Author Topic: Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline  (Read 2293 times)

Offline MSteuer

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2003, 09:58:29 AM »
Yes you would be right about that post.

The game has come a lonnnnng way since release.  I've been there since the beginning, and have also played AH as well.  AH didn't hold my attn, but that doesn't mean the game sucks either, it just wasn't for me.

ww2ol has held me attn every day since launch day, sure there are days where you are po'd about problems within the game, but what game doesn't have those issues?

Right now the customer base is large due to improvements made to make a very playable and very enjoyable game.  I guess you should check it out before you make blanket statements.  That's all I'll say about the matter.  S! AH players.

Allied Strike Team Fighter SQD CO - 61st Fighter Wing RAF

Offline wheelz

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« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2003, 10:24:11 AM »
I remember the first time I was really blown away by WWIIO, and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, here.....  hear me out.

I was flying (or learning to, rather) a French Hawk, and I was travelling to a town I knew to be axis, that the French had a forward base to.  

As I flew over the FB, I saw many blue tags, Allied players getting together, loading up on trucks,  mustering armor for an assault.  To my South, I caught something in my peripheral vision, a very slight sense of movement.  I swung around & dove to the deck for a look, and sure enough, there was an Opel either bypassing the FB altogether or attempting to flank &  destroy it.  I strafed the truck & got it smoking on the first pass.

I did an Immelman, and upon passing it for the second time, I saw infantry scattering like ants, some running away from the truck, others crouching & firing at my plane, their muzzles flashing.  I could hear the harmless plinks of their scattered small calibre arms along the fuselage as my MGs converged on the unfortunate truck, setting it ablaze.

After a few more terrorizing strafing runs, being low on ammo, I headed back to Maubeuge, finding the river & following her West to the AF.  (If French Geography is ever a category on Jeapordy, watch out!  LOL)

Seeing those infantry running around, it astounded me that all of them were actually people like me, sitting at their computer playing a game.  The scale of WWIIO is unlike any other before it.  Anyone who says it doesn't work is, quite simply, wrong.  I've never been as immersed in any game, and considering that I've been an avid gamer for over 25 years, that's saying a LOT.

The real criticisms, which I've seen alluded to on this forum:  

-- lack of a visible damage model.  Agreed!  They plan to add this "soon", and it can't happen quickly enough.  Important to note that, even though we don't SEE bits & pieces flying off, damage IS occurring.  Don't believe me?  Take up a Hurricane & play with a 109 for awhile.  You'll see what I mean.

--  lack of more planes.  If you fly as Allied, the sim is, at this point, a game of club the baby seals.  The Allies need better planes, and the mere lack of cannons is tough.

There are other issues with the game, but when you consider the big picture, they can be overlooked.  All it takes is one of those times when the scope of it all grabs you.  The above was what I recall as when it happened for me, but that may or may not have been what actually did it.  

I haven't meant to invade your space here, fellas, but I'm continually surprised to see bad reviews of WWIIO.  It's the best game I've ever owned.

Offline MSteuer

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« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2003, 10:29:31 AM »
The allied need more patient pilots. :)

We can whip any luftwaffe plane's ass, as long as you fly smart. =)

Offline WldThing

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« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2003, 10:49:45 AM »
I played WWIIO .... Biggest waste of my money, lag was horrible, and if some of the players would answer 1 of my questions while i was online i wouldnt feel so bad...

Offline WldThing

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« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2003, 11:46:14 AM »
Very true Oed ...

Offline MSteuer

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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2003, 12:17:30 PM »
What did I say that was offensive?

Offline BlckMgk

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« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2003, 12:18:52 PM »
The first time I got to play WWIIOL was a disaster. I rarely understood was going on (thats my own incompetance) and When I attempted to find out what was going on, everyone just laughed at the newbie and gave me directions to obscure fields. Lag was horid, and Gameplay was very choppy and unstable. The whole process of the web loggin is a pain in the arse, and never really got me anywhere till the second day. The graphics aren't all that outstanding they just use plenty of anti-aliasing to make things look "smooth" and "realistic", just looks fuzy out of a dream or something.

All in all Aces High and their scenarios, snapshots, tour of dutys, King of the Hills, and of course the constant furball we know as the main arena has been very enjoyable.

