Bush is protecting US from Saddam ? Is that what you are saying ? He is protecting US in Iraq just as Slobo was protecting Serbia in Knin. Both have one thing in common - they're out for landgrabbing.
You are generalizing way too much. Not every muslim is a terrorist. I know very well what was happening around me in 1990s. I have spent my time at the front as well, 1992-1993. And yet, I know better than blame tho whole Serb population. It was their leadership and criminals who are to blame. Ordinary people are easily mislead - this board is the proof.
Iraq ? You think US troops won't do war crimes ?! Just browse this board. It will give you a clue. Just as here are warmongering idiots, is as there in the field there will be a bastard who will spray his 5.56s in bunch of unarmed civilians. Or lead one of the missiles a little to the side, just for kicks. For 09/11 revenge or just for fun, doesn't matter.
I have witnessed war crimes done by our own soldiers. The liberators and defenders, you know. They were in response to war crimes done by Serbs, but were still war crimes.
It is easy to get out of this sad country and patronize across the Atlantic. We, however, have to deal with ourselves every day. Our soldiers live with PTSP, unemployment is very high among them, suicides not uncommon. Meanwhile, our politicians have gained tremendous profits, guess how - arms smuggling, black market, even human organ market. I've leraned very well not to trust politicians.
You really believe cowboy invested billions of dollars only to liberate poor Iraqis of some tyrant ? Or free whole world of great danger, despite world refusing to recognize the danger ? Oh boy, isn't he a really nice fellow to do all that for nothing.
And just maybe he is out to get land and oil. To increase profits for US companies which will enter Iraq once it is all over. He wants the natural resources. Popularity increase because he won the war on terrorism. It is the vote that counts. And a fat account.