads,railways at the terrain?
If I build the terrain for SEA do I need all zones,
roads, suppliers?
How can I test my terrain?
What should be present on standart terrain?
Is there any full instructions for building terrains?
Ony one good information I can is at forum, is there more?
Is there any good FAQ for terrain building?

Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel

Offline pokie

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General questions
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2003, 04:10:54 PM »
I'm building a terrain, and I want to know:

Do I need roads,railways at the terrain?  No, these are optional!

If I build the terrain for SEA do I need all zones,
roads, suppliers?  Not sure, this is for Hitech to answer!

How can I test my terrain? You can do it Offline or in H2H!
What should be present on standart terrain? Depends on what you are using it for!  

Minimum requirements for a Terrain are:

All 3 Country must be represented.  

Minimum requirements for a Country are:

HQ    .......... only 1 is used
Field   ............ need at least 1

Minimum requirement for Fields are:

 Maproom   ( maptbl1 shape set as Maproom ) ........ only 1 is used
 Tower   ........ only 1 is used
 Hanger    ( ENTPNT "Entry Point" shape set as Hanger )  ......... only 1 is needed.  You could use up to 5 which could give you 5 different views locations if you wanted, for the Vehicle, Bomber, Plane, Boat and Ground Guns
 Entry Point   .... at least 1, set as either a Boat Entry, Bomber Entry, Fighter Entry or a Vehicle Entry.  Maximum Entry Points for each is 9.  They are as H=Hanger, and then the compass direction of N, NE, NW, W, E, S, SE, SW.

Is there any full instructions for building terrains? Only what you get in the TE ( Terrain Editor )  Lots of stuff here in the message board and lots of people that are willing to try and help.

Ony one good information I can is at forum, is there more? Not that I know of.

Is there any good FAQ for terrain building? Not that I know
