Good to hear you're okay.
Been through only one earthquake in my life. Was a while back...the one that collapsed the Oakland Bay bridge.
I was in Santa Cruz doing some work for HP via Adaptec. We were in a 2 story wood frame building (pre-earthquake type) when it hit.
I was just programming along, when my chair shook. Thought someone was razin me, turned around and about that time my monitor crashes to the floor.
All of a sudden it hit me ...earthquake. I get up and run to the door, stopping in the door frame.
By this time sheet rock had started to fall from the walls and ceiling, and the long haired geeky programmer across the hall from me says, while laughing, "We're all gonna die!".
About that time we look down the hall to the left and see the roof falling past the hall and decide we should haul butt to the right.
We hit the parking lot just as the rest of the second floor collapses. Head to a group of people in the parking lot. Once of em stands up and declares, "We need beer and wine!" and proceeds to haul across the street to the nearby quick stop thingy.
He comes back carrying all he could. For the next several hours we sit in the parking lot getting toasty.
I sleep in my car that night as my hotel room decided to relocate about 300 feet from where it originally was standing and the staff was refusing to let anyone near the buildings.
Next morning,..ground was still shaking a bit. I get my ugly self up and start to drive. All I had on my mind was finding an airport and getting the heck out of that mess.
San Francisco was operating, and I catch a ride back to Texas.
Now,..HP was a bit pissed as I did not complete the task I was assigned, and, in fact, had lost all the code as the computer was,..very mashed.
Adaptec asked me when I was going to come back and finish. I told them in no uncertain terms I would never step foot in that state again.
That was the second scariest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life.