Author Topic: "HumpaMAW"  (Read 326 times)

Offline Waffle

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« on: March 02, 2003, 04:01:42 AM »
Wow N8dog - you really missed the point on that didn't you.......
I'm sorry I missed the chance to reply when the threads were open...but I'll have to setlle for this and I'm sure it will be locked soon.

Lets take a closer look....

    "HumpaMaw equates roughly to ****aMaw, which implies that you guys are the takers, the recievers...or as I said " My Bi*ches"
This was "laid" out in fun (no pun intended), and not to be a "sore" spot...(again, no-pun intended) with the MAWs in any fashion other than a good ol' fashion "ribbing" or "poking". (AGAIN, no pun intended). I would hope that 40dogMaw would have enough sense to tell you to "simma' down now" For I think most of the MAW know that it is just fun and games and there is no harm done. But no, you have to rant and rave and call me a queer, which on some grounds is slander. I'm secure enough in myself to say that what you "post" about me doesn't bother me as much as it evidently bothers you. I am not a homosexual, nor do I play one on tv...but if you must call me one; I must ask - "How' does it feel to have your bellybutton kicked by a queer?"

Offline muckmaw

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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2003, 07:11:20 AM »
Dear Waffle-

Why did I just start my reply that way? Geez it's early.

Anyway, your post and reply are both quite humorous. However, you have to understand, the MAW have been the target of quite a bit of "Ribbing" of late.

I can appreciate the fact that you made a post in jest, and it is quite funny.

However, you must understand that with the amount of flak we've taken of late, any post that is deemed derogatory, or even perceived as such is going to earn an angry reply.

I am not saying you deserved such a response. I only ask that you consider the recent "MAW Bashing" that seems to be in vogue these days, and realize that some  members, including myself are a little tired of others "Ribbing" my friends.

In reply you your above post, if you consider the MAW your "Bi*ches" I'm sure we can accomodate you with any of our members and provide a shoot out in the DA. Until such time, I respectfully request that you simply continue to Dry H*mp a leg or someother none orifice bearing body part.

Best wishes!