Aces High II :TOD is going to be a role playing WW2 sim with the skill required to succeed in the current style of play.

All I've got to say to you WWIIOL folks, enjoy your game, we'll enjoy ours. If you're games is supposed to be so "great" let the product speak for itself. Otherwise don't come in here and try and claim "things are better come play with our toys, so we can bash on you and laugh at how much you suck, cause I'm better than you because I've been playing longer, because you suck, you suck, you suck, I'm better!"


Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2003, 12:47:42 PM »
LOL I can see AH getting a new subscription.. check this:

Bahahaha, downloading now, should be done in another minute or two. I will come back after I try it... probably another MOH game with cheesy graphics and gameplay.

Famous last words.. :)

If he goes back after trying the real deal, he must be addicted to FPS. Come to think of it, that's what WW2OL is, shot up fps with a joke of a flight model stuck on it.

Much the same like AH has joke of a groundwar, but hey, who wan'ts groundwar anyways. Americas Army does that better and cheaper.

Edit: LOL the forums there are much more fun than I expected.. Here's one comment coming from WW2OL players mouth when he evaluates AH: " I think its pretty buggy." ROTFFLMAO

They talk about WB hit bubbles, bullet modeling and FM and they get it all wrong.. Well.. Can't expect more from FPS players.

A truly funny board which clearly shows the type of people gathered there :)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2003, 12:55:03 PM by Siaf__csf »

Offline wheelz

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2003, 01:04:07 PM »
Oedipus, did you even read the post you chose to quote the single sentence from?  That sentence was the only one out of the entire post you could find even remotely objectionable, and if THAT upset you, you have issues.

I have some legitimate complaints with WWIIO, as you may or may not have read.  I feel the overwhelming positives outweigh the negatives, by a long shot.

There is nothing I've said that should in any way be interpreted as reflecting badly on my game of choice, or the community.  Au contraire, I've met some fine, fine people there, moreso than any other online experience I've encountered.

Offline Esme

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2003, 01:05:59 PM »
I tried the WW2OL open beta. In fact, I went to extreme lengths to buy the game from an American source before it was available here in the UK. As a ground game, it was Ok to rather good. As a flight sim, it was dire. Every now and then I give it another whirl. I was especially interested when they EVENTUALLY released the He111 which should have been on the CD in the box I paid for. It looked OK, but the FM was dire. Tried a recent demo version, offline, from a magazine cover CD. The FM is still dire.

As an FPS ground war game, I suspect that WW2OL is streets ahead of the opposition, still. As a flight sim, it is risible, IMO.  I WANT a sim where there's a reasonable ground war going on that I can affect with my bombers, and be affected by. I want reasonably realistic terrain, lots of destructible objects, and supply lines that can be cut.  WW2OL sounded like my best gaming dreams come true.  The reality fell far short - on the air side of things.  Still does.  

I don't doubt that one day WW2OL will deliver on its promises, but this chicken ain't getting any younger, and I want something that is satisfying to fly NOW. That's why I'm here.

If someone asked me to reccomend a good online  WW2 ground war sim, though, I'd point them straight at WW2OL.  I LIKED the ground side, was impressed by it, even, shame that quality wasnt carried through to the aircraft.

AH has thus far, so far as I can tell, stuck to its strengths (air warfare), and added bits of other things now and then as a sideline (hmmnn..  change "air" to "ground" in that statement, and the same is true of WW2OL). All well and good, so far as I'm concerned. I don;t mind if the ground war in AH isnt as realistic when you get down there in the thick of it as it is in other sims, so long as my bombing missions have a sensible impact on it (I can cut supply lines, impede deploymemnt of new enemy units, and attack enemy ground forces directly, if need be) and it has a sensible impact on me (enemy ground forces can try to capture fields I can operate from, or cut it off from supplies).

I've often wondered whether extending the AI wingmen idea to GVs might'n't be a bad idea. Give the "wingmen" a certain amount of AI Otto ability (read: they will shoot things up of their own accord, or otherwise at the direction of the controlling human), and a handful or two of people per side could have a nice little ground battle going.

But go to infantry FPS in AH? No, not yet, methinks. Maybe some years down the line, but stick with primarily improving the air side of things, I say.  I WOULD like to see some SP artillery with a decent range in AH, though.  Thatd add the desire for folk to act as artillery spotters, and a larger area of terrain would need to be hunted to find those pesky artillery snipers pounding your field... :-)


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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2003, 01:06:13 PM »
WII Online is a very complicated game now.  But you don’t have to understand the total system day 1.  The demise of a lot of players entering WWII Online (I am sure it’s the same here to some extent) is that the game is only half complete if your not part of a squad.  Squad play enhances the experience and adds much more than words can describe to the game.  

There are a lot of improvements (41’ vehicle set, new 3rd Person Infantry models, general rule sets) that are constantly evolving.  To judge WWII Online from your experience nearly 2 years ago is just wrong IMHO.  

I have been interested in trying AH, and finding this post has reminded me to give it a try.  But I am not going to just hop in game and go kill stuff.  I want to find a Squad and try stuff out with them… You know, give it an honest go with players who enjoy the game rather than LW it.  I would really like to see some of you do that same with WWII Online (One of our Squads in my Division plays both games… I plan on hooking up with 4 Wing when I do this.).

Lastly you have to remember WWII Online is a game that allows players to play on the ground and in the air, its not just an air sim.

Next time you see the “Welcome Back Soldier” I invite you to hook up with the 3rd Canadian Division for 2 weeks, and seriously give it a go.


Offline MSteuer

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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2003, 01:21:46 PM »
Well, I see the amount of blanket stating retards is about the same on both forums actually.

Offline Sox62

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« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2003, 01:27:34 PM »
You WWIIOL fanboys should realize that many of us here DID play it.

I bought it the day it came out.A 64meg+ patch and several day later,I could finally play.

Framerates that slow down to a crawl anytime your near a city,and fubar damage model(pump x amount of bullets until the plane explodes),and a joke flight model.

Infantry=hamburger cannon fodder.

I played until they started charging for the bug-ridden roadkill of a game.

But WAIT!!!They improved it!!! WHOOOT!!!And I can come back for another free trial!!!

Huh?Very little improvement?Oh wait-they added instant blackout deaths to the air part-awesome.:rolleyes:

Granted I am a flightsim guy,and it's more a ground based game whereas AH is a dedicated flightsim.So enjoy your game.Just don't come over and spout off here,your not going to impress us or change our minds(especially those of us that played it,which is a great many).

I read the link that goes to your board-as of this post,not one of us has gone over to say anything bad about your game there;it's our privilege here.

Most of us that talk about your game have been suscribers to WWIIOL-how many of the people in the thread your board has can say the same?

Offline viking73

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2003, 01:55:06 PM »
Several of us tried wwiionline. It actually was pretty good at first despite the first month of problems. It was alot of fun driving....and driving....and driving. But then they made several changes which made the game to some less enjoyable. I remember the time someone posted a pic of an M-8 in the wwiionline boards. Everyone went ape. They kept on asking when it was coming. Then the guy informed everyone that it was on Aces High. Another time someone posted a pic of a Hurricane. People were saying "wow, the graphics are so clear, mine never looks that good.....great snapshot, where did you take it". Then they were informed that it was a snapshot in Aces High. Many of us have left wwiionline and wouldn't know of any changes but they have a long way to go to match AH. Oh, btw, do they have vox yet?

Heck, let's just make a comparison:

I'll jump into my AH mustang and they can jump into wwiion----- oh wait, they don't have P-51's.

No matter.

I'll jump into my AH Cruiser and they can jump into wwiion------ oh wait, they just have gunboats (when I left)

no problem

I'll hop in my AH Tiger Tank and they can jump into wwiion----- oh wait, when I left they had panzers 1,2,3, etc and the all mighty British M13.

But this doesn't mean AH doesn't have a long way to go and bugs to fix as well.

Heck maybe they'll have another one of those "PLEASE, PLEASE COME BACK" offers and we can look at it for free for 30 days.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2003, 02:02:43 PM by viking73 »
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« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2003, 05:13:41 PM »
Whew .... big time silly pic tag forum. Doesn't the German sniper fella bear a remarkable likeness to Peewee Herman? Santa Worf? Hey ... a dancing head! Yippee. And the German mafia scares me. PSP sticks to kids!