Author Topic: Mini Servers  (Read 290 times)


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Mini Servers
« on: August 19, 1999, 11:10:00 AM »
Pardon me for maybe going over old ground ... I've just joined this BB ...

If the main server is to be a subscription system [?] -  is there any intention of providing (free) mini-servers to cater for up to 6 players TCP/IP?

I'm thinking of 1v1 or maybe up to 3v3 H2H challenges, you see [gggggggg] ... a perfectly respectable complement to offline or full-blown arena play!

Aministrator, Warbirds H2H Ladder -

Offline indian

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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 1999, 11:14:00 AM »
See HT protects AH. The answer is there.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon

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« Reply #2 on: August 19, 1999, 09:27:00 PM »
Actually the answer is not there...See, HT? Peeps are gonna ask for it!

Build it and they'll freakin come.

It's all good.


Offline miko2d

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« Reply #3 on: August 20, 1999, 01:18:00 PM »
 They could sell that mini-server for considerable sum of money plus yearly support,  with a license to run on a single host. All commercial software is sold this way.
 Of course, you are probably interested in a free play...


Offline Horn

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« Reply #4 on: August 20, 1999, 02:56:00 PM »
Of course, you are probably interested in a free play...


Moi? Not unless I had bwana  

I'm merely stating that a FreeHost type of product would be new and unique in the market, and that HiTech could do as well as any, and better than most, at putting the"right stuff" together.

Eliminates the whole argument when instead of painfully learning to put together the current Freehost, it came inna box for 50 bux direct from the AH Website.

Offer new terrains and planes, train 'em to fly in the on-line "Show."

just sayin<tm>



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« Reply #5 on: August 20, 1999, 03:37:00 PM »
It would be great to cover (and support) all bases.

What the provision of a mini-server would do, would be to allow sites like my WB and Flanker ladders to flourish, building up a large "community" of users. A good, healthy community can do nothing but good for any sim.

What AH could provide is an official "front end" client through which people could connect to each other in this off-the-main-arena scenario. That way, you still get the advertising (and control) whilst still keeping it free for the small host users.

Let's face it ... 1v1, 2v2 is *never* going to compare with these amazing squadron events - chalk and cheese.

Bring people into the "community" via an official (free) mini-server and they'll all want to go on the arena at some stage.

Why is Half-Life/TFC still being played online by *thousands* night after after? Because it's a damned good game and because online time is free - with hundreds of mini-servers out there.

When Sierra release their next killer product, their market will be HUGE. Quite simply, good online play/support keeps a game or sim *alive* ...

Aministrator, Warbirds H2H Ladder -


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« Reply #6 on: August 20, 1999, 07:31:00 PM »
I don't think the point is to keep the "game" alive, so to speak.

What you want to do is keep the company alive.  As it stands in Warbirds, you get the software and all updates for free.  By making multiplayer gameplay free as well, you're making it very difficult for companies like I-magic and HTC to stay afloat.  If these companies fail, we may still have Warbirds or Aces High, but they will never be updated or improved.  What you are in essence paying for when you play on-line, is the continual updating of the product.

I don't see the relevance of comparing simulators like Warbirds and Aces High to games like Quake (or whatever).  The people who play these flight simulators are sim enthusiasts who wish to enjoy their pass-time over the long run.  They don't mind paying because it ensures that the source of they're pass-time remains financialy fit.  Making gameplay free may attract many new players (including the associated nasty elements)but I don't see how it will do much good for HTC or the future of Aces High.



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« Reply #7 on: August 20, 1999, 08:47:00 PM »
Sorry .. I think you've missed my point. I wasn't talking about *all* multiplayer. Arena play could (and should) still be by subscription. I was referring to a cut-down mini-server for(up to 8 players only).

I disagree with your point about Quake-style games. We tend to think that flight sims are long-term things ... they are NOT (any longer). Half-life has outlived (yuk! .. terrible pun) at least six perfectly good flight sims. They're dropping like flies.

I'd say releasing a (free) mini server may prevent AH "making a fast buck" but I think it would help in long-term sales.

AH players in small groups of 8 (maximum) aren't going to dent the economy that much, Shirley?

Another point ... would this also mean that LAN play would also be impossible? One of the good things about Su-27 Flanker has been it's (relatively) good performance on a LAN. How many other flight sims of a comparable age are still frequently being played on a LAN today? If you want to talk longevity, then Flanker is the one.

Now .. this isn't helping much to sell more copies of Flanker, but it *is* keeping interest high for Flanker 2.0. This is precisely my point - "keeping a sim alive" by extending its playing community as much as possible.

Aministrator, Warbirds H2H Ladder -

Offline hitech

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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 1999, 09:00:00 AM »
If you are just talking about longgevity i'd have to say the Flight sims have it hand's down. AW start around 88 and still has some of it's orignal players.


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« Reply #9 on: August 21, 1999, 09:21:00 AM »
If you are just talking about longgevity i'd have to say the Flight sims have it hand's down. AW started
around 88 and still has some of it's orignal players.

I am guilty of payin $6 p/hr fer AW in '89 off of GEnie...took a sabbatical, finished when Kesmai kicked us out of Gamestorm in July (am I still bitter? Yes).

I always thought Solitaire was the oldest game....

So HiTech, whaddaya think of doin a "small" AH? I know it might be a tad premature  , but sumpin to look at for the future.

just sayin<tm>


Offline hitech

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« Reply #10 on: August 21, 1999, 10:06:00 AM »
Ive already stated that AH will have 4 to 8 player capablitly with a lobby server free from our our web page.



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« Reply #11 on: August 21, 1999, 10:32:00 AM »
>... AH will have 4 to 8 player capablitly with a lobby server free from our our web page.

Thanks for the reply, HT - good to hear straight from the horse's mouth [heh] ... ermmm .. what exactly do you mean "lobby server"? That the "lobby" is free (to chat) but actually playing (up to 8) isn't??

Does this mean that 4-8 player on a local LAN is out of the window?

Aministrator, Warbirds H2H Ladder -

Offline hitech

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« Reply #12 on: August 21, 1999, 11:39:00 AM »
My basic plan is there are 3 connection option's.

1. H2H play, or lan play.
2. Lobby play, works sorta like halflife does anyone can run a server but that server when it comes up will register it self with our host and then people will see it running and can join in.Ive been debating weather to view this list you will have to make a guest account with us, no CC info required, or just let anyone see it.
3. Normal online play.



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« Reply #13 on: August 21, 1999, 12:45:00 PM »
HT (thanks) .. sounds good to me!

>1. H2H play, or lan play.
Supporting how many players?

>2. Lobby play, works sorta like halflife
Sounds OK .. I think that system works well.
Is this the 4-8 players option?

>3. ... or just let anyone see it.
I think the fewer perceived obstacles there are, the better. People get paranoid these days even leaving their email addresses, with all the mail spammers around.

Is it premature to ask whether there'll be just one or a number of main hosts??

I've not checked the website lately, but much of what you've just elucidated on deserves to go on the site. I'm sure many people will be as interested as I am.

Last thing ... how do people on this BB get those fancy quotes to work? I'm making do with the dreaded ">".