Author Topic: gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?  (Read 2427 times)

Offline Elfie

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2003, 09:07:15 PM »
shooting the cowardly bailers

How is anything in a game *cowardly* or *brave*? heh

there is no shame in bailing out of a stricken aircraft, heck I purposely aim for the stabs on nme planes just to watch them fall all the way to the ground. Takes a plane a whole lot longer to fall to earth like that than it would if ya just bailed and pulled the ripcord when you get  close to the ground ;)

Personally I only fire on chutes that might be spying, if you bail near my base I give you 5 seconds once you hit the ground before firing. ( I figure 5 seconds is more than enough time to type /.ef ) :D

Other than a potential spy....its just not worth the ammo :)

Armageddon Pile-it
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In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline funkedup

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #76 on: February 28, 2003, 09:16:55 PM »
Ride it in like a man, rutabagas.

Offline Hangtime

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #77 on: February 28, 2003, 10:23:48 PM »
gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?

Now?? NOW??

damn, be a lil paitent.. we just ain't got to yah yet.
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Offline mason22

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2003, 11:07:20 PM »
Originally posted by funkedup
Ride it in like a man, rutabagas.

wise man grow tree for shade.

Offline DB603

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Chute killers
« Reply #79 on: March 01, 2003, 12:59:26 AM »

 I have popped a few chutes that stay near a base as spies or chk6 automats, but otherwise I will leave the pilot alone after I shoot his plane down. There's other targets waiting ;)

Offline funkedup

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2003, 05:30:23 AM »
Originally posted by Mini D
I wonder what minus has to say on the subject.

why you are chute chute?!?!?
you are yanke dweb??!? opertunis?!?

Offline X2Lee

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #81 on: March 01, 2003, 07:51:40 AM »
Originally posted by nappy
gah.. i cant believe what im seeing here, virtually none
of u guys have any ethical problems shooting a guy
hanging in a chute :o .. phah.. todays new chivalry, no spine and no respect for their opposition  :eek:

will i wont i simply wont shoot anyone in a chute.. so there.
hope you get as annoyed on me as im at you.phah :D


ps: (although im new in this game in an old dog in virtual flying  ;) )

IMO yer still a cherry if you wont pop a chute.
You will grow out of it
i have not had to shoot a chute for a while now since My teammates have been doing it with such gusto.
Only problem with shootchuting is its easy to get killshooter from the conga line to the chutes.

Offline X2Lee

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #82 on: March 01, 2003, 08:04:20 AM »
Originally posted by Flossy
ROFL, yeah that's true!  ;)Oh yes, of course it is!  Silly me.   :p  Hey wait.... I'm from AW too!   :eek:

I was new to FR. I was playing AW classic, fighting the Damned squadron every damned day. Dose was always a FW dweeb, him and LT both. I WOULD NEVER! shoot a chute back then...
I was a mucho honorable guy, after all I flew aw WW1.

Evertime I bailed DOSE would shoot my chute!
Well I got good enuff to keel him at will.
But I never got his chute.....

He wouldnt give me the satisfaction.
I am Glad those days are gone and I can get satisfied regularly now.

Remember gents, this is a game.
The bullits arent real, neither is the death.
Play hard.

Offline X2Lee

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #83 on: March 01, 2003, 08:11:51 AM »
Originally posted by MotorOil
There are three situations where I will kill a chute, let it be know I will not go out of my way to do it in most cases.

1.  Guys in chutes still have a radio and text buffer, can act as site reps near a friendly field.  Will shoot them.
2.  If I see a guy vuch our field and bails.  Will shoot them.
3.  If a guy tears up a squady or OGIE.  Will shoot them.

4. If he has tried to put 1 single bullit in my plane.

remember the spitdweebs in in AW who would fight you and waste all thier ammo without a solution and then say "BINGO" and get all mad WHEN you didnt let them rtb?

heheh better than chuting chutes. Unless they bailed too :D

Offline cpxxx

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #84 on: March 01, 2003, 08:40:35 AM »
I don't really approve of chute shooting particularly as I get tapped all the time. So I tend to skydive and open low.  I do like to scare bailed out pilots by flying at them.:p .

I do have to admit I often call out check 6's in the chute and if I fall on a field . I act as a forward observer. So I suppose I deserve to die for that.

Like the bailed out pilot who chased the M16. I like to annoy GV's by walking around them and through them but keeping out of their line of fire, hoping that another GV or a plane shoots at me hits the GV and gets a killshooter. So I suppose I deserve to die for that too LOL.

Once the field changed hands as I floated down, so I hid in a hangar watching the fun and playing cat and mouse with strafing fighters hoping one will crash trying to hit me. So I suppose I deserve to die for that three.

I do think it would be a good idea to issue personal weapons to pilots so we can enage each other and or paras on the ground. That would be a laugh.

Offline lazs2

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #85 on: March 01, 2003, 09:44:40 AM »
wise man stand near funked for shade.

Offline eskimo2

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #86 on: March 01, 2003, 01:10:04 PM »
Man, all this time I thought I was just playing a silly game...

I still don't get how "chivalry" comes into play when we are all pretending to fly airplanes and play war...  
Especially since chivalry was typically an idea held onto by folks who never really fought in wars...  
Real combatant knew what was really important.


Offline nappy

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2003, 01:30:26 PM »
well and good i know that this is just a game, but the idea of chivalry, for me anyways, gives me the satisfaction of doing
deeds, that i normaly never have the chance to do.
I get the chance to follow in the footsteps of great men who
flew in WWII and WWI, even if theyr only virtual ;)


Offline Griego

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #88 on: March 03, 2003, 04:33:23 AM »
Originally posted by nappy
ps: the first time it happened in AH i was quite frankly stunned.
i was thinking like: "gawd damn, so this is how its done in AH!"

the second and third time i was more resignated, and after
having read this thread i understand that this infact IS the
defacto standard in AH....xept for me :)
(and hopefully a few other who still believes integrety, chivalry and respect is a virtue in the virtual world... no matter if the guy in the chute gives out 6 calls or otherwise give out information

 I felt the same way nappy.   Now I just give them the  and I feel much better.  

 Played AW and WB and there were very few incidents of it in those sims.  It seems to me that it was  looked down at also.

 It's just the quake mentality of some of the guys. They think it's cool. :rolleyes: but it does show lack of character. IMHO.

 And for those that will post a negative reply to this  here's my [virtual finger]  !:D

Offline Griego

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gawd damit, ya all shoot pilots in chutes now?
« Reply #89 on: March 03, 2003, 04:42:28 AM »
Originally posted by nopoop
Shooting chutes is considered bad form in WB.. Never shot a chute in my whole time there.

When I got over here I'd be bailing after I got shot up and then this squishy sound would start and I'd end up in the tower ???????

Having finally come to an understanding of what was happening to me when I bailed...I..


I burst into tears..

..a great sadness came over me as I came to terms of the true meaning of these pilots actions..

It was then after much mental anguish and self realization..

I killed my first one..

Lookin around making sure nobody saw me I killed him..

I snuffed his wittle life out..

I felt nausiated and all most blew junks..

I became depressed and quit going out of the house..

In the days that followed I learned..

You do finally get over it..

Cuz when all is said and done, they pop real good :D

 ROLF!   but you never get over it.  It just gets easier.  :eek:

 Then you've gone over to the quakeside.  and theres no turning back. Because nothing matters after that.  :